Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 133: This misunderstanding is great!

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Chapter 133 This misunderstanding is huge!

The next day Yang Xu woke up.

It was unexpectedly discovered that the reputation has risen by more than two thousand points!

"It was really an indulgence yesterday."

This time.

Yang Xu put a lot of pressure on himself.

Yesterday that drunk was released.

He felt that the whole person was completely reborn and relaxed a lot.

Xiuwei actually improved a bit.

Four next look:

Hey, Lianyi is gone.

She left a letter saying that Yang Xu will be a surprise soon.

Yang Xu did nothing and left the city's main palace.

Meeting all the soldiers along the way, Chaoyang Xu performed the attention ceremony.

The eyes are full of admiration and yearning.

He has become a celebrity and a master in the eyes of these soldiers!

Yang Xu walked around Qingzhuo City.

Everywhere is talking about Mengzhang treasure house.

The cultivators from all over the country also gathered in Qingzhuo City.

After all boredom, Yang Xu thought of the paper crane girl.

She seemed to be calming down for a while, and she didn't come to sultry.

Hey, this time I changed you to sult you!

Of course, Yang Xu didn't know that now the mother crane is not Wanwan.

He walked the Dragon Snake and wrote:

"Girl! Have you missed my grandpa, please say a few words with my grandpa, and do some small, high-frequency, sustained personal exercise."



The red paper crane crosses the space.


A mysterious place, seemingly independent of the world and time and space, suddenly exploded.

"You dare to count the cultivators of the Heavenly Wind Kingdom, your conspiracy will not succeed..."

Qin's beautiful face is full of anger.

"Gquack! Just because your soul emperor wants to stop my plan, give me the shadow **** forever! Seven Great Fingerprints!"

Suddenly, the sky is turbulent.

Negative emotions such as fear, sorrow, despair, and loss roll over and turn into a mountain of hands.


Hit **** You Qin's body.

There was a crack in the space, and Qin's fell down, as if to fall into **** forever.


A red Qianji crane came through the space.

Following Qin Shi burst into the space crack.

In the endless darkness.

Qin's woke up from a coma.

"Ah... so dark!"

"I'm so scared! So painful, where is this?"

Qin Shi panicked.

If you hit the seven emotions, you will have a lot of negative emotions.

At this time, Qin's has been eroded by negative emotions.

She roared loudly in the boundless darkness, full of despair.


In the darkness, a warm red light suddenly appeared.

It is a thousand cranes!

It is unaware of the existence of darkness.

The sole brand of someone's soul glowed faintly on the crane.

The red light, the size of a baby's fist, made Qin's desperate eyes light up.

"Can't sink! Even if I have nothing, I still have disciples, I still have ethereal palace!"

"Everything is a conspiracy, I have to spread the news!"


Qin Shi took out the Qianji Crane and wrote down all the information to Tu'er:


Qianji Crane shattered as soon as it came out.

Shadow Hell is an extremely powerful space. The space plate is extremely solid and the rules are unbreakable.

Ordinary forces simply cannot get in and out.

"How could it fail?"

Qin's unbelief spread all her people who possessed the soul mark.

All failed!

Qin's gaze finally landed on the red paper crane flying around her:

"Can't pass it out, then why can it pass in?"

His eyes flickered, and Qinshi disassembled the paper crane.

Soul Emperor Realm's cultivation behavior made her eyes easily break through the darkness and read the handwriting on the paper crane:

"Girl! Have you missed my grandpa, please say a few words with my grandpa, and do some small, high-frequency, sustained personal exercise."


Qin's face was hot and hot.

She almost threw the paper crane out like hot hands:

"What a mess of ghosts!"

Her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

After recovering for a long time, she was suspicious:

She doesn't have such disgusting friends who are invisible.

Who stole the mark of his soul?

Is that girl Wanwan...


Qin's teeth gritted his teeth, and wished to beat the fat boy.

See what she's making obscene friends!

Having endured his internal discomfort, Qin's retrieved the paper crane:

"Who are you? What's your name?"

She sent the paper crane full of hope.


The paper crane disappeared across the space.

"Successful! Only this paper crane can be sent out! What is going on?"

Qin's couldn't figure it out.

"She asked who I was and what was her name?"

Yang Xu received the paper crane and thought that this girl was playing role-playing with me.

He replied:

"I am Qinglang, there is a nickname called Hao Gege."

Qin's received a reply and was pleasantly surprised:

"My guess is right! Only his paper crane can be sent normally! It should be because when I fell into this space, it came in and connected the power of space and time?"

Open it up:

"Qinglang? Hao Gege? What a weird name."

Qin's thought changed:

"Qinglang... Qinglang? Hao Gege... good brother?"


Qin's heart suddenly became angry again:

"Good you are a disciple! I dare to take advantage of the owner of the palace! I am Master Wanwan, you... yes, I don't seem to tell him that I am Master Wanwan."

Suddenly she replied:

"Not me, I am her master, you should be respectful."

Yang Xu laughed when he received it:

"Haha, play stranger games? Interesting, I will come too."

He replied:

"Coincidentally, just now it was the old gangtuer, not myself. The female donor, are you asking the poor monk for a son or marriage?"

Qin's completely speechless:

"When this kind of messy nonsense goes on, when is the head. No! It's a matter of great importance at this time, not tolerant! I have to test out his details to see if he is worthy of trust and take the heavy responsibility!"

When the thoughts moved, Qin's thought of a way.

Her cheeks flushed in the dark.

She is really embarrassed to pretend to be a man to tease men.

"There is no time to waste, you can only use this method! In order to prevent people from being deceived, we must expose the man's conspiracy as quickly as possible!"

Qin's recalled the little girl's coquettish tone with her and replied blushing:

"It's boring not to play, tell others who you are and where do you live?"

Yang Xu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

"This girl can't help but want to send agaric for thousands of miles? I'm going. Isn't the brother's charm too great or the stranger's sister not provocative? The brother's seventy-two stunt is still useless."

"Sister, it's a pity that you can't locate it, otherwise brother will tell you my exact address and come directly to find me."

Yang Xu replied.

"He's avoiding the question? Who is he? Where is he really worth trusting? Is it the wicked minions?"

Qin's mind flashed countless doubts.

"Oh, you tell others, they also want you to play a small, high-frequency, lasting personal game..."

The paper cranes sent out, and Qin's blush brightened the darkness.

"There must be a problem! The other party has been asking me for my location. Was it her husband's husband who had discovered it, was it what I said?"


Yang Xu resolutely replied:

"I'm the old king next door, sister, you just call me my brother. Come and call my brother."

"Where is Brother Wang? What does Brother Wang do? What are his hobbies?"

Qin's is about to lose patience.

The wicked vicious plan was revealed late, the more people attracted, the more terrible the disaster would be!

Not much time wasted her.

"Brother Wang, what do I do? I like to play iron. My favorite thing is to listen to the sound of the sound of the iron. It's a pity that the brother is too long, otherwise it will make your sister feel close and feel comfortable. ."

Yang Xu replied in the past and smiled:

"Hey, people are with you to see the sea, brother is with you, how practical."


This time he posted it.

There was no reply from the opposite side.

Just when Yang Xu was impatient.

The paper crane is flying.

Yang Xu opened a look:

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player for triggering the main mission, do you accept it? 】

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