Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1318: Red feather small plane

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Chapter 1318 Red Feather Small Plane

The red feather plane is a small plane that cannot be smaller.

The seat is covered with mountains and rocks, and the resources are barren.

Ordinary is simply a deserted place.


This time, because of the inheritance of the Fire Cloud Evil God, people frequently patronize here.

It is said.

The inheritance of the Fire Cloud Evil God is hidden in this little red feather plane.

This day.

Another group of people came out of this red feather plane.

There are three or five people, both men and women.

At first glance, all the rich children came out.

Landed behind this red feather plane.

They all frowned.

One of the thin-skinned women with good looks was more impatiently complaining:

"What a thin spiritual power, dry breath, thin energy, so uncomfortable to stay here."

Standing next to her is a strong man, holding her water snake waist and comfortingly:

"Baby bear with me for a while and wait for us to find the inheritance of the Fire Cloud Evil God, all this is worth it."

The water snake waist woman's eyes suddenly light up:

"I heard that there are so many amazing treasures and magic weapons in the inheritance of the Fire Cloud Evil God, is it true?"

This time.

Not only that big man.

Several other people also all shined together.

Almost in unison:

"Of course it is true!"

"Find the inheritance of the Fire Cloud Evil God, we will get rich!"

Take the action of these people in your eyes.

The passerby who had come to this face long ago couldn't help shaking his head:

"Another unlucky egg fooled by the voice."

"Fuck, this little broken place has been tossed back and forth dozens of times, there is a hairy inheritance!"

"A master has even dug here for three feet, and even the hair of a fire cloud evil **** has not been dug out!"

There were sounds of discussion and complaints, and there were sounds one after another.

The group of Water Snake Waist frowned immediately.

"Forget it, ignore them, let's talk about it."

The big man hugged the water snake waist woman and said in a deep voice.

Maybe this group of people didn't want them to get involved, so they said this deliberately.


After half a day.

They have walked through the entire small plane.

It’s true that Mao didn’t find one!

"Which **** legend here has the inheritance of the Fire Cloud Evil God?"

"There is a legacy of fart, this is a land where birds don't shit!"

The big man yelled.

The woman beside the water snake waist, as well as several other companions, also looked a little ugly.

All the people around made a burst of laughter:

"Haha, I told you a long time ago, you don't believe it!"

People looked sympathetically here.

And at this time.

The noisy crowd suddenly became quiet.

Brush brush!

A look, all gathered towards the sky above:

Just above the sky, a magnificent and fascinating red light appeared.

It looks like a blaze of flames is burning.

It seemed like a rainbow was waving.

The dazzling and beautiful light condenses on a graceful and mysterious body.

She seemed like a fairy in heaven, and stepped into the world.

The holy and beautiful face was covered by a white gauze.

Above the gauze, there are layers of mysterious runes attached to block any peeping sight.

No one can see her true face.

Only her beautiful eyes, like water, soft like the sun.

With a slight glance, everyone was dazzled.

The big man who hugged the woman with the water snake waist clenched her hands.

"Oh, you hurt me!"

The water snake waist woman tweeted and looked jealously at the mysterious woman who was full of mans and descended from the sky.

"You are stupid, your eyes are coming out!"

The woman in the water snake waist twisted hard around Han Han.


The big man seemed to be unaware, and ignored him.

Actually, the mysterious woman leaned over.

He did the same with him, and there were other men.

Eyes obsessed, staring at the mysterious woman without moving.

That hatred in the woman in the water snake waist:

"What's the point of this demon girl? Sao fox will scratch her head!"

Her jealous eyes stared at the mysterious woman.

"Where did the fairy come from and where would he go?"

"Did the fairy come to find the success of the Huoyun Evil God?"

"Fairy, you're right, don't look at this red feather plane is very small, I heard that the inheritance of the fire cloud evil **** is buried here.

The mysterious woman Shenhong wraps around her body with soft light, skin like snow, and black hair like waterfall.

She wore a mysterious veil, the strange symbols on it lingered, and the only pair of eyes exposed outside scanned the entire red feather plane:

"Is this the red feather plane? It seems that I can't sigh any treasure or inheritance."

Her voice was gentle, and the birds that sounded so good seemed to be inferior to the woman's voice.

The men around were almost drunk.

"No, no, don't be disappointed, fairy, maybe the heritage hasn't been born yet."

"Yes, the Fire Cloud Evil God is the most mysterious genius in the world. He is proficient in refining equipment and organ magic. He is the master of the organ and we all respect the Fire Cloud Evil God."

"The inheritance of his old man must be mysterious, something that ordinary people can find."

"Yes, yes, but the fairy is not an ordinary person at first glance. I don't know where you are from. Wow?"

Someone wants to inquire into the details of this mysterious woman.

The woman ignored it.

The path passed through the crowd and went forward.


A bunch of men suddenly followed.

The mysterious woman frowned slightly, and there was a trace of impatience under her eyes:

"This fairy body is still difficult to control...it is really troublesome wherever I go..."

She looked back:

"Everyone, I want to look around here alone. It is not convenient for you to follow, is it okay?"

"Okay, fairy, just look anywhere!"

Everyone should be in unison.

But there are also discordant voices:

"What kind of outfit do you want to see everywhere? We also want to take a look around you."

"Yeah, take off all your clothes and let the people have fun!"


The crowd flashed away.

There are three men who are insignificant in appearance.

All three of them haunted the atmosphere of Dao Tibet.


They deliberately said such awkward remarks and were ready to fight.

Want to try out the details of this mysterious woman.

The people around them all cast contempt and dissatisfaction on them.

But no one shot--

They are also very curious. What is the origin of this white-veiled woman?

Just as everyone wanted to see, the woman faced the provocation of three people.

What will be the reaction.

In full view, the mysterious woman didn't even do any extra actions.

She only glanced at the three guys.


There was a ray of light in the eyes, flashing by.

Everyone felt slightly dazzling.

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