Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1319: Flying knife genius!

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Chapter 1319 Flying Sword Genius!

And just in the next second.


The three provocative men were ignited without warning.

And they burned from the inside out, and even if they exhausted their means, they could not extinguish the strange flames inside.

Only a few breathing kung fu.

The three men burned into three piles of black ashes.

A ray of dry wind came and shouted.

The ashes disappeared.

All the men present had a cold war.

The eyes of the mysterious woman are full of fear and fear.

And the woman who had been watching with cold eyes and looking at her who was not pleasing to the eye.

Even the body shivered and could not help but tremble all over:

"Oh my god, with just one glance, three Dao Tibetan masters were burnt to death?"

"What is the origin of this woman, how can the power be so terrifying!"

I remembered that I was planning to find an opportunity just now to tidy up this woman.

The Water Snake Waist woman couldn't help but feel terrified.

"Well, if nothing else, these Haoyang eyes are very useful."

The mysterious woman made no representation.

With only one sigh in his heart, he turned his head and continued to search around.

This time.

No one dared to follow her again.

Not to mention provocation.

Good guy, who knows if people will have a look, let you burn into a pair of black ashes!

Even the monks in the Tibetan realm can't stop people's eyes, OK?

Just when everyone had a lot of talk about the mysterious woman and all kinds of speculations.


Another team came.

They are all dressed in black and have no expression.

Only the young man headed, his expression was lazy, and his eyes flashed from time to time.

"Huh? Is it the Zhuge people?"

Seeing the signs at the corners of these people, some people laughed out loud:

"Huh, the people of the Zhuge family still have faces, traitors of the human race!"

"Yeah, the Yang clan colluded with the demon, but the Zhuge clan got a scum of collusion with the demon! They were not afraid of everyone's ridicule!"

The voice did not fall.


The lazy young man headed by that suddenly disappeared.

Two spatulas of light flashed away.

Two of those who mocked the Zhuge clan froze there.


Two blood lines appeared on their necks, puffed and fell to their deaths.

"Everyone should pay attention to it. It's no problem to talk about my Zhuge clan. It is my Zhuge clan who made a mistake after all."

"However, just don't let me hear it."

There was a sneer in the corner of the lazy young man's mouth, a long and graceful finger, with a flying knife like a willow leaf, slightly shimmering.

Just now he used this thin flying knife to cut the throats of two people with many mouths.

Everyone was stunned by the young men's fierce means.

No one spoke for a while.

"Well, everyone seems to have listened to me, so that's fine."

The lazy young man grinned, his narrow eyes narrowed into a line:

"Everyone is scattered. Check it out."

"The inheritance of the Fire Cloud Evil God wants to find opportunities, but it is also good to understand the terrain here in advance."

Brush brush!

The Zhuge people behind the lazy youth were dispersed to investigate the terrain.

The lazy young man found a clean stone and lay down casually.

The slender fingers fiddled gently, and the willow leaf flying knife was like an obedient butterfly, turning one shadow after another among his beautiful fingers.

For the people around him, they cast a lot of hostility, or fear, or angry eyes.

He turned a blind eye.

"I think of it! Do you remember that the Zhuge people once had a talented child, and they played well with a flying knife at a young age?"

"You mean the little ghost head of Zhuge, Muzi?"

"Yes, it is said that this Muzi, met a worldly surnamed Li, and took a fancy to his talent on the flying knife, and accepted it as a disciple. But then somehow, the Zhuge Muzi disappeared bizarrely, never again Did not appear."

"Isn't that Flying Knife genius just this person?"

People looked at the lazy youth in awe.

Recalling his terrifying power to kill two powerful men at that moment, he couldn't help his scalp numb:

"There is a mysterious woman who burned to death in the front of the Tibetan master, and now there is a flying knife master..."

"Is it estimated that there are other masters coming here?"

"I don't know who Zhuge Muzi and Yang Xu's genius Yang Xu are stronger?"

This remark came out.


A white light flashed suddenly.

The talker's eyes widened at once.

A gleam of blood burst out of his throat, puff!

The body fell to the ground.

On the stone, the lazy young man flicked his finger, and Youyou said:

"Yangxu is my enemy of Zhugemu, as long as I see him, I will kill him."

"I don't want to hear his name from any population now, do you understand?"


The words of the lazy young Zhugemu made the people present shudder.

Especially his dagger flying knife technique is even more shocking.

"Don't you listen if you don't want to hear it? Don't you get scared when you hear Yang Xu's name... Poof!"

There is a blood flower blooming.

The talker sealed his throat with a knife, and he was absolutely disappointed.

"I don't want to make killings anymore, please don't mention the name that upsets me, okay?"

Zhuge Mu's lazy face showed a faint smile.

The narrow eyes narrowed into a line, and they were clearly laughing.

It just makes people feel a chilling fear.

"By the way, I've been on the road for too long. I want to be quiet for a while, so please don't make too much noise."

Zhuge Mu smiled slightly.

For a time.

The people here are silent, and no one dares to speak again.

For fear of accidentally angering this master of flying knives, his throat was sealed with a knife.

Since then.

A strange picture is formed here:

The lazy young man lay on top of a large rock, closed his eyes, and casually played with a flying knife.

The people around, wishing to stand on tiptoes when passing by here.

Lest any sound be heard.


There was a loud bang.

Breaking the strange silence here without warning.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically:

Brush brush!

All curious eyes looked at Zhugemu.

Seeing Zhugemu's brow slightly wrinkled.

His face was somber.

Brush and pull!

Everyone's eyes looked at the coming person again.

They wanted to see who, after all, was so bold that he dared to disturb Zhugemu's quietness.

"Yangyi, look at what you did, your ability to control the spacecraft is too bad, even the Taoist can't stand you like this."

Yang Xu's helpless voice rang.


The door of the earth-shaking **** shuttle opened.


Yang Yi was kicked by Yang Xu.

There was a smirk on his face, and he must pay attention to it next time.

Yang Xi and Yang Hui who followed him all snickered with their mouths covered.


A flash of knife, without warning, suddenly flashed in front of Yang Yi.

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