Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1338: Dinghaishen Tree!

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Chapter 1338: Defining the Poseidon Tree!

"Boss, is this bottle so powerful?"

King Nine You Leilong curiously said.

Hear Yang Xu's explanation.

He couldn't help but wonder:

"Even the divine body can be easily solved. It is estimated that the powerful dragon body of our dragon family entered the two yin and yang gas cylinders, and it is difficult to end well."

have to say.

The Fire Cloud Evil God is really a cattle man, even the famous Yin and Yang two cylinders in the Westward Journey have been copied.

more importantly.

The power is not under the original version.

I really don't know, what other magic weapon can't be tossed by the Fire Cloud Evil God?


Yang Xu opened the two cylinders of Yin and Yang.


A strong yin and yang fluctuated and rushed into the face.

Yin and Yang ancestry is the chaotic part of the origin of the Yin and Yang qi of heaven and earth.

The strong yin and yang volatility made De Yangxu's heart tremble:

【Ding! 】

[Sensing yin and yang ancestry fluctuations, the unknown attribute of "Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Pillars" is activated, is "Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Pillars" advanced? 】

"I'm going, the Yin Yang Twenty Dragon Pile activates the unknown attribute?"

Ever since I got the "Goddess Bell" and other protective gods after surgery.

Yang Xu almost forgot "Yin Yang Twenty Dragon Pile".

It is a powerful defense technique.

Take the Yin and Yang Qi as the source of strength, condense the Yin and Yang dragon around the body, you can attack and retreat.

Cultivating to the peak state, it can condense 20 yin and yang true dragons, powerful.

At the beginning.

When Yang Xu hadn't shed his mortal womb, he once relied on this body protector to perform martial arts and be invincible.

"It's a pity that I now have a golden black **** bell jar, and then I practice other body protection exercises, which is somewhat redundant."

"And once advanced, its accumulated skill proficiency will be cleared, and the power of the Jushacheng Tower system will be reduced..."

Yang Xu thought about it and asked the system:

"System, can Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Pillars and Golden Black God Bell Bell be integrated with each other?"

【Ding! 】

[The two belong to different types of exercises and cannot be combined! But the third attribute of "Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Pillars" can enhance the power of the sun Jin Wu of "Jin Wu Shen Bell"! 】

"Oh? What's the use?"

"Jin Wushen Bell" practiced to the sixth level, can condense the true fire of the sun, and smelt into a sun Jin Wu.

From the sun to the golden to the sun, if "Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Pillars" are used to support it, the combination of rigidity and softness, and Yin and Yang crossing Thailand, can exert more powerful power!

And this is also related to the third unknown attribute that has just been activated in "Yinyang Twenty Dragon Pillars":

It can be condensed into Yin and Yang God Armor, both rigid and soft, combining Yin and Yang, attack power +200%, defense power +200%!

And once it is advanced.

I am afraid there is still further improvement.

"Well, let's advance the Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Pile."


Part of the skill proficiency accumulated in "Yinyang Twenty Dragon Pillars" is instantly cleared.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, "Yin and Yang Twenty Dragon Pillars" advanced success, players learn the magic: "Yin and Yang Dragon Pillars"! 】

[Divine Skill: Yinyang Shenlong Pile

Grade: perfect

Power: SSS+

Description: Gather the spirits of Yin and Yang in heaven and earth, condense the two qi of Yin and Yang, transform the Yin and Yang Ssangyong, and attack and retreat.

Description 2: The score is divided into 20 layers, and each layer is built to condense a pair of Yin-Yang Shenlong, defense power +200%, attack power +200%!

Description 3: Twenty yin and yang **** armor can be condensed, each of which is built, the defense power +200%! Attack rebound +10%!

Description 4: Unknown! 】

What the hell!

Can't think of "Yin Yang Twenty Dragon Pile" after advanced.

The power has actually improved so much.

Attack power and defense power are both doubled and doubled.

At level 20, all training is completed, and attack and defense are directly increased by 40 times.

I knew so,

Why don't you think so much!

"This Yin-Yang Shenlong Pile and Yin-Yang Shenjia can obviously be used together with "Golden Black God Bell"!"

Yang Xu sighed.

There are a total of 12 levels in "Jin Wushen Bell", and now Yang Xu has reached level 10.

Its potential has also been developed to the limit.

To further improve one level, the skill proficiency required is massive.

The difficulty is getting bigger and bigger.

And as Yang Xu faced stronger and stronger enemies.

For example, the Heavenly Swords, Zhugemu's Night Swords and the like, the eighth and ninetyth floor bells of the gods, it is difficult to guarantee that they can completely block their attacks.

The appearance of "Yin and Yang Shenlong Pile" just made up for this defect.

"Haha, this is really an unexpected gain."

Yang Xu's eyes sparkled with excitement.

The Nine Serene Thunder Dragon King beside him is also happy for Yang Xu.

"Okay. Let's speed up!"

"There are two good babies over there, waiting for us to get it!"

Yang Xu opened his eyes, and stared at two directions in the distance:

over there.

Burial Playboy and Holy Heaven are fighting against the test of Fire Cloud Evil God respectively.

In front of them, there are two shining babies.

Yang Xu’s goals are precisely these:

"At first, you wanted to grab my sword embryo, now it's your turn to grab yours!"

Feng Shui took turns and came to my house today.


Somewhere in the extraterrestrial space.

The burial dude stands proudly in the void, waving his folding fan repeatedly.

Every time it is swayed, a beautiful flower blooms in the void.

They are brilliant and contain a strong vitality.

At the moment when the wonderful flower blooms, a little pollen is crystal-clear like jade, and it is like stars spreading into the void.

And around the funerary dude, surrounded by mechanical puppets.

It is different from the mechanical puppet that Yan Xiao faces.

The puppets faced by the burial dude are all possessing a strong flame power.

Each puppet can be easily taken away, and all the wonderful flowers it summons are disintegrated.

"Do you think this way can trap me?"

"I am going to fix this Dinghaishen tree!"

The funer dude looked at the void in front of him, the treasure full of seal chains.

His eyes flashed in the eyes of the must-have, buzz!

The folding fan waved violently in his hand, with a colorful symbol rising above it.

Puff puff!

The fan bones of the folding fan, one after another, kept breaking apart.

The fan bones shattered and annihilated into powder, like pollen, colorful.


The funer took a deep breath, and suddenly a lot of colorful powder was sucked into the body.

Boom, Boom!

A thunderous sound suddenly sounded on his chest.

With his heart beating, a fairy flower bloomed at the position of the funeral heart.


The white fairy flower is spotless and blooms with a petal.


The five-day cultivation of the burial **** Dao Tibetan Realm has soared two floors around.

Jumped to the 7th heaven of Daozang Realm!

"not enough!"


Bury Playboy swung out with a punch, after flying a flaming puppet, hum!

At the heart's mouth, the white fairy slowly blooms the second petal:


The funeral was shocked all over, and the breath of terror soared to the peak of Daozang Realm 9th Heaven!

Only one step away from moving away!

not far away.

Yang Xu, hidden in the void, blinked slightly:

"Is this funeral man's cultivation practice soaring?"

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