Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1339: The lion roars!

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Chapter 1339: The Roar of God!

"This Nima is like a medicine, when did Xiuwei grow up?"

Yang Xu wanted to hide to see the limit of the funer.

How do you know.

After the funeral prince repaired soaring 4 small realms.

No longer continue to urge the fairy flower on the chest.


His whole body swept like a tornado.

All the puppets of flame tremble slightly as they pass by.

The funer snorted:

"Huh, the test of the Fire Cloud Evil God is nothing more than that."

"That Poseidon Tree is destined to be in my pocket."


The burial dude grabbed into the void and suddenly the space collapsed.

A black evil flower blooms in the black hole of space:


It swallowed a puppet of flames.

The huge corolla wriggled, poof.

A pile of messy parts was eroded and scattered in the air.

"Give me all collapse!"

After the funer's power soared, his character also seemed to be extremely violent.

He waved his hands repeatedly, and the void collapsed into pieces.

One black flower after another, occupying the void, prey on flame puppets everywhere.

The fight lasted more than ten minutes.

at last.

All the flame puppets were swallowed up by the black evil flower.

"Sorry, I passed your test."

There was a gloomy face on Playboy's face, and he said these words with a sneer.

His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his pupils were exactly the same as the black evil flower.


The sky in the distance, the Dinghaishen tree with countless seal chains, all the seals shattered.


Like a king, it exudes a powerful and majestic light.

"You are mine!"

Bury Playboy laughed loudly and flew to the Ding Poseidon Tree.

at the same time.

Yang Xu's eyebrows, the world **** Liu seedling, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly fluctuated at this moment.

A strong desire was passed from the world **** Liu seedling to Yang Xu.

"Want this Dinghaishen tree? No problem!"

A flash of fine light flashed in Yang Xu's eyes.

It's time to get some interest back.


The sky behind Yang Xu, the wings of the gods startled:


He came first, and was a step faster than the burial dude, and came to the Dinghaishen tree.

"Yangxu, it's you!"

Burial Playboy's face suddenly changed, full of anxiety and anger:

"You dare to **** my stuff, find death~!"

Yang Xuli ignored him, waved his hand, and grabbed the Dinghaishen tree.

The Dinghaishen tree is only half a meter high, which is similar to the common wealth trees and ornamental trees on the earth.

However, the whole body is of golden light meaning, exuding the breath of the king.

The surging vitality fluctuates, and Yang Xu is amazed.

Seeing that he was about to take the Dinghaishen Tree.

Without any warning, the changes are steep:


A sound of beast roar erupted into the void.

In front of Dinghai God Tree, the void suddenly twisted.

A weird flower that relied on the head of the beast suddenly appeared.

It was like an angry lion with a big mouth, fangs shimmering in cold light, and swallowed Xiang Yangxu's arm with a mouthful.

"Hahaha, Yangxu, I have guarded you already!"

The mournful voice of the funeral dude sounded:

"I've always been the only burial dude to grab others, and no one has ever grabbed anything from me!"

"Unfortunately, you can't grab your four sword embryos, you Yang Xu is an exception."

"But if you want to take the things I like, you daydream!"

His series of sound waves are all sent out in a wave of mindfulness.

In the moment Yang Xu's mind sounded.

Burial Playboy attacks again:


Yang Xu felt that the surrounding void collapsed directly.

The huge void pressure suddenly squeezed towards him from all directions.

"not good!"

Yinyang Shenlong Pile!


Yang Xu's body is formed by the power of Yin and Yang.

Two dragons, one black and one white, circled and whistled around his body.

The pressure of the nothingness around him is kept out of the rest.

"Jin Wushen Bell Bell!"


A hundred layers of golden black **** bell jars instantly wrapped Yang Xu.

On top of his head, a dark evil flower, with a pungent stench, Chaoyang Xu swallowed down:

Kaka Kaka!

Yang Xu's golden black god's bell jar broke apart more than 50 layers in succession.

This shows the terrifying power of this evil flower.

"Continue to swallow me, I want Yang Xu to die!"

Boom, Boom!

The funer's heart was beating frantically, and the white fairy flower slowly blossomed out the third flower.


The cultivation practice of the funeral prince made a leap to move to the second realm.

The terrifying breath brought him infinite strength:


Yang Xu was full of thirty black evil flowers in full bloom in all directions.


They roared like wild beasts, all swallowed to Yang Xu:

Kaka Kaka!

The golden black **** bells layer after layer, which kept breaking apart.

"Sun Jinwu, Yin Yang God Armor, attack!"

Yang Xu ordered:


Three golden sun-gold suns suddenly condensed on the golden bell of the whole body.

Kaka Kaka!

The sun is covered with a layer of black and white doped Yin and Yang God Armor.

They are like armored gods, rushing to the evil flowers around them.

With the protection of Yin and Yang Divine Armor, the corrosive power of the evil flower makes it difficult to hurt the sun.

However, the sun shining around the sun Jinwu completely burned all the evil flowers in an instant!

Speaking a thousand words, in fact, everything just happened in a moment.

Burial Playboy sees the evil flower difficult to solve Yang Xu.

Can not help launching a second attack:

"God's flowers are like forests, life is true! When you think of it as an immortal, bury the flower into the gods! Kill me... Boom!"

The funeral mantra is not finished yet.

A huge sound wave hit him hard.

The power of horrible sonic waves crazily destroys his spiritual power.

I saw him opposite.

Yang Xu held the Emperor's Bell, assisted by this mouthpiece, and directly launched "Lion Fen Xun Tian Gong".


Accompanied by a roar of mad lions.

The void is like liquid, oscillating circle after circle.

Above the sky, the Vajra Buddha, with its golden body shining, sat across the golden lion and descended from the sky.

They have great mana and magical power to surrender all anger.

King Kong passed by, and all the odds collapsed.

The black evil flower that filled the void, like snowflakes encountered boiling oil, disappeared instantly and completely.


Yang Xu urged "Lion Fen Xuan Tian Gong", and bombarded the funeral **** again.


The burial dude spouted blood.

The spotless holy fairy on his chest shattered directly.


A little bit of aura powder spewed out of him.

The burial **** moved to the territory for 2 days to repair his behavior, and exploded rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it was once again reduced to Daozang Realm 5 times.

"Damn, I will come back! The Dinghai God Tree is mine!"

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