Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1343: Ghost Gun vs. Killing Halberd!

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Chapter 1343 Ghost God vs. Killing Halberd!

On the contrary, it is the Holy Heaven.

He didn't even think that Yang Xu would be the only reason for the race bag.

did not expect.

Even his own third **** eye "Evil God Eye" could not help He Yangxu.

"The potential of this game is too great, and he still has a bad hole, he can't let it grow any longer."

"It must be completely eradicated by thunder!"

In the eyes of Holy Heaven, a cold murderous opportunity flashed through.

The original look of contempt that disregarded everything completely disappeared from his face.

He began to look squarely at this opponent who was younger than himself, but whose talent and means were not under him:

"Yang Xu, congratulations, your success attracted my attention."

Shengtiandu's voice became indifferent, unable to hear the slightest feelings:

"Next, I will use the most powerful means to kill you completely!"


Holy Heaven never looked back, his right hand slammed into the void.

Behind the void, a mysterious rune of mystery shone with golden light.

A golden giant stick with a thick bowl emerged.

Holy Heaven grabbed the golden giant stick and dragged it out of the void.

It is a Fangtian painted pole halberd.

It is cast with gold in its entire body, and its gleaming halberd blade is haunting.

The sharp tip of the halberd seems to be howling and whistling.

Above the thick halberd of the bowl, a golden dragon was imprinted, the five claws were as cold as electricity, and a pair of longan burst into the light of death.

Sheng Tiandu held Fang Tian's painted halberd, only a slight shock, hum!

The golden halberd was buzzing and trembling, and the attached golden dragon seemed to faintly emit the sound of dragon roar.

"Come on, Yang Xu, you will soon know that your Lankinus sharp gun is not worth mentioning in front of my Hades.

"I will use it to cut off your head!"

As soon as Yang Xu heard it, he couldn't help laughing:

"Everyone will talk big words, or see the real chapter under your hand."

The voice hasn't fallen, boom!

In the hands of Yang Xu, Longinus's Wraith Gun slammed into the Holy Heaven.

The practitioners around were all stunned by Yang Xu's actions:

"It's incredible, Yang Xu really dared to fight against the Son!"

"The strength of the Holy Mountain is already very strong. The Son is the leader among the many geniuses of the Holy Mountain. Yang Xu may not be able to bear his means."

"Yang Xu is in trouble this time. The Yang clan might lose this new patriarch!"

Almost all practitioners are not optimistic about Yang Xu.

Even on the Yang Family, there were many people who felt a wave of shock at Yang Xu’s invincible impression.

Only Yang Yi, Yang Xi, and Yang Hui who have personally seen Yang Xu's powerful means have enough confidence in Yang Xu:

"He won't lose the patriarch, Holy Heaven is looking for his own way!"

"Huh, the man who can kill the patriarch in this world is not born yet!"

Yang Yi's eyes flickered and began to quietly tell others:

"This battle between the patriarch and the Holy Land is crucial, and the patriarch must not be distracted."

"Everyone pays attention to vigilance and must send any external factors to the patriarch, so that no one can disturb the patriarch!"

Yang Yi and Yang Xi, they began to guard against someone will take the opportunity to attack Yang Xu.


The Longinus Ghost Gun revealed by Yang Xu was wrapped with clusters of extremely heavy water power.

Wherever he passed, the void collapsed directly into a void black hole.

The Lankinus Ghost Gun rushed to the door of Holy Heaven almost in a blink of an eye.

"Trick and squid tricks, also come to ugly."

Sheng Tian didn't bother to smile, his eyebrows were in the center, and the third eye "Evil God Eye" opened a gap again:


A gleam of golden light was like electricity, and it was slashing towards the Lankinus Wraith Gun:


Longinus' Ghost Gun attack stopped.

Sheng Tiandu grabbed the Emperor's Killing Halberd with his big hand, and threw a wave.

Suddenly, the mountains moved.

The entire Fire Cloud Evil God Corridor, like an earthquake, shook more than once.

All the cultivators were slanting, and their bodies fell quickly to the ground uncontrollably.

"The power of this emperor's killing halberd is so weird that my body is out of control!"

"Me too, what strange weird blades are used in Holy Heaven?"

In all directions, the onlookers were affected by the pond fish.

One by one, all crooked and crumbled to the ground.

Yang Xu was the first to bear the brunt, bearing the power of the Hades.

The moment when the invisible force impacted.

The ultimate spider induction warned Yang Xu.

Yinyang Shenlong Pile!


Yang Xu gathered around him, and immediately condensed two black dragons and one white dragon.

They circled left and right, lingering spiritual energy all around.

The invisible power of the Ming Emperor's Killing Halberd was suddenly blocked by these two Yin-Yang Shenlongs.

Wings of the gods!


Without the repression of the Hades, the wings of the gods have already recovered all supernatural powers.

Yang Xu shocked the God Wing, traversing the void like electro-optical:


He blinked to the top of Holy Heaven.

The cultivators who followed here in all directions climbed up from the ground in a hurry:

"Yangxu and Shengtian both played head to head!"

"Are you finally going to win or lose? I wonder who can win this move?"

The eyes of all the practitioners were attracted by the confrontation between Yang Xu and Sheng Tiandu at this moment.

No one noticed.

A pair of strange eyes appeared quietly in the corridor of the Huoyun Evil God's inheritance.

It seems that this piece of space blends into one.

No one perceives its existence.

And its pair of dark-eyed eyes twirled, staring at Yang Xu and Sheng Tiandu who were fighting together.

"The sharp gun is like a forest, kill the demon!"

Yang Xu held the Lankinus Ghost Gun and used a set of marksmanship.


In a blink of an eye, Longinus pierced with 1,008 shots.

Dense gun shadows bloomed in the blink of an eye.

It looks like a peacock.

Holy days are all around, every place is covered with dense gun shadows.

Together, the terrifying power of the collapsed space erupted.

"Ming Tao swells waves, sweeps through all directions, destroys the gods, cut me!"


Facing Yang Xu's sharp gun attack covering the whole body.

The Holy Heaven did not lose a large square, but moved the Emperor to kill the halberd, the windmill in general.


The sky of golden light dazzled people's eyes and eyes.

The golden light formed a golden barrier:

Clang clang!

All the shadows of the guns were full of coldness, and they were all smashed out by the emperor's killing magic gun.

It was at this time.

"Pick the grass to find the snake, the gun is like a dragon!"

A bit cold, like a star of death, passed through the heavy gun shadow.

It is like a pen from a god, no trace can be found, and it instantly assassinates the throat of Xiangtiandu.

In front of Shengtiandu, Yang Xumo's expressionless face appeared:

"It seems to be my ghost gun, even better."

Seeing the Longenus muse, he was about to pierce the throat of the Holy City.

He was even stabbed with blood on his neck.


"Better than that? Yang Xu, you are too happy!"

"Dark Emperor God Dragon, burned all eight wastelands, huanghuang halberd, the power of the world, cut!"

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