Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1344: Lin Fire God Phoenix Sword!

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Chapter 1344 Lin Fire God Phoenix Sword!

"Dark Emperor God Dragon, burned all eight wastelands, huanghuang halberd, the power of the world, cut!"

There was a long roar with Holy Heaven:

Yin Yang!

In the hands of Shengtiandu, the emperor killed the sharp gun, and the body of the gun suddenly appeared golden.

Hundreds of millions of gold runes swept up like tornadoes.

In the golden light, a huge figure occupied most of the void.

All of them were stunned by this sudden scene.

People looked at the sky.

I saw a thousandth of an instant.

The holy days are all empty and roaring.

In his hand, the emperor's killing gun body shook, and a golden dragon tail, like a golden waterfall, suddenly flew out:


It draws into the murderous Longinus Ghost Gun:


The two collided, making a sound of metal impact.

The terrifying energy made the whole corridor shaky.

The ground was cracked with a black crack like a cobweb.

This fire cloud evil spirit inheritance seems to be broken in the next second.

What people did not notice is.

The mysterious eyes that blended into space blinked slightly:


All cracks in the corridor disappeared in a flash.

People's eyes have not noticed this.

Instead, they were completely attracted by the fight between the two of Yang Xu:


The Longinus ghost gun was pulled out by the golden dragontail.

Yang Xu grabbed it, looked up and floated in mid-air, and the whole body was golden, like the five-clawed dragon cast in gold.

The golden scales of the five-clawed dragon are splendid, the murderous lingering, a pair of huge dragon eyes blooming in a gloomy cold.

It locked Yang Xu.

"Kill me."

Sheng Tian had no intention of showing mercy, and ordered.


The five-claw golden dragon draws a golden light.

Next second.

The cold clawed dragon claws had already flashed over Yang Xu's head.

Yinyang Shenlong Pile!


On the side of Yang Xu, two Yin-Yang Shenlongs suddenly condensed.

One black and one white, two divine dragons swept towards the five-claw golden dragon.

"Calling the Shenlong, by coincidence, I will do this trick."

Yang Xu thought, brush!

A bigger figure than the five-claw golden dragon, surrounded by purple thunder light, a blazing purple dragon, flashed above Yang Xu's head.

"Hahaha, boss, I can come out and breathe again. This golden dragon is handed over to me, and I promise to keep it in order!"

Nine Nether Nether Dragon King ruffians, but his shot is decisive:


The thunderbolt dragon's tail swept out, and the electric light flashed, and the five-clawed golden dragon was directly pumped out.

Yin Yang!

The five-clawed golden dragon is almost the same as its master and holy heaven, very proud.

It felt offended and burst into angry hissing.

"Scream, cry again! I pulled you out of your tongue!"

The Nine Serene Thunder Dragon King brushed and turned into an electric light, flashing in front of the Five-claw Golden Dragon:


It once again pulled the five-clawed golden dragon out:

"The five-claw golden dragon is the legendary dragon, one of the strongest beasts. How could it be as weak as you? Are you a fake?"

The Nine Nether Hades King sneered while beating the five-claw golden dragon.

Shengtian saw that the dragon called by the Emperor Xingyu had been bullied to such an extent.

The whole person was surprised.

Just about to shoot.


The figure in front of me flashed.

Yang Xu smiled coldly:

"What do you want to do? Your opponent is me."

With the palm of his hand, Longinus' Ghost Gun disappeared.

Instead, it was a long sword with a flashing five-color god.

"Five Fire Lin Phoenix Sword? Why, are you going to come up with your most powerful means of attack?"

Holy Heaven raised a brow.

"Even the Five Fire Linhuangjian knows it, it seems that you really know my information."

The Excalibur slowly came out of the sheath, and a flaming unicorn was attached to the slender sword body.

The power of the flaming flame rises up, babble!

In the void, a phantom of a phoenix flickered.

All the cultivators were attracted by the power of the Excalibur:

"This is the Wuhuolinhuangjian?"

"I have seen the Wuhuolinhuangjian, how does it feel more powerful than before?"

Many practitioners who knew Yang Xu had doubts.

Sheng Tiandu frowned slightly.

The long sword in Yang Xu's hand is indeed different from the Wuhuolinhuang sword he knew.

"It seems that you have discovered it, it is no longer the Five Fire Lin Phoenix Sword."

Yang Xu smiled:

"I specially strengthened this artifact, and now it is a more powerful Linfire God Phoenix Sword!"

[Tao: Linfire God Phoenix Sword

Grade: perfect

Power: SSS!

Description 1: The Five Fire Lin Phoenix Sword combines the power of the Fire Lin King Divine Fire. It is the power of the Phoenix God Bird and God Tree. It is a refining of the Ten Sun God Fire.

Description 2: Fire attack +500%, sword power +500%, critical strike rate +20%

Description 3: 50% chance to trigger sword power, sword power +500%!

Description 4: The mortal blow + 15%!

Description 5: Unknown!

Description 6: Unknown! 】

Yangxu re-refined the Wuhuolin Phoenix Sword in the nine-hole cave heaven, the fire beast king of the real fire cave heaven, and the **** beast Phoenix **** bird in the sky of Tianmu Cave.

Not only is the grade increased by one, but the power is also greatly improved.

Especially the 50% chance of triggering the sword.

The lethality of the Phoenix Sword of Delin Fire is greatly enhanced!

"Whatever sword you use, in front of my killing halberd, everything is arrogant!"


Sheng Tian all waved the Emperor's Halberd, and Chaoyang Xu came to attack.

What he didn't notice is.


His proud look and the inevitable eyes have completely disappeared.

The expression that was high above the ground became sinking at the moment.


In his hand, the Emperor Hao killed the halberd, killing thousands of halberd shadows, and ten thousand murderous opportunities.


Yang Xu held the Lin Fire God Phoenix Sword, but was immobile.

In the face of the storm and rain, the sky and the halberd came from the wanton attack.


Lin fire **** phoenix sword finally unsheathed:

""Three Swords" perfect magic skills, the first form, a sword is empty!"

Accompanying Yang Xu with a low drink.

The first sword of Linfire God Phoenix Sword, beheaded out.

There is no senran sword and shadow, no tremendous momentum.

Yang Xu's sword is restrained, but the sword's prestige is not attracted.

He seemed to inadvertently, only wielding such a sword with his hand, smart and natural.


There is only one sword, but it directly sweeps away the heavy phantom of the Emperor's Killing Halberd, which is in the middle of the Halberd itself.


The hidden power of Lin fire **** Phoenix sword exploded in an instant.

A sharp and unmatched sword spirit instantly wrapped the whole halberd, clanging!

Above the golden halberd body, criss-cross, cutting out countless sword marks.

at the same time.

The sharper and more fierce sword spirit broke through the blockade of the Emperor Hades and killed the pilgrimage.

"not good!"

The pupil shrank suddenly, and Holy Heaven snorted.


The dense sword energy is sharper and more energetic than any sword energy he has ever seen before.

The horror sword prestige makes Sheng Tiandu's face extremely ugly:


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