Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1345: The three swordsmanship destroys the sky!

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Chapter 1345 The Three Swords Divine Skill Extinguishes the Sky!

The Emperor of the Ming Emperor kills the halberd and pulls back, rumbles like a windmill:


Holy Heaven has retreated three big steps, poof!

He spurted blood.

A bunch of black hair, scattered in the sky-

Yang Xu's attack was too violent, Sheng Tian retreated too quickly, and the load on his body increased more than ten times.

Even though his physical strength is far higher than ordinary people, it is also unbearable at the moment.

"Yangxu succeeded! Actually, a sword forced to retreat the Holy Heaven!"

"This is incredible!"

"Look, he was forced to vomit blood in the Holy Heaven by Yang Xu!"

Everyone stared at Yang Xu and Sheng Tian in the air.

Everyone's face was covered with horror.

among them.

Yang Yi, Yang Xi and Yang Hui, all of them were shining with their eyes, staring at Yang Xu with a bright face:

"I knew that the patriarch would definitely do it!"

"People who can fight the patriarch's idea, this world has not been born yet!"

"The patriarch's Linfire Divine Phoenix Sword is really powerful. He has been closed for so long. I am afraid it is to strengthen this Excalibur."

They are different from Yangyi.

Among the crowd, there was a young man, staring at Yang Xu in midair with a somewhat complicated gaze.

He looks beautiful and looks smaller than Yang Xu.

It was Lan Yu's son, Zhuge Mu's brother, Lan Yu.

Since his father entered the extraterrestrial space, he lost contact with himself.

after that.

It never appeared again.

Lan Yu had an illusion at first, and believed that his father must have had an adventure.

Until Yangxu and Shengtian both played extraterritorial space.

When the entire extra-territorial space collapses.

Blue disease has not appeared.

Lan Yu's heart sank suddenly:

"Is my father dead?"

"Who killed him?"

"It was the battle between Yangxu and Shengtiandu that led to the collapse of extraterritorial space. Did they kill their father?"

For a time.

Lan Yu looked at Xiang Yangxu and Sheng Tian's eyes, full of hatred.


He was a little confused:

To know.

Whether it is Yang Xu or Holy Heaven.

They are all domineering and well-known characters.

One of them is the patriarch of the Yang tribe, and the other is the son of the Holy Mountain.

Even Senior Brother Zhugemu, mastering the magic skill of flying knife, died in Yang Xu's hands.

Can one be the opponent of the two of them?

"Father's hatred, I have to report it! I can't deal with the two of them myself, but I can get help from my brother and sister!"

In Lan Yu's eyes, strong hatred and indifference flashed.

Two teardrops slipped uncontrollably from both cheeks--

His father is dead.

From now on, I can no longer hear my father's cough.

I don't want people around me to see how they are crying.

After blue rain stared deeply at the faces of Shengtiandu and Yangxu, his figure flashed and brushed!

Left here.


The Holy Heaven Capital was forced to retreat by Yang Xu with a sword and hit internal injuries.

But he didn't know at all. It was Yang Xu who had killed people, and he had nothing to do with Mao.

The baby with blue disease has no one.

in the end.

He himself carried half of the murder charges for Yang Xu.

Because of this, he was hated by a powerful young man!

If you know this.

He was afraid that he would spit up another breath in Holy Heaven.

"The strengthened Excalibur has indeed different responses. But unfortunately, if you want to kill me, you still..."

Holy Heaven wiped the blood from his mouth, and he had just said half of it.


A ray of sword light interrupted its strength:

"The power is not enough to kill you, you have to try to know."

Too lazy to talk to Holy Heaven again, Yang Xu made his sword directly:

"Three Swords" perfect magic skills, second sword, hundred swords without end!

Groan groan groan!

Yang Xu held Linhuo God Phoenix sword, and crossed his forehand and backhand.

Ling Li Jianguang, positive and negative, criss-cross.

Rolling sword energy, hit and bombard each other, stirring each other.

The powerful swordsmanship, so the power skyrocketed.

What made other sword repairers look more like this:

Yang Xu's sword tricks are tangled up and down, and the angle of attack is extremely tricky.

It seems to kill the enemy from all directions.

So that the Holy Heaven City, there is no space to fight back.

I saw that the sky was full of swords like rain, and the huge flame power contained in the Linhuohuang Phoenix sword finally broke out completely:


It seemed to be a cloud of fire that swept the entire void.

In the hall, the terrifying surging firepower made the practitioners breathing hot and extremely hot.

Their complexion is extremely ugly.

Even if the flesh is strong, it seems that it is difficult to withstand the powerful flame divine power of Linhuohuanghuangjian.

And the Holy Heaven Capital, which bears the brunt, feels even stronger.

In the endlessly spreading red flames, there seems to be a unicorn beast, stirring the fire.

The powerful Shenhuo power, entwined the whole body of Holy Heaven.

He seemed to be melted.

What horrified Holy Heaven is!

The flames seem to have consciousness, scorn!

The flaming flames can condensed into countless swords at any time, and the pilgrimage heaven is all over the body, cutting vertically and horizontally.

Haoran flame divine power, sweeping the sword and the sharp edge of the sword, forced the Holy Heaven to retreat again and again.

"Zhenwu Avenue, the chaos of heaven and earth, the supernatural powers, protect me Yuanyang!"

Zhenwushen Gang!

At this point.

Even though Sheng Tian was no longer willing, he was forced by Yang Xu and used defensive techniques.


There were countless golden symbols around him, swept out.

The power of a mysterious mysterious law condensed into a basalt tortoise shell around him.

The huge gang of gas, flashing the golden awn, tried to block the sky fire and sword awn from the outside.


The corner of Yang Xu's mouth, but a sneer came out:

"I thought that the 20% crit of Linhuohuang Phoenix sword and 50% chance of triggering the sword momentum, are you talking about playing?"

Accompany him with a sneer.


The sword spirit was finally bombarded with the true martial **** Gang of the Holy Land.

What horrified Holy Heaven was.

He didn't stop.

This blockade caused the property of Devil Fire God Phoenix Sword to be completely triggered:

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, trigger 20% crit, power +1000%! 】


Endless Jianmang seems to be all crazy, one after another like a meteorite descending, slamming on the Zhenwu Shengang.


The true martial **** Gang of the Holy Heaven City, directly shattered, bursting into a black crack.


The power of the diarrhea sword gas poured into its flesh.

The whole body of Shengtian suddenly burst into shocking scars.

The blood flowed gurglingly, and Holy Heaven was pale and ugly.


It's not over yet!

""Three Swords" perfect magic skills, the third sword, Wan Jian Guiyuan!"


The Linhuo God Phoenix Sword was instantly beheaded, and all over the sky were covered by the dense flame sword shadow.


In the endless sword light, the sound of the **** bird and phoenix faintly spread.


Thousands of sword marks reflected the horrified face of Shengtian.

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