Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1346: Kill corpses!

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Chapter 1346: Slaying Evil Corpses!

The sky is full of flames.

The dazzling phoenix of the phoenix **** bird contains a sharp killer, reflecting the twisted face of the Holy Heaven.

this moment.

Holy Heaven finally felt the threat of death for a long time.

At the same time the heart is frightened.

There is also a strong unwillingness to rise:

Can't die!

I must not die here!

At least this corpse must not be lost here!

His eyes changed rapidly, and Holy Heaven snorted:

"Yang Xu, if you don't want to die without a burial place, just give me the hand!"

"You have refined the gods and men of the Xiang clan into puppets. This is a great disrespect for the target clan! The Xiang clan, but a powerful presence that can enter the world of thousands, is not much worse than the Huang clan! If I pass the news to them, it will be ten. A Yang clan protects you and can't save your life!"

Except for the first sentence.

For the rest of the words, Shengtian all transmitted sound to Yang Xu's soul.

He thought that this was Yang Xu's secret, and it was also a fatal flaw that could threaten him.

Once shouted, it is widely known and loses its effect.


What makes Holy Day unexpected is.

Yang Xu was never threatened by others.

not to mention.

He has made up his mind that in order to fire the clothes, he must completely wipe out the Holy Heaven.

"If you want to threaten me, you will be too despising me."

A trace of coldness flashed on Yang Xu's face.

The elephant corpse was indeed refined by him into a murderous corpse.

This is one of his strongest cards, even if the Xiang people know.

Yang Xu will not hand it over.

Therefore, it is destined to have contradictions with the elephant clan, which is unavoidable.

Shengtian wanted to use this to threaten himself and miscalculated.


In the horrified eyes of Holy Heaven.

The endless swordsmanship of the sky, united in one moment.

Rolling the sword, turning into a **** of flame sky sword, slashing into the heavenly capital of the sky:

There is no sound of Jian Yin.

There is no sword gas howling.

All killings, all sword qi, all restrained into a sword light.


With the sound of Fengming, everyone only saw that a flaming phoenix manifested miracles from the Divine Flame Sky Sword.

Its flaming **** wings cover the sky and cover the sky, the Fengrui Tianjian merges with it, crosses the void at an alarming speed, and kills the Holy Heaven.

All the practitioners were shocked by Yang Xu's horrible sword.

Especially those who practice Kendo.

The power shown by Yang Xu's sword shocked them completely.

The most powerful sword repairer among the repairers has to admit:

They are proud of the tricks and nirvana.

In front of the sword of Yang Xu, it is totally worthless!

"Holy Heaven is probably in danger of life!"

"He might die here!"

Until now.

People finally changed their views on the strength of Yang Xu and Sheng Tian.

Many people looked at the Holy Heaven Capital with sympathy.

As for Yang Yi and Yang Hui, they were already excited and almost jumped up.

They stared at Yang Xu one by one without blinking.

Lest I miss the most exciting details:

"The patriarch's swordsmanship was unexpectedly so extreme!"

"It's just a matter of having so many weapons, I didn't expect the patriarch to practice such a powerful sword skill!"

Accompanied by the continual sigh.


The mighty sword light and the **** flame phoenix finally bombarded the most holy heaven:


Desperate Holy Heaven, there is no longer a superb style.

He frantically urged "Zhen Wu Shen Gang" to try to defend Yang Xu's sword.

With hundreds of millions of symbols, Shenhua circulates, rising from its body.

The golden gang gas hood, shaped like a basalt tortoise shell, enveloped the entire Holy Heaven.

There is a phantom of a mythical animal Xuanwu faintly, condensing out from the whole body.


In front of the perfect skill of "Three Swords".

Zhen Wu Shen Gang is like a soap bubble.


Slashed by a sword.

"Yangxu, you will regret it!"


Without a sword sword, the body of Shengtiandu was directly split into two halves.



The corpses of the two celestial beings were directly evaporated into nothingness by the flame of Divine Phoenix.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, killing the corpses of Holy Heaven x1! Reward experience value + 350 million! True power +35 million! Points + 3.5 million! Mana + 350,000! Crazy value +350 points! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the Dao: Xinghuang Killing Halberd x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the power: "Tian Ying Xian Zhe Shen Fa" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get x1 "Zhenwu Shengang" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get x1 "God to the Void Step" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: corpse water x1! use or not? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Purple Dust Spirit Crystal x1! use or not? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the best fire crystal core x5875! use or not? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the best spirit stone x3986! use or not? 】

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the full experience value, the level upgrade! Player's current level: Dao Zang Realm 4 heavy days! 】

At this moment.

There was silence around.

No one speaks.

People all have their eyes wide open, staring in the air, the direction of the holy sky disappearing.

Despite the depths of my heart, I am slightly anticipating this result.

But when the truth is really in front of them.

The faces of the practitioners still showed an incredible look:

"Yang Xu actually dare... to kill Shengtiandu?"

"It's too good! Even the face of the Holy Mountain is not given.

For a time.

People looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, full of wonder and horror.

And a trace of increasing fear and vigilance.

What amazes them even more is.

Both Yang Xu and Sheng Tian fought a battle.

Xiuwei actually raised a small realm.

The ability to break through in this battle is simply beyond the reach of people.

And those cultivators who did not look down upon him.

At this moment, they all changed their views on Yang Xu:

No wonder this kid has the ability to overwhelm the group and become the patriarch of the Tang Yang family.

Even the old thorn like Yang Duan was obediently subdued by him.

It seems now.

Yang Xu's strength and means are really extraordinary.

The extraordinary courage and courage to do so are even more amazing.

"Yang Xu beheaded the Holy Son of the Holy Mountain. I am afraid that such a shocking move will make it harder to be good."

"Yang Clan may also be affected by him and be hit by the Holy Mountain!"

Some visionary people vaguely anticipate the consequences of the Yang people:

Yang Xu’s move today is a huge crisis for the Yang people, and it is likely to be hit by the Holy Mountain.

From the mid-family position that had just climbed up, it fell directly.

But once the Yang people withstood the pressure and resisted the revenge of the Holy Mountain.

The Yang tribe can seize this golden opportunity and make fierce gold.

Among the middle-class families, they have emerged and stood firm.


The Yang tribe will leap into a giant family like the Lan tribe, and be on an equal footing!

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