Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 137: Is the group of tyranny coming?

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Chapter 137

Two stunning women, one slender figure, jade tui slender.

Like a quiet ice fire, wearing a black dress but unable to cover her charming figure, the eyes of autumn water give people a sense of shame.

The other is awesome, wearing a fiery red gauze skirt, like a flame, and the exposed skin of Luo is as white as snow.

A bright red mark on her eyebrows seemed to tell her fiery heart.

The moment the two appeared.

Almost everyone's attention was attracted.

"The Yin and Yang Saint of the Misty Palace!"

"They actually came!"

People looked at the two beautiful women either obsessed or surprised.

Only Yang Xu didn't look at them.

This man is watching Jinpeng's blood crystal.

Needless to say, direct fusion!

[Congratulations to the player, you have the power of Tianpeng! Increased physical strength! Speed ​​limit increased! 】

The body instantly became stronger and the strength increased a lot.

Yang Xu sighed:

"Dapeng's bloodline is a cow, strengthen the body and drop it!"

Yang Xu wanted to find Peng son to shed some blood!

"Sister, let's go to that mountain too."

Wan Wan dragged Yao Xueyi and walked to the alligator mountain.

"Hey, hey, I like to eat humanoid beauties the most. Two beauties, do you want to send them to me?"

The crocodile licked his tongue and seemed to prepare a big meal.

Wan Wanli ignored him.

While walking towards the top of the mountain, sweeping away.


She frowned pretty:

"Huh, there is a guy who is not watching us."

Yao Xueyi's eyes lit up:

"It's him!"

"Isn't it that Yang Xu?"

Wan Wan's eyes lit up:

"Sister, let's stand together with Yangxu. The man who can attract Sister, I'm so curious!"

She dragged Yao Xueyi down the mountain.

Yao Xueyi smiled and held her, pointing to the top of the mountain:

"The one above wants to eat us, you leave without doing anything?"

"Oh, almost forgot. Sister, you are waiting."


Wan Wan's figure suddenly disappeared.

Next second.


She suddenly flashed behind the crocodile.

The opposite He Gongzi, his eyes widened suddenly:

"Humans have such an amazing speed! The crocodile is careful behind you!"

Alligator turned his head, Hulong!

A fist hit me head-on.

It is a typical female powder fist, slim and snowy, and with a faint fragrance.



The crocodile's head was almost flattened.

He only felt that he was facing a humanoid beast.

The power contained in Pink Fist actually gave him a sense of difficulty.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The whole cone-shaped mountain was dead except for beating people, no, beating the crocodile.

People watched the goddess in their hearts, punching like a wind.

The crocodile didn't even return the phone.

a long time.

The crocodile has a swollen nose and a swollen face, legs inserted into the mountain.

He was slammed into the ground by Wan Wan!

In addition to sighing, everyone had no idea what to say.

Wan Wan stretched out comfortably:

"After finishing work, cool! Sister, let's go."


The two female figures flashed in front of Yang Xu.

"You are Yang Xu?"

Wan Wan looked at Yang Xu curiously.

"Yao Xueyi? How dare you come to see me?"

Yang Xu stared at Yao Xueyi, ignoring Wanwan.

Yao Xueyi's cheeks were red, and she bowed her head embarrassedly.


The crowd boiled again:

"I'm going! They know the boy!"

"Huh, this person is called Yang Xu? Is it Ling Yunzong's?"

"No, is Ling Yunzong not a third-rate school?"

Some people thought Yang Xu was mysterious.

But after knowing his origins, he suddenly became superior.

The sect gate behind them is much stronger than Ling Yunzong.

"Yangxu! Are you a third-rate martial arts guy who is also worthy of our equals? Get down!"

"Yes! Hand over your sword! Every Lingyunzong is not worthy of having such a treasure. Was it taken away by the demon clan for your responsibility!"

Those who stood on Beishan with Yang Xu shouted.

Yang Xu's eyes widened:

I've been there for a long time and haven't seen such a shameless person.

Looking at this group of stern men, Yang Xu was almost speechless.

a long time.

He looked down at the crowd on the mountain:

"You all seem to have forgotten, because of me, you were able to stand on this mountain."

"Without me, you are just a bunch of **** that can't be raised by the demon clan!"

"Want me to roll down the mountain and want my sword? A bunch of shameless things!"

Yang Xu's expression fell suddenly, coldly said:

"Now within ten seconds! Everyone rolls me down Beishan! Otherwise, die!"

"Yangxu! You kid of a third-rate sect also dares... pooh!"

The man was beheaded with a sword.

"Why doesn't it matter, you dare to kill, our major priests... Poof!"

Another sword beheaded.

"Will you vigorously condemn me? Anyway. You have five seconds, four seconds..."

"Zero seconds!"

Yang Xu looked at the North Mountain, and there were still people standing.

Try to provoke Yang Xu.

"There are people who don't know what to do."


One sword and one.

Puff puff.

The bodies fell to the ground one after another.

Lianyang Xu couldn't take one move!

"Let's kill the ring! He, as a human, actually kills the ring!"

"It's awful! I must let Master hit Ling Yunzong and find Yang Xu to settle the accounts!"

"Those who are so bad must be severely punished!"

A group of guys are still shouting.


A spear of the flame **** burst out.

It burst into the crowd instantly.

Everyone was blown into mud!

"The shameless guy, keeping you just pollutes the air."

Crane and Crocodile looked dumbfounded.

I go!

This human being, it is not worse than killing them!

at this time.


A group of men and women in white and white hair, headed by a man in a silver shirt, came out of the air.


They flew to the peak of He Gongzi.

He's eyes suddenly turned sharp:

"court death!"

A crane-shaped murderous shot came out.

The man in the silver shirt headed, pointed out with a sneer.


The crane-shaped murderous flesh collapsed directly.

A little silver awn burst out, bang!

A deep pit burst at the foot of He Gongzi.

"Don't want to die, leave now!"

The silver shirt man said quietly.

He Gongzi's face changed and changed.


His figure flashed and he hid to the mountain of the crocodile.

"It's the Son of Burial Moon Holy Land!"

"This master also came and scared Master He!"

"He knows he is invincible and is scared away by him."

People exclaimed again and again.

I originally thought that humans are not as good as the demon.

But since the emergence of Yang Xu, human masters have beaten the demon races one after another.

It seems that the human race is still very powerful!

People have a sense of pride in their hearts.

"Yao Xueyi is also here."

Burial Moon Saint Child looked at Yao Xueyi, a glance of admiration flashed in his eyes.

When I saw Yang Xu next to Yao Xueyi.

His eyes suddenly froze:

"Yangxu? How dare you come?"

Everyone was shocked:

Do they all know each other?

Those demon cries are almost crying:

"Know each other?"

"Are you guys here to abuse the demon?"

"Who are you, do I know you? Dare you have anything to do with you?"

Yang Xu saw the hostility of Shengyuezi.

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