Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 138: Meng

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Chapter 138 The Mengzhang Treasury is here!

Yang Xu's rhetorical question was regarded as provocative by the burial of Saint Child.

Especially saw him standing with Yao Xueyi.

Burial Moon Saint Child's eyes flashed cold.

Just about to yell at Yang Xu.


There was a sudden change in the cone-shaped mountain.

"Mengzhang Treasury is coming!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again.

Only Yang Xu's eyes flickered coldly:

"The conspiracy of the old man of cone heart is about to begin? I want to see how you plan to play."

He took out a thousand cranes and sent them out.

Wan Wan, who was beside him, saw his eyes bright:

"Wow! Brother-in-law, do you also play Qianji Crane?"

"What a brother-in-law! Don't talk nonsense!"

Yao Xueyi's cheeks were red.

"You are sisters and sisters, not sisters, so you cannot call my brother-in-law."

Yang Xu explained seriously.

Yao Xueyi is going to faint:

Isn't the point important?

"Sister-in-law, look at it, the treasure trove is revealed!"


A cone of terror cracked in the cone-shaped mountain.

The rocks fell and the dust splashed.


A majestic nine-story pagoda appeared in front of everyone.

All eyes are bright:

"Zijin Xuanjing! The whole pagoda is made of Zijin Xuanjing!"

Zijin Xuanjing is an extremely precious material.

If a purple gold xuanjing with large grains is added to the Danfang, the quality of the Elixir can be more than doubled!

Therefore, it is favored by the Dan master and is a valuable treasure without price!

"It is indeed a treasure trove of Meng Zhang! Only the surrounding buildings are so luxurious!"

There were still people who were suspicious before, all convinced.

"Sun, I have released the news in vain."

Yang Xu scolded.

"You two are careful, this Mengzhang treasure house is odd, don't fall into the trap."

Yang Xu reminded Yao Xueyi's second daughter.

Wan Wan immediately looked at Yang Xu in admiration:

"Wow, brother-in-law, you know a lot."

Yang Xu was speechless:

Even if you want to flatter me, please be sincere.

You compliment it!


The amethyst pagoda completely emerged from the mountain.

Its base is 100 meters square and 80 meters high, with a bright treasure and aura.

Someone couldn't help but rush into the treasure house.


A golden aperture suddenly appeared around the Mengzhang treasure house.

This aura contains inexplicable thrust.

All the people approached were flew out by the aura.

"Don't be restless, everyone! I am the spirit of the treasure house, responsible for guarding here, waiting for someone!"

Five colors of Shenhua flashed over the pagoda, and an old man appeared.

He was dressed in white, with a crane-like face, a fairy bone, and a kind of all-inclusive in his eyes, seeing through all the vicissitudes and wisdom.

Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

"It's the old man of the cone heart? It's really good to sell, but it's a pity that I can't hide it."

The features of this old man's appearance are exactly the same as those described by Qin Shi!

"If you want to enter the Mengzhang Treasury and be recognized, you need to pass three levels!"

"The first pass, Fangcun Ancient Road!"

"Second pass, Zhenjian Stone Tablet!"

"Third level, ten ghosts lifted the coffin!"

Everyone exclaimed:

"It turns out there is a test! Hurry up, I can't wait!"

The crocodile and the crane, all of them, also showed their expectations.

Yang Xu noticed.

The black sword sword repairer standing on the top of Xishan Mountain's eyes remained calm.

Even, he was looking at Meng Zhang's treasure house with a kind of scrutiny.

"Who is this person? There is no greed in the eyes, why is there a sense of being outside?"

Yang Xu could not help but secretly pay attention to this person.

"Now open the first test, Fang Cun Gu Road! I want participants to line up here."

The old man phantom pointed to the side of the pagoda.


Everyone actually agreed, looking at Xiang Yangxu together.

The face of Saint Moon was suddenly black:

Yang Xu again!

The crocodile and the crane also have cold flashes under their eyes.

Yang Xu was slightly stunned:

"Why are you watching me? Let me come first?"

That young man is welcome!


He flashed in front of the pagoda.

"Quick bodywork!"

Everyone was surprised.

Yang Xu's actions seemed like a signal.

Yao Xueyi and Wan Wan, Jian Xiu in black, and Saint Son of Burial appeared one after another.

Alligator and Crane follow.

Then it was the turn of others.

The phantom of Elder Cone Heart looked in his eyes, his eyes flashing slightly:

"The test officially started..."

"Slow down!"

There was a whisper of pampering.

The sky suddenly smelled fragrant.

Pieces of colorful petals are like scattered flowers, scattered all over the sky.

Ten women in black, with hot and hot bodies, graceful embossment, but their faces were covered by black gauze and flew into the sky.


Behind the ten women, there is a colorful peacock and a white snow lotus on her back.

Lotus petals bloom silently, brush.

A woman in white wears a fragrant fragrance, with snow-white jade feet, limping.

Yang Xu's eyes flashed:

"Why is this girl familiar?"


The woman in white landed at the front of the queue.

A pair of eyes like autumn water, smiling Yingying looked at everyone:

"The slave family came a step late, and they really wanted to enter the Meng Zhang treasure house for the first time. Do you want to give a quota to the slave family?"

The black sword repaired them and looked at one person.

Yang Xu was completely speechless:

"Fuck me again? Am I your compass?"

A scent of fragrance came suddenly.

The woman in white flashed in front of her, her eyes filled with water and looked at Yang Xu like:

"Good brother, they seem to value your opinion more, can you let someone join the team? People can repay you..."


All men looked at Yang Xu with envy and jealousy.

This is a flying blessing!

"Wow, you are in front of the beauty, you can let me put you in the back."

Yang Xu wanted to say this very much.


Yao Xueyi snorted in time.

He stared at Yang Xu with a "kind" look.

"Hum what hum, the two vulgar fans are also compared with my princess White Fox?"

The woman in white raised her eyebrows and stared impatiently at Yang Xu:

"Do you let it go or not?"

"Huh? The original charms were just pretended? Are you threatening me?"

"Threat you? Ha ha, I still need to threaten your human beings? I..."


Yang Xu coldly said.

The white woman's eyes widened:

"You let me go? You know me... bang!"

She was kicked out.

Yang Xu withdrew his feet to:

"Don't think that if you become a woman, I won't hit you, let alone just a fox."

After going through the city.

For the Orcs, Yang Xu didn't have any feelings at all.

Every year, I don’t know how many loyal human warriors die under the claws of the orcs.

"Who dares to let her jump into the line and meet in the treasure trove, I Yang Xu will never show mercy!"

"I won't show mercy."

No one expected that the black sword sword repairer who had never spoken.

Suddenly, Yang Xu raised his voice.

"Dare to let her jump in the line, is to fight against our Yin and Yang Saints!"

Wan Wan also smiled.

Shengyue Shengzi saw that Yao Xueyi didn't like Princess White Fox, and also said:

"The most annoying thing in my life is to jump in line!"


The first Yang Xu smiled.

Your annoyance is really low enough.

"The test begins immediately! Fang Cun Gu Lu, now!"

The old man's phantom waved his hand:


The five-color Shenhua flashed, and the ground suddenly shone with the light of mysterious yellow.

The ground flashes like a dragon rune.

Suddenly, a strange road with a full length of ten meters leading to the entrance of the treasure house appeared.


A ninth level soul rushed to the entrance suddenly:

"Take a hair test! Lao Tzu takes a step first!"


The old man's illusion was second to none, and the ninth-level spirit exploded directly.

"Those who do not keep order, who break into the treasure trove, die!"

The old man said coldly.

Everyone shuddered:

You can kill the ninth-level souls with your fingers!

And don't forget, this is just a phantom of the old man.

How powerful his body should be!

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