Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 139: Tianpeng speed!

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Chapter 139 Tianpeng Speed!

"Go into Fangcun Ancient Road."

The old man phantom said lightly.

But this time.

Everyone is well-behaved, and dare not look down upon him any more.

Yang Xu took the lead in jumping above the inch ancient road.

Suddenly felt a sudden change in the scene.

He seemed to have entered an independent space, the ancient road under his feet stretched over a hundred meters in width.

The reckless ancient road extends forward and can't see the head at all!

"Fangcun Ancient Road really contains Qiankun. It seems that the old man of Xinxin has many good things."

Swish swish.

Yao Xueyi and Hei Xiuxiu jumped in one after another.

Everyone's face changed:

"This is Fang Cun Gu Lu?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

Someone started very fast and wanted to win the first place.

Swish swish.

They flashed and appeared ten meters away in a blink of an eye.

A glimpse of the sacred Son of the Burial Moon glances at Yangxu.

A trace of pride appeared on his face:

Da da!

He rose into the air.

A silver moon phantom appeared at the foot.


Blink appeared 100 meters away!

"So fast!"

"It's "Moonwalking Shadow Step" in the Holy Land of Burial Moon!"

Everyone exclaimed.

"Look at me eight steps to catch the cicada!"

"Lingbo Mirage!"

Someone who is not convinced loses catching up.

However, it is far inferior to the speed of burying the son.

Yang Xu's heart moved.

He didn't use the fastest "Moon Step".

Instead, he used a new method that was half as slow:

Tianpengdu Yugong!


Yang Xu flew by like a Dapeng.

Blinked beyond everyone.

It is only one step away from the funeral of the Son of the Moon.

"What kind of exercise is this! It's not even under the funeral son!"

"How do I think it looks like Peng Gongzi's body style?"

Everyone was terrified.

Yao Xueyi and Wanwan held hands, and they were really running.


Star runes appeared under their feet.

They seemed to be stepped on their feet by the starry sky.


The two daring glances came out, keeping pace with Yang Xu.


A black ancient sword came round the black smoke.

It is that mysterious black sword repair!

In the blink of an eye, he almost surpassed the funeral son.

The proud look of the funeral son changed suddenly.

But somehow.

The speed of the black swordsmanship decreased slightly, keeping pace with Yang Xu.

Yang Xu's face was freehand, and he took it easy.

"You didn't do your best."

Black swordsmanship.

Yang Xu smiled, and he made sure to retain strength.

It was at this time.


A white figure suddenly surpassed everyone.

A scent of fragrance drifted across.

I saw the princess of the White Fox with her bare feet and her feet on the void.

At each step, a white lotus bloomed.

"Emperor Qiankun, the lotus grows step by step?"

Yang Xu seemed to find something, his eyes flashed faintly.

Princess White Fox turned her head when she surpassed Yang Xu and smiled faintly:

"Kill him!"


Crane and Crocodile suddenly appeared.

One after another, Yang Xu was included.

Funeral Saint Son found it, sneered and pulled away, without any help.

Chaoyang Xu, the black swordsman nodded:

"I'll wait for you in front."

The ancient black sword went away in an instant.

"Want to kill Yang Xu to pass me first!"

Yao Xueyi is extremely domineering.

It can be seen that it was her "second personality" who appeared.

Wanwan also wanted to shoot.

"You die!"

His arms shook, and the phantom of a white crane with wings spread appeared.


Two crane-shaped swords killed Xiang Yaoxue's second daughter.


On the crocodile's body, four black scales penetrated the void and flew out.

"Not on your own."

Yang Xu's eyes were cold.


Blood flashed.

Two system sounds at the ear.

"let's go."

Yang Xu they calmly left.

The crocodile son and the crane son stand still.


The bloodline of the two necks sprang out.

Head flying high...

The white fox princess grows lotus step by step.

Funeral Saint Child's complexion was blue.

With his pride, it was a shame to be surpassed by a woman.

He tried his best to push the body and try to catch up with Princess White Fox.


A black ancient sword surpassed him.

The son of Funeral Moon was black.


Yin and Yang saints held hands and surpassed him.

The burial of the Saint Son was so disturbed that he almost vomited blood.


Yang Xu spread his wings like Dapeng, surpassing him.


The funerary son spit out blood.

"Sister-in-law! You're so fast! If you let us, we can't even catch up with you!"

Wan Wan grinned.


Yang Xu laughed out loud:

Hello, my sister is also a saint.

You are not so delicate and contrived, do your family know?

"Look ahead! Zhenjian Stone Tablet!"

Yao Xueyi Road.

A hundred meters away, a heavenly stone monument stood towering like a mountain blocking the way.

The princess of the White Fox has a mysterious body and grows lotus step by step.

She blinked in front of the stele.

When I saw the content of the stone tablet, I was dumbfounded:

The stone tablet was covered with dripping scores, like a sharp sword, she couldn't understand it at all.

Swish swish.

Yang Xu they also arrived.

Seeing the princess White Fox's sad face, Wan Wan mercilessly sneered:

"What's the use of body method, one waste, not understand nothing."


Princess White Fox choked.

Yang Xu glanced at her coldly.

Her body shivered and her heart was annoyed:

The two silly demon she had attracted failed to stop Yang Xu!



The funeral of the Son of the Moon also arrived.

He glanced at Yang Xu and sneered:

"What's the use of coming early, not stuck here."

Yang Xu smiled indignantly:

"But I'm faster than you."

Faster than you...


The breath of the Son of the Funeral Moon floated, and another breath of blood was sprayed.

Looking at the stone carvings on the monument, everyone was at a loss.


The Zhenjian stele blocked the road.

If you don't understand the above things, you obviously can't get through here.

"Zhenjian? Is it related to the sword?"

Everyone looked at Xiang Yangxu.

The funerary son was so angry that his face was blue:

"This is Yang Xu again! Why can't I do it!"

Python Dragon Skill!

He vented like a blow, punching the stone with a punch.


The light of Zhenjian Stele flashed, tom!

The violent fist reflected.

The funerary son resisted hurriedly, bang!

Fly out with his fist.


Everyone laughed out loud.

Yang Xu's eyes narrowed:

"Can rebound attack?"

He moved his heart and drew his sword!


A sword cut to the stele.

"Yangxu be careful!"

Yao Xueyi and Wanwan Qiqi sipped together.

The sword flashed immediately behind the sword in the stone tablet.

"Sure enough!"

Yang Xu stared at the stele.

I saw phantoms appearing in the score on the stone tablet.

It was actually the evolution of "Drawing the Sword".

Every phantom is constantly changing and deducing.

Until "Sword Slashing" became more rapid and mysterious.


A sword light suddenly burst out from the stele.

The power is more powerful than Yang Xu's sword.

Sure enough!

Yang Xu's eyes lit up and fled to escape.

【Ding! ! 】

The clear sound of the system sounds in your ear:

[Congratulations to the players, found the magical function of "Go to the Wall of Crystals"! Is it charged? 】

"It's a great treasure to be able to infer and evolve the exercises! Of course, charge it immediately!"

[Insufficient player level! Cannot be charged temporarily. 】

The icy sound of the system sounded.

"You play me with the system."

Yang Xu stood in front of the stone tablet and cut out with a sword.

Based on the phantoms emerging from the stele, the sword technique is constantly improved.

I don't know how long it has been.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, comprehend the new sword skills, is it named? 】

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