Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 140: Ten must cut vs ten ghosts carrying coffin!

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Chapter 140: Ten Must Cut vs Ten Ghosts!

"Name "Ten Jue"!"

[Congratulations to the player, the naming is successful! 】

[Practice: Ten must cut

Grade: AA level

Cost: True Qi 10 points

Description: Derived swordsmanship in "Drawing Swords and Slashes", cutting out ten swords instantly at the limit speed and attacking!

Description 2: 10% kill rate! Each level increase increases the 5% kill rate! 】


Yang Xu Yixi:

The explosive power of "Ten Jue Shou" is much stronger than that of "Sword Slash".

And the rate of mortalities that can be increased is terrifying.

If "Ten Jue" is performed with the Linhuang sword, the kill rate can reach an astonishing 30%!

It means cutting out a hundred swords, at least thirty swords will kill in one blow!

"Yangxu! You waste so much time, can we pass?"

Burial Moon Son asked angrily.

Yang Xu rolled his eyes:

"Hurry up! You can do it!"

The son of Funeral Moon clearly couldn't say the refutation of "I'm commenting on a refrigerator, I still have to cool it." Yang Xu choked with speechless words.

"Look at me."

Yang Xu stood in front of the Zhenjian Stele.

"Ten cuts!"


On the Zhenjian stone tablet, a terror scar mark with thick thighs exploded.

Everyone was dumbfounded:

"What a powerful sword!"

"Even the soul can't stop this sword?"

Everyone thought that Yang Xu only cut a sword.

In fact, he was chopping ten swords in a twinkling of an instant, and he was just one.


The Zhenjian stele suddenly rumbled up and down.


In the center of the stele, a sword light sprayed out.


A stone sword flew into the sky, and no trace of it was visible in the blink of an eye.

"You missed a good sword."

Black Sword Xiu said lightly.

Yang Xu was not depressed at all:

"I can understand a sword technique, I have harvested enough, not greedy."

Yang Xu deliberately gave up the stone sword.

Although the system reminded him long ago, whether to capture the stone sword.

But the success rate of 1% and the fatality rate of 50% made Yang Xu give up decisively.

The stone sword is too powerful, even surpassing the Linhuang sword.

Far from what he can touch now!

Shi Jian flew out, and the rune flashed on the wall of Wujing, but he floated up.

A road reveals that it is to the Mengzhang Treasury.

A few people passed, bang!

Go down to the Wujing Wall and continue to test the people behind.

"Thank you, brother-in-law!"

Wan Wan grinned.

Yang Xu smiled and waved his hand:

"No thanks, at least I got a swordsmanship."

This bad guy glanced at the burial of Moon Son, and did not forget to pull him out to whip the corpse:

"It's better than the Son didn't get anything, and he was injured."


The funerary son vomited blood angrily:

"Yangxu! The disciples of Sanliuzongmen in your area have offended me repeatedly! Against my holy land, you will not end well!"


Yang Xu turned around and left.

Too lazy to take care of him again.

This guy was inexplicable, and was hostile to himself when he first met.

Yang Xu will not let go of the opportunity to hit him.

"Sister-in-law, the third hurdle is the ten ghosts carrying the coffin. I don't know what it is?"

Wan Wan asked.

Seeing that it is necessary to walk to the entrance of Mengzhang Treasury.


A ghost came suddenly.



Everyone separated.

The ghost disappeared suddenly.

Everyone was attentive, watching the surroundings with vigilance.

"Everyone be careful, these ghosts are weird. Never touch them."

Yang Xu said in a deep voice.

Two humans who have long seen Yang Xu's discomfort, sneered:

"What do you know from a boy who came out of the Sanliuzong door?

at this time.


Two ghosts came suddenly.

Neither of these two dodges, bang!

The ghost hit the two.


The two burned directly to fly ash!


"The two idiots did not heed Yang Xu's advice and deserved to die!"

"What the **** is this that can actually burn people to ashes?"

Everyone was shocked at the same time.

Inexplicably, they looked at Xiang Yangxu again.

"Look at me again? I don't know that ghosts are so dangerous, they are all guessing."

Yang Xudao.

Of course he is not guessing.

It was Qin's who told him that the old man of Cone Heart had a strange spirit beast, which looked like a ghost and was very poisonous.

So as soon as he heard "Ten Ghosts Lifting the Coffin", Yang Xu was secretly vigilant.


After evading the second wave.

The third wave of ghosts became three...

By the ninth wave, nine ghosts had rushed around.

Many people who are not fast enough are burnt to fly ash.

Yang Xu and Yao Xueyi barely dodge them when they start at a rapid speed.

But their consumption is increasing.

Gradually there are people who are weak and lack of energy.

Only Yang Xu, who is always in a hurry, avoids leisurely.

There wasn't even a drop of sweat on him.

"What kind of technique does this kid use? So strange and powerful!"

Burial Moon Son hated.

"This will not work, we will not be able to sustain it sooner or later."

"Since the ten ghosts were asked to carry the coffin, I guess the focus must be on that coffin! So the next step is everyone's chance!"

Yang Xu calmly analyzes:

"When the ten-ghost coffin appears, if it still has a ten-second pause as before, everyone must kill the enemy in the coffin as quickly as possible, and don't give him the chance to shoot."


Everyone should be in unison.

Unconsciously, Yang Xu used his wisdom and calmness to become the core of a group of people.

The son of the funeral month was so angry that it tickled his teeth.

The tenth wave begins!


Ten black ripples appeared in the void.

Ten ghosts emerged from the black ripples.

They are significantly stronger than the previous ghosts.

more importantly!

Above these ten ghosts, a black coffin was built.

The black coffin is completely dark, like black nothingness.

"Come! Come on!"

Yang Xu ordered.

Definitely cut!

Chanting chanting!

Ten sword qi slashed out in a flash, and they became one.


Hit the black coffin, making a sound like iron and stone.

Boom Boom Boom!

In the black coffin, there was a terrifying impact.

"Jade Goddess refers to Yin!"

"Jade Goddess refers to Yang!"

Yao Xueyi and Wan Wan directly radiate two rays of yin and yang.


The yin and yang merged into one, turned into a chaotic beam and shot towards the black coffin.


The black coffin crackled.

"Buy the Moon Divine Skill! Bury the Moon Claw!"

A bright moon emerged before the funerary son.

Right hand stroke:


Five dark finger marks appeared on the moon.

Kaka Kaka!

Five cracks appeared on the black coffin at the same time.

"Good claw skills."

Yang Xu glanced at the funeral son.

Until now, this kid has revealed the strength to match his son's identity.


The black coffin is still not eliminated.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The impact sound in the black coffin is getting stronger and stronger.

It seems that there is a peerless beast in it, to be out of trouble.

When everyone is at a loss.

Yang Xu looked at Jianxiu in black:

"Do you have a solution?"

Black Sword Xiu raised a brow.

Everyone didn't think it, but Yang Xu just felt that he was laughing.

And because of myself.

"There is a way, leave it to me."

Black Sword Repair shrugged.

Then step forward.

Ten ghosts seemed to feel threatened and became restless.

"Quick! They are about to start acting!"

Yang Xu urged.

Black Sword Xiu glanced at him, then.

Point out.


A black mang hole pierced the black coffin.


Ten ghosts fell apart.

The black coffin disappeared in a flash.

"The problem is solved?"

Everyone can't believe it.

After finally being safe, people looked at the man in black in surprise.

Jianxiu in black looked at Xiang Yangxu:

"Originally you have a way to solve it, but you have to trouble me. You owe me a favor."


Everyone stared at Yang Xu, and his eyes were shocked:

"You have a solution?"

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