Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1381: Seven corpses!

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Chapter 1381 Seven Evil Corpses!

"Yangxu has a lot of cards, and each one is strong."

In Lan Xuanyu's shocking eyes, "Blue Jiuzhong" looked at Shengtiandu with interest:

"It depends on whether Shengtian can take Yang Xu's several moves, and to what step."


Lan Qiying and Lan Xuanyu, their faces changed together:

"Which step can I support?"

"Brother Jiu Zhong means that Shengtian is not Yang Xu's opponent?"

"Isn't that possible...Yang Xu can be stronger than the Holy Heaven?"

Although I have already seen the strength of Yang Xu.

But the powerful name of the Holy Heaven City has a long history.

His invincible strength has long been ingrained in the hearts of many face practitioners.

The cultivators who had the same thoughts as Lan Qiying and Lan Xuanyu.

Not in the minority.

"Yang Xu is proud of being able to destroy the two evil corpses of Holy Heaven."

"But his way is over. Saint Heaven has been cut two corpses in a row, and he will definitely not let him go!"

"Yang Xu is estimated to be beheaded by Holy Heaven soon-such a genius, what a pity."

Many cultivators seem to have seen the scene where Yang Xu was beheaded by Holy Heaven.

One by one sighed with a sense of care:

"Holy Heaven is about to use the cards, Yang Xu can't escape!"

They all felt that although Yang Xu had a temporary upper hand, the final defeat was determined.

There are only a few cultivators who are skeptical about Holy Heaven.

Looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes, he was full of strong expectations:

"Whose deer died is not necessarily the case, Yang Xu may be able to counterattack!"

"One corpse and two corpses that can slash the Holy Heaven, maybe you can slash the other seven together!"

"Yes, Shengtian is going to use the hole cards. Why doesn't Yang Xu have the hole cards?"

"When he dealt with the blue genius Lan Jiuzhong, he used a lot of tricks."

Brush brush!

The eyes of the practitioners on the scene all focused on Yang Xu.

to be exact.

It was concentrated on the top of his head, and the gleaming treasure round the perfect wheel:

"I don't know what the power of that perfect wheel is?"

"Yang Xu used eight phases of supernatural powers to condense this treasure wheel, the power is definitely extraordinary!"

The eyes of everyone became full of eager expectations:

"Quickly release the true power of the perfect Baolun, otherwise Shengtian will go all out, Yang Xu, you will have no chance!"

These curious babies all want to see the true power of Baolun.

And Yang Xu is opposite.

Sheng Tian's face was gloomy, and there was nothing behind it. The nine phantoms of the gleaming Holy Infant were now eclipsed.

His tremendous and powerful momentum also became weaker.

Tianying God's eyes flickered slightly, and the pupils of Shengtiandu turned into silver, and Yang Xu saw his feet from the head:

"Is his secret weapon the perfect wheel?"

"No, Yang Xu has a lot of cards, and a successful Baolun is by no means his only way."

"At the very least, his eight-phase world supernatural power has not yet been shown..."

His eyes flashed slightly, and Holy Heaven made an instant decision:

Brush brush!

Behind the void, the remaining seven phantom phantoms suddenly flashed.

Turned into a powerful figure with seven breaths, flashed in front of Shengtiandu.

Every face is exactly the same as Holy Heaven.

Only the whole body breath is different.

One of the figures, no matter the size or height, is exactly the same as Shengtian himself.


The look on his face was more arrogant than Holy Heaven.

His eyes don't have any focus, and the stars in the universe are starry, and there is no reflection in his pupils.

This arrogant figure is empty of sight.

It was the first corpse cut out by Holy Heaven, proud.

The second figure has the same face as Holy Heaven, but it is fat like a pig, and the fat around the body is like a mountain of meat.

It is the second evil corpse in the Holy Heaven, greedy.

The third, fourth... The seventh evil corpse represents the jealousy, fascination, anger, laziness, greed and other evil thoughts of the Holy Land.

Shengtian cut these negative emotions out of himself with the "Tianying Infantry Act".

Melt with all kinds of powerful magic weapon and turn into a corpse.

Every corpse has incredible magical powers.

At this moment.

Holy Heaven will release all seven corpses.

Around every evil corpse, there was a black wickedness around it.

The void of the universe they are in is almost covered by the dark clouds of evil gas they have transformed.

It's almost like the devil is born.

In all directions, those onlookers could not bear the evil coercion of the seven evil corpses in the Holy Heaven.

They have backed away, far away from here.

Only Yang Xu was alone, and the crown of her head was spinning round, and she sprinkled the silk thread of energy.

The black evil breath had no effect on him.

"Yang Xu, your strength is beyond my imagination. I wanted to continue playing with you, but I don't want to waste any more time."

Shengtian stood behind the seven evil corpses, the back of the void, and the black evil clouds rolled.

He seemed like a demon, with a magical silver gleam in his eyes:

"If you are acquainted, seal yourself obediently and go to the Holy Mountain with me, everything is easy to say."

"But if you continue to resist, don't blame my holy sky for ruthless shots, I will abolish all your cultivation and then..."

"This kind of nonsense doesn't need to come up and talk."

Yang Xu interrupted Shengtiandu impatiently:

"Everyone on the scene can see that I will not agree to any of your requests. I am afraid that you will know this in your heart, why should you pretend to be here?"

"If you want to fight, just do it. I don't have much time to waste with you."

Holy Heaven's eyes flashed:

"Hahaha, Yang Xu, you are quick and quick. If it's not my camp, I really want to make a friend with you. But... since you don't agree to my terms, don't blame me for being merciless!"

Sheng Tiandu's eyes flashed a fine mans:

Before the Lord came, Qian Dingwan asked him not to hurt Yang Xu.

And Sheng Tiandu just asked Yang Xu that few words of "nonsense".

It is nothing more than the abolition of Yang Xu, the Lord blamed himself, so there was a word of refusal.


In the eyes of everyone excited.

Holy Day took a step back.

Seven corpses in front of him, the black cloud rolled, and the momentum suddenly soared:


They turned into seven black lights and straightened them towards Chaoyangxu.

Buzz, buzz!

Wherever he passed, the void seemed to be unable to withstand the evil thoughts of the seven evil corpses and collapsed and collapsed.

Yang Xu couldn't help but sigh:

The low-level dimension is the low-level dimension.

The void collapses without moving, and the pressure it can bear is outrageously small.


A black light turned into a flying arrow, piercing towards Chaoyang Xumei.

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