Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1382: Seal all!

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Chapter 1382 All Seals!

The black arrow flew straight into Yang Xu's eyebrows.

A corpse of the Holy Heaven Capital, with a look of pride, eyes full of domineering contempt:

"It's easy for me to kill you!"

He is more proud than the Holy Spirit.

It is arrogant corpses.

Seeing the black flying arrows he shot, rushed to Yang Xu.

There was a smug smile on his face.

Seems to have seen a scene where Yang Xu's eyebrows were penetrated.


The black flying arrows did penetrate Yang Xu's eyebrows.


But did not cause substantial damage to Yang Xu.

The fruit of the sun gives Yang Xu the property of not being afraid of physical attacks.

"If you want to kill me, you are far away."

Yang Xu smiled coldly.

It was at this time.

A huge shadow suddenly enveloped it.

The cultivators around them all stared at the moment, looking at the universe void with horror:

"Oh my god, how is this possible?"

"How come there is such a big mouth? Is it enough to swallow the whole universe?"

In the horrified eyes of everyone.

I saw a huge "big mouth" that swallowed the sky, the blood was flowing, the saliva was flowing, and Chaoyang Xu swallowed it in one bite.

Wherever he passed, even the void was bitten and swallowed by it.

And the master of the big mouth is just another corpse of the Holy Heaven Capital, greedy for the corpse.

"My gluttonous corpse has merged the bloodlines of ancient gluttonous beasts. Once it is swallowed by it, even the device will be melted and torn."

Holy Heaven embraced his arms, the old **** was standing in the sky, smiling at Yang Xu.


A huge suction came from the big mouth of the greedy corpse.

Yang Xu felt that the void around him was imprisoned by a swallowing force.

Step forward!

Yang Xu urged the body method, but only barely moved a short distance.

Wings of the gods!


Behind the wings of the gods, the light of the gods flows, the sound of blessings and praises from the gods echoes in the universe.

With help from Yang Xu, Divine Wing was shocked and suddenly got rid of the lock of the greedy corpse.

"Huh? Can't think of the swallowing power of greedy corpses?"

In the eyes of Holy Heaven, there was a trace of surprise.

On the Lan tribe, Lan Xuanyu and they all exclaimed:

"It's incredible. Seeing that Yang Xu is going to be swallowed, I can't imagine there will be other changes."

next to.

"Lan Jiuzhong"'s eyes kept flashing, and he watched all the battles in his eyes.

He is Yang Xu's incarnation, and all the pictures he sees can be shared with Yang Xu.

This greatly improved Yang Xu's grasp of the overall situation of the battle.

and so.

When the lazy corpse of Holy Heaven Capital flashed behind Yang Xu.

Holding a mottled broken bowl of historical monuments, he waited and waited for Yang Xu to send him to the door.


A **** sword gas shot at the frown of the lazy corpse.

Scarlet Jianqi was only three fingers wide at first.

But while flying, the cosmic energy was continuously absorbed by it.

When he beheaded to the lazy corpse.

It has been transformed into a sky-filled rainbow column, murderous, and sword spirit.

"Hurry up!"

Some of the cultivators who supported the Holy Heaven all shouted.

What is expected.

Lazy corpses are really lazy enough.

In the face of that arrogant sword energy, he was too lazy to do even evasion.

The broken bowl with the mottled monument in his hand was thrown away in front of him:


The dazzling runes rise from the broken bowls of ancient monuments.

The dense golden symbols made this broken bowl seem to have become the most magical existence.

It is bottomless, like an ancient well, absorbing everything.

Bloody sword light rushed to the front.

Suddenly the broken bowl mottled by this monument was absorbed.


The golden light dissipated, and the mottled ruins of the monuments were restored.

Seeing the bottom of the bowl, there was a touch of blood, and the sword was vigorous.

It was that ray of sword light.

"Oh my god, this corpse has easily resolved Yang Xu's attack."

Everyone was shocked.

Holy Heaven is here, but there is a sneer on his face:

"Resolve? Ha ha, is the corpse of my holy heaven only so simple to resolve."

at this time.

People saw that the greedy corpse grabbed the mottled broken bowl of the monument in his hand.

Even the attack was too lazy to do, only holding the bowl, Chaoyang Xu splashed.

It's like breaking the residue in the broken bowl.

A shocking scene appeared:

In the broken bowl, the blood burst suddenly.

A sword light, tearing the void, destroying the space, slamming Chaoyangxu and beating away.

It was the **** sword light that Yang Xu played.

What makes the cultivators take a breath is:

The sword light "splashed" from the mottled monuments of the monuments was more powerful and louder than Yang Xu's.


It resembles a **** sword peak, and the sun rises to the ground.

Wherever it passed, a huge black crack broke apart and turned into a cosmic sky.

"Yang Xu is in trouble. Can he take this sword?"

The monks around looked dignified.

On the Lan tribe, Lan Xuanyu and Lan Qiying also stared at that side without blinking.

"Yang Xu must be able to stop it. His strength is too strong, too many means."

Lan Xuanyu and Lan Qiying said so.


They were also "subdued" by Yang Xu's powerful strength.

Seeing that magnificent sword gas, overwhelming.


There is no surprise or fear in Yang Xuqingxiu's face.

He gave a contemptuous smile and brushed.

The round wheel above the head rotates gently, and the wisps of golden awns sprinkle like a golden waterfall:


Brush in front of the golden waterfall Chaoyangxu.


The golden waterfall and the **** giant sword collided, and an earth-shattering energy explosion erupted.

The aftermath of energy quickly swept through all directions.

In the dark cosmic void, a huge storm surged.

"Huh? I don't think you really have two lives."

Shengtian stood in the void, staring at Yang Xu with cold eyes, coldly.

Yang Xu disdain:

"Seven evil corpses, stop playing tricks, watch me seal them all!"


Yang Xu's head was empty, and the wheel was turned round.

With the golden light of Dao Dao scattered, the void above the head, the eight-phase world emerged.

They are like eight mysterious scrolls, hanging in the void of the universe.

Each picture outlines a miraculous world.

They centered around Yang Xu and slowly rotated around him.

The eight worlds are intertwined with each other, exuding a shocking wave of world power.

"This is Yang Xu's own magical power, the eight-phase world?"

"It is said that he created this powerful magical power when he first came out of the cottage, and then relied on it to run the world invincible hands!"

"Now you can finally see the true power of the eight-phase world!"

Eyes of expectation, curiosity, or excitement all came to Yangxu's side.

Even Sheng Tiandu's face also showed a trace of interest:

"Have you used the eight-phase world? Finally, you have another card."

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