Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 154: No matter how troublesome, brother poke you

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Chapter 154 Chaos Again, Brother Poke You

Princess White Fox blinked and asked, "What is a machine gun?"

Yang Xu didn't expect that she would ask this question.

Can't help laughing out loud.

The tense atmosphere suddenly eased.

"I'm really sorry for Princess White Fox. I'm grateful for your life. But I didn't mean to fall on your bed."

"Then you put your hand on me, was it not intentional?"

Princess White Fox pointed the trembling Jiaofeng.

"Hurry up and get dressed."

This fierce girl is still naked.

"Cut, at this time I know the truth is serious. Why didn't I do this when I touched me? Princess Ben doesn't wear it. If you have the skills, you can look good enough."


Yang Xu swallowed hard and stared at Princess White Fox faintly:

"Hey, you are not afraid to provoke me to strengthen you?"

"Come on, come on, this princess can't help it. Lian Yi's **** can only pick up things I have played, even men are no exception."

The little fox was very sturdy and leaned towards Yangxu.

"Nima! Play hard with me, don't you? I don't seem to calm you down, I don't want to be good today!"


Yang Xu didn't say anything about his pants.

The crotch giant sword rises bravely, like the pillar of heaven.

Where did Princess White Fox see this, she froze there.

"His Royal Highness, aren't you great? Come on, see if you can swallow it! This thing poke into your body, are you sure your small body can bear it?"

"I...you...Yangxu, you must be a monster! How could it be so big? You..."

"Do you have control over Laozi's talent?"

Finally, Yang Xu took the advantage and pursued:

"You'd better not worry me! Or I will stab you! The rabbit is anxious and bites."

"Rabbits bite people."

"Is this the point of my speech? Put on your clothes!"


Had it not been for the little fox to seduce himself.

He will not respond so much.

It’s painful not to be released.

Princess White Fox got dressed and Yang Xu calmed down.

Yang Xu smiled when she saw her staring at her crotch.

Taking this opportunity, he quickly looked at himself:

No injuries.

Did not fall into a negative state.

He is equipped with weapons.

Yang Xu looked at what broke out to the super big boss:

[Item: Seeds of Qilin Taoism

Grade: Treasure

Description: Contains the mysterious seed of the unicorn seal rune. The seal has the power of the eight pole demon tails, which can be derived from infinite creation. Viewing the Tao is of great benefit.

Description 2: There is a 1% chance to comprehend "Kunpeng Mayfly Seal"!

Description 3: There is a 1% chance to comprehend the Sealing Technique of the Three Thousand Techniques! 】

Seed of Taoism!


"Kunpeng Mayfly Seal" Yang Xu is not clear.

But "Seal Great Technique" is one of the three thousand great techniques. "Kunpeng Mayfly Seal" can be as famous as it. It must be extraordinary!

Looking at the second one, Yang Xu's eyes suddenly brightened:

"My grass! Eight pole demon tail eggs! Can hatch eight pole demon tails! This is a beast, the best treasure!"

There is a basic method for dividing spirit beasts and pet beasts:

It is the beast that grew up with the owner from an early age.

The Spirit Beast was obtained from a monk halfway.

At the same grade, pet beasts are more precious than spirit beasts!

Because the beast grows up with the master from an early age, the ability is often in harmony with the master.

If you hatch the eight pole demon tails, in time, it will definitely become Yang Xu's most powerful help!

"Haha, the trumpet has nine ghost nether dragons, the large one has eight pole demon tails! Make a fortune!"

Yang Xu looked excitedly at the third.

"Eight-pole demontail replicator, or the crazy version? Needless to say, of course, send it to the copy space!"

In order to get it, Yang Xu also made a setback.

When everyone encountered the energy body of the eight pole demon tails, inspired by Yang Xu, they all went to find the demon tail body.

Only Yang Xu put this energy body into the copy space.

Therefore, he greatly improved his chances of copying the crazy eight-pole demon tail!

"Huh, the Six Desire Handprints, just matched Wen Ying's Seven Feelings Big Handprints, haha, next time I can double repair with her."

Look at the only equipment that broke out:

[Weapon: Eight pole demon tail rope

Grade: Artifact

Weight: 1000 kg

Destructive power: unknown

Description: The power of the eight tails of the eight pole demon tails is gathered together. Attached to the resentment of the eight pole demon tails, one cable hit, and a hundred ghosts followed.

Description 2: With the skill "Eight-tailed Cone Heart Drill", critical strike +200%! Attack power +200%!

Description 3: Eight demon tails can be differentiated. 】

This equipment data is not high.

However, the crit attribute is rarely added.

The most rare thing is that it is very practical!

"Bind and wear immediately."

Yang Xu did not pay any attention to the rest of the spar elixir materials.

Because Princess White Fox has recovered:

"Hey, didn't you disappear at first, why did it suddenly appear on my bed again?"

"Because I was cursed by the eight pole demon tails."

Princess White Fox is not too small, but very smart.

When Yang Xu said it was true or false, she only believed a part.

"I should leave here."

Knowing that his body is in a state of health, Yang Xu is not afraid of danger.

If he wants to get away, there are ways.

Princess White Fox's eyes flashed anxiously:

"Hey, hello, can't you leave later? Can you do me a favor?"

"What's busy?"

Princess White Fox secretly rejoices, this bad guy eats soft but not hard!

Princess White Fox could not help showing a pitiful look.

Just about to talk.

"Where is the little beauty? Brother came to see you!"

"Tiger son! Princess she is resting, you..."

"Go away!"

Boom Boom Boom Boom.

A sturdy figure came here.

Princess White Fox’s pupils shrank to the point of the pinhole:

"It's him……"

Hu Ben has a broad shoulder and a broad shoulder, a big waist and a round waist, and a sturdy body two meters high like a hill.

A "king" pattern on his forehead loomed, highlighting his identity as a tiger.

Flying the princess's maid all the way to the princess's palace.

If Hu Ben didn't say a word, he pushed in.


He flew out.


Hit the palace pillar heavily.

"Who! Who is playing General! Don't want to live!"

Hu Ben was furious.

Yang Xu embraced Princess White Fox's waist and walked out leisurely.


Yang Xu shone and stepped on him:

"I hit you, I don't want to live anymore, come and kill me."

"Get up for me! Get out!"

Hu Ben struggled with all his strength.

Ke Yangxu's feet were like a mountain, making him unable to break free.

When looking at Qing Yangxu's face, Hu Ben's face changed suddenly:

"You are a human! There is actually a human in the Fox Clan Palace! White Fox, do you want to betray the Orc Clan?"

Princess White Fox sneered:

"Crap! How could my fox clan betray the orc? I think you are blind, he is obviously a bear clan fighter, otherwise how could his strength be so great?"


Yang Xu transformed into a giant bear.

The surging demon spirit made Hu Ben's face afraid:

"Disobedient, slap you to death! Get out!"

Kicked Hu Ben out with one foot.

"Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, the spring wind blows again. Are you afraid that he will return to report?"

Princess White Fox raised her chin proudly:

"All he needs is to go back and report! Thank you for your help. This is the map to the lotus, you go."

Yang Xu took the map and couldn't help smiling:

"You are not kind, give me the wrong map."

"You know this as well?"

The little fox opened his eyes in surprise, and handed another map in frustration.

"Farewell the little fox."

Yang Xu patted her head and brushed.

Disappears instantly.

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