Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 155: wild ambition!

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Chapter 155 Wolf Ambition!

Yang Xu left the Fox tribe and walked towards the direction of the Lotus tribe.



Several tall figures were blocked in the woods.

The forehead of each figure flashed with the word "king".

"I said that this kid is weird! That little white fox can illusion, I have long guessed that he is human! Brother Feng, what do you think?"

Hu Ben yelled and looked at a man.

The man was skinny, his legs were cut off, and he was carried by a tiger.

He glanced at Yang Xu lightly and nodded.

Hu Ben suddenly rejoiced:

"Great! Since this kid is human, then he cut his head and went to the Fox family to settle the accounts!"

The broken leg man shook his head:

"The Fox family has always been cunning, and even you can see the flaws, indicating that she deliberately urged you to find her. Even if this human is killed, it is useless, we still don't be fooled. Kill the people, let's go back."

The broken leg man glanced at Yang Xu lightly.

The condescending eyes did not put Yang Xu in his eyes from beginning to end.

"Hey! Human boy!"

Hu Ben sneered and stared at Yang Xu:

"Last time, it was your Tiger Master. I took care of it. You lucked me off, this time I must... Boom!"

Hu Ben flew out.


Slammed against a thick tree that hugged each other.


The trunks were broken.

"It seems that you were not careless last time, but you are a waste in itself."

Yang Xu sneered and took back his fist.


Hu Ben spurted blood and died in anger.

Yang Xu smiled at the broken leg man:

"Are you going to kill me?"


The pupil of the broken leg suddenly shrank.

"You go."

Broken leg man said coldly.


Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"You didn't care about killing me before, but now you can't kill me, let me go when you touch your lips? Is there such a good thing for cheap."

"Dare to threaten Master Feng! Find death!"


A strong tiger family rushed to Yangxu.


Jianguang flashed.


This person is in a different place.

"This is my tiger's specialty elixir blood spirit ointment, worth a lot of gold."

The broken leg man threw it to Yang Xu.

"not enough."

Yang Xu smiled.

"Your Excellency, don't deceive people too much!"

The broken leg man said in a deep voice.

"Are you a human being? If I bully you, what can you do?"


Jianguang flickered.

Boom! Boom!

All tigers are sealed with a sword.

The tiger who was carrying only the man with the broken leg left his legs shaking.

"Hand over the space bag, you can leave. Otherwise, die!"

a long time.

The broken leg man succumbed:

"I have written down Qingfeng what happened today!"

Stealing the chickens is not an eclipse, so he left with his men in embarrassment.

Yang Xu smiled and opened the space bag:

A lot of elixir, materials and the like.

Xiaofa made a fortune.

After half a day.

Yang Xu came to the lotus family.

The residence of the lotus is very different from the orc.

The people here are in a state of leisure, and there are few fights.

But there are exceptions.

"Are you looking for my sister? Your name is Yang Xu, right?"

A boy with a bad look looked at Yang Xu from head to toe.

Seeing Yang Xu nodded, he smiled:

"My name is Lian Shun, I'm Lian Yi's younger brother. If you want to pursue my sister too, hey, you have to show sincerity."

He made a move to pay.

Change your sister's happiness for money?

Yang Xu frowned:

"How about your sister, let her come out to see me."

"No way! If you want to see my sister, you must pass Laozi first!"

He looked at Yang Xu contemptuously:

"Do you know how many people are pursuing my sister now? Since knowing that the woman may have ancient Qinglian blood, there are countless beloveds!"

Speaking of blood, his eyes flashed with strong jealousy and resentment.

Han Xu's eyes flashed coldly.

"Something for you, take me to see her."

Yang Xu endured impatience and threw a few things to Lian Shun.

Lian Shun's eyes lit up suddenly:

They are all valuable treasures!

Unexpectedly, this man is still rich!

A trace of greed crossed Lian Shun's face, deliberately flattening his face:

"Not enough! You want to see my sister...wow!"

He was lifted by pinching his neck.

Yang Xu looked coldly at him:

"Do you know how many mistakes you have made? First, you provoked the wrong person. My Yang Xu has never been threatened by anyone, and my patience is not very good. Second, I have given you what you want, you It shouldn’t be greedy, it will make you die early. The third most important point is that you shouldn’t take your sister in exchange for these dirty interests! Get out!”

Yang Xu threw him 20 meters away.


He hit the ground hard and then stared at Yang Xu:

"Okay! You have a kind! Dare to talk to me like this in the lotus territory, you are the first one! Yang Xu, you are waiting for Lao Tzu!"

As the young master of the lotus family, when did Lianshun received such treatment?

He murderously went to find someone to clean up Yang Xu.


A purple chain dragged him directly back to Yang Xu:

"What did you just say? I didn't get it, you say it again!"

Yang Xu said lightly.

"I said you waited for Lao Tzu, I... click!"


Lian Shun screamed loudly, his face pale-

His fingers were severely broken by Yang Xu.

Yang Xu looked at him coldly:

"What did you say? Say it again."

"Yangxu, dare to move me! You are looking for death! I am the son of the patriarch of the lotus... Ka!"


Lian Shun screamed again, cold forehead rolled away.

"You continue."

Yang Xu's face does not change color.



Lianshun hurt his lips and turned white:

"I didn't say you this time, you..."

Yang Xusen smiled:

"I told you not to say, contrary to what I meant, it should be punished. I didn't let you ask why, but you dared to ask me, it should be punished. So..."


This time, Yang Xu no longer broke his finger.

It's Lianshun's arm!

"Ah! It hurts me! You are the devil, you are the devil from the forest tomb!"

Lian Shun looked at Yang Xu's gaze full of terror.

Never dare to feel any bullying again.

Seeing him roll away tragicly.

Yang Xu didn't think it was too much.

"Yang Xu, you scared him this time."

Lian Yi came out of the corner.

Yang Xu smiled:

"You don't stop me, don't you just want me to teach him a lesson."

He looked in the direction of Lian Shun's departure and smiled contemptuously:

"This son has a cool temperament, and having such a young master is not a good thing for the lotus family. He should not be your brother?"

Although Lian Yi was lightly masked, she couldn't stop the consternation of her eyes:

"How do you know? He was adopted by his father..."

"Beware of this kid. He has become distracted, especially with strong resentment towards you."

Yang Xu's eyes flashed a killing machine.


He gave Lianyi a pack of herbs.

Lian Yi suddenly exaggerated the tone:

"Yeah! Yangxu, you have found all the medicine... and sent it to me specifically..."

Yang Xu looked at her speechlessly:

Halo, this medicine is fully prepared in Qingzhuo City, okay.

Obviously, you deliberately did not bring it when you left.

"Humph, the dead girl's elbow turned outward! Even if you have found all the medicine, you can't be with him now!"

A woman who looked more than thirty years old and had a face similar to Lian Yi walked out of the corner.

Yang Xu was speechless for a while:

"You two both like to listen to the corner, don't you?"

The lotus mother looked at Yang Xu up and down and nodded:

"It looks like a talent, and the strength is okay, let's go, this is not a place to speak, and has a bad reputation for Lianya."

Open your mouth first for your daughter, this is the real loved one.

Compare that with Lian Shun's despicable practices.

It's just a white cloud in the sky, and a sludge in a stinking ditch!

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