Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 163: Did you get out of Zongmen?

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Chapter 163


The sound of the copper money in the arrow spurred.

Brother 2 only felt abnormally harsh.


Copper coins, arrows hit the ground.

Yang Xu smiled and put away his bow and arrow.


Everyone's eyes looked at Brother Two.

Brother II was paper-faced, his lips trembling.

"Lost...? I lost again?"

"Yes, you lost again. But brother, you have to hold on, after all, you lost to me Yang Xu, not shameful."

Yang Xu smirked.

"you you……"

Brother II's pale face suddenly showed a touch of ruddy.


He spurted blood.


Can't afford to fall.

"Eh, I'm stunned? Brother II, this can't bear it. It's not that the physical skill lost to me, the sword skill lost to me, and the archery also lost to me, what's the big deal."

Yang Xu shrugged.

Everyone looked at him almost speechless:

"I'm going, it's no big deal?"

"Body technique, sword technique, archery, and three aspects are lost to you, it is almost all-round without dead corners!"

"Can't stand any other brother?"

But for the second brother, everyone did not sympathize.

One is that everyone sees it,   he came from the beginning against Yang Xu.

But even if you want to suppress the younger generation, you have to look at your opponent.

Yang Xu is a famous face-screaming demon.

Didn’t you ask him for help?

not to mention.

Brother II’s performance today is indeed too disappointing!

If you don’t need a sword, you won’t talk about it.

It's not enough to lose to others, and we have to compare again.

As a result, all three games were lost, even the courage to face.

Spit blood and fainted.

I really sympathize with the few brothers who were covered with blood.

After watching a wonderful show.

After seeing Yang Xu's slap in the face.

The people left with satisfaction.

Everyone thought that this face-to-face fight was over.

Results came out three days later:

Brother 2 withdrew from Zongmen!

When Xiong Feng told Yang Xu this news.

Yang Xu couldn't help crying and laughing:

"Ah? Isn't it right? But lost to me three times, it is necessary to exit Zongmen?"

Xiong Feng's face is also weird:

"Brother Er, this bearing capacity is indeed a bit poor. It's a bit too much to exit Zongmen..."

Tie Ao's cold voice came:

"Can't afford to fail, can't bear the blow, this kind of weak generation, it is his relief to withdraw."

"Brother Xu, Zongmen won't blame your second brother's withdrawal, right?"

Xiong Ruolan's face was worried.

Hao Jian stopped suddenly:

"He dare! Zong Men really did this, it was too chilling! Right..."

Hao Jian looked at Yang Xu with a smile:

"I heard a rumor that Brother 2 wrote a letter to Master before leaving, and it seems to mention you."

"Nonsense," Yang Xu rolled his eyes:

"Do you know the letter to the master? Have you read the letter?"

"it is true."

Tieao said:

"Brother Er did indeed write a letter to Brother Master, which also mentioned you."

"Ah? Why do you mention me? Does he want to ask me to do me?"

Yang Xu frowned.

Hao Jian stared at Yang Xu and stopped doing it:

"I depend! Brother Xu, what do you mean, I just talk nonsense, Tie Ao you believe it in one sentence? Are you in good spirits or what do you do?"

"Oh, what are you talking about! Brother Wu, you can take care of him!"

Xiong Ruolan asked Hao Wu for help.

Everyone could not help laughing together.

When Yang Xu listened to Feng Xiyu Building.

Walking on the road, he obviously felt different.

When the disciples around him saw him, most of them looked admired.

But they all hide far away, and dare not contact him.

Only some fresh newcomers who just started, secretly told Yang Xu:

"Brother Yangxu, you had a battle with Brother No. 2, no, those three battles are really wonderful! But you have to be careful, they all say that Brother No. 2 is because you withdrew from Zong Men. Legend has it that Zong Men will blame and punish you. ."

"Ah? Well, thank you brother for reminding me."

Yang Xu smiled and said goodbye to him.

Upon turning around, his face sank slightly:

Has the news spread?

Zongmen really intends to start against himself?

Yang Xu just returned to the yard, and someone told Yang Xu that Meng asked him.

Came to Meng's house.

Yang Xu couldn't help but stunned:

"Who is this?"

A gentle-looking young man wearing a navy blue gown is sitting opposite Meng.

Seeing Yang Xu come in, he couldn't help his eyes brighten:

"Are you Brother Yang Xu?"

"It's me. Are you?"

"This is your brother."

Teacher Meng spoke amazingly.

"Brother? I'll go! Brother II won't really write a letter to deal with me?"

Yang Xu was speechless for a while.

The master was stunned for a moment, and he laughed dumbly:

"What do you think. Zifeng did leave a letter to me, and the letter also mentioned you. But he didn't want me to deal with you, but to help you."

"help me?"

Yang Xu was a little surprised.

The master laughed:

"Brother Yang Xu is really powerful. This is the first time I saw it. The proud Zifeng would boast like that. He said that you should watch out for Song Qingshu. He also said, brother, you are a talented wizard. Less biased, it is a material that can be made. If cultivated well, it will become the pillar of Ling Yun!"

"Uh, this..."

The turning point of the plot made Yang Xu completely unexpected.

"Huh, return the pillars of pillars, Zongmen will start to fight your pillars of pillars!"

Teacher Meng sneered.

"Teacher Meng, be careful. Be careful with ears next to the wall."

The master laughed bitterly.

"What kind of ears can there be in the partition! Don't worry if you go and see, the bare mouth says to be careful with hair!"

Teacher Meng is obviously not in a good mood.

Yang Xu frowned, and noticed a hint:

"Zongmen wants to punish me because of the second brother?"

Teacher Meng Bai gave him a glance:

"You still have to ask, haven't you heard all the news without seeing it?"

The elder brother was afraid that Yang Xu didn't understand, and explained with a bitter smile:

"This is the usual practice of Zongmen. If there are any unfair measures, it will first release the news in advance and make everyone know about it, so that everyone can make a fuss. After a while, everyone will have enough trouble, then quietly Realize the decision."

Yang Xu looked a little ugly.

He also thought of this.

I just didn't expect that Zong Men was so determined to suppress him in the end!

Ling Yunzong, it's not a long-lasting place...

Yang Xu quickly sorted out his mood.

"Thank you, Master, for reminding me, and also thanking Brother 2 for his frankness."

They also exchanged ideas with Meng and his brothers.

Yang Xu got up and said goodbye.

Seeing that he was calm, he left without anger.

The master's face was a little surprised.

Teacher Meng couldn't help but smile with pride:

"Amazed, isn't it? Who can't be so angry that he jumps three feet high and swears. But Yang Yangxu is not like that."

The master smiled:

"Zi Feng said that Master Yang Xu's disposition is calm and rational, and he should not do anything extraordinary."

"Not exceptional? Haha! Yunqian, you can look at Yang Xu high, this kid is not angry, but disdain to do such a low-level thing."

He looked out the door expectantly:

"Wait, if Zongmen dares to punish him, this kid will make the most powerful counterattack!"

"Alas, Zongmen's rewards and punishments are now unknown, and deception is not a long-term sign."

The master sighed.

Teacher Meng smiled indifferently:

"Speaking of this, do you think I called you, really just for the broken letter?"

The master raised a brow:

"What does the teacher mean?"

"I want your uncle to accept Yangxu as a disciple."

The master was shocked.

Then his eyes suddenly burst into light:

"Do you want Uncle Jiannantian to take Yangxu away from Lingyun?"

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