Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 164: Yang Xu made a death note

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Chapter 164 Yang Xu Makes a Death Note

Misty palace.

Riyue Wenying sleeps alone in bed.

After several days of indulgence, she was used to being accompanied by a bad boy by the pillow.

He was even used to riding galloping on his body.

But now the side is empty.

Her heart and body were empty.

"Don't know what the bad guy is doing?"

Wen Ying frowned and thought:

"He said that his surname is Yang, but according to the collected information, at the beginning of the Eight-pole Demon Tail Battle, the one who was cursed and brought down Shadow Hell was obviously Yang Xu's master."

"Is the bad boy really the master of Yang Xu?"

"Or, did he deceive me on purpose?"

Wen Yingyi turned her head and watched the bad boy on the pillow send her Tianzhu silk.

a long time.

Her curvy legs squeezed tightly:

"It doesn't matter! Damn bad guys don't come to see me! I must pull you out!"

She remembered the Yang Xu that Yao Xueyi knew.

Maybe, you can start with him...

Yao Xueyi did not fall asleep.

Somehow, she always felt that Master returned from Qingzhuo Demon Peak as if she had changed herself.

Originally Master did not agree with her about Yang Xu.

But when I came back, it was like I forgot, never mentioned it again.

Is it Master's acquiescence?

Yao Xueyi felt a little secret in her heart.

Yang Xu's figure swooped into her mind.

Well, I can't sleep anymore...

Wanwan couldn't sleep either.

Since Master came back, she tried to steal a thousand cranes.

Unexpectedly, Master actually carried the thousand-machine mother crane with him.

She has no chance to steal!

This can't make Wan Wan anxious, in case the bad guy sends out a messy message.

Was it received by Master?

What makes Wanwan feel desperate is even more.

Master seemed a little cold to her.

Even inexplicable cold colors will appear from time to time.

Did she receive the naughty paper crane from the bad boy?

Is Master angry with me?

Wan Wan's heart was still holding an idea, dare not touch it.

That is, Master's coldness to her is not ordinary coldness.

Seems like... between rivals?

Did Master communicate with the bad guy?

Master also likes that bad guy?

Thinking of these, Wan Wan was so scared that she couldn't sleep any more.


Be sure to ask Master for a clear understanding...

Willow tip on the moon.

After about dusk.

Yang Xu didn't know that there were three mentors and apprentices in the distance who could not sleep at night because of him.

"You're here."

Under the weeping willow, the aura filled, and the moonlight fell.

Lian Yi is dressed in a snow suit, like a white lotus, with a delicate curve swaying.

Yang Xu Sao Sao smiled:

"Come so early, can't wait to see me? Why not go to my room."

"What are you thinking about! Just think about the messy things!"

Lian Yi instantly blushed like Xia, powder fist hammered him.

Yang Xu's exaggerated open mouth:

"I'm just worried about the cold night, and I want to invite you to have a cup of tea. Is this messy?"

"Ah? You bad ruff! You kidding me! Ignore you!"

What she looks like now is completely different from the fierce fight against Chu Tiange.

"It's definitely more than just telling me to come out. Say, what's the matter."

"I heard Zongmen wanted to punish you, are you okay?"

Lian Yidao.

Yang Xu smiled:

"Don't you know me yet, rest assured, it's okay. But you want to comfort me, I can go find me, as for me to call me here in the middle of the night?"

"No! My mother said that you can't go to your room before marrying you. Isn't it common for you human women?"

"Um... this is it."

Yang Xu remembered the woman who had a relationship with him, Huo Nishang, Yao Xueyi, and Sun Moon.

Well, they are all ordinary human women.

The moon is bright and bright, and the moon is intoxicating.

Lian Yi was blushing and bowed her head slightly shyly:

"Mother told me just now that you can take me back to Qingzhuo Peak."

"Ah? Didn't you just come back from Qingzhuo? You ran out of the news at midnight to tell me?"

Yang Xu was a little puzzled.

But I saw Lian Yi's cheeks reddening, almost saying with inaudible voice:

"This time is different... this time you have to go back with something..."

"No wonder you called me out in such a hurry that they agreed with us."

Yang Xu understood.

Lian Yi shyly bowed her head, leaning back in Yang Xu's arms.

Smelling the faint fragrance, Yang Xu's heart fluttered, and began the first death of a beautiful night:

"Lianyi, I don't want to hide you, I have another woman."

Lian Yijiao trembled, then slowly recovered:

"Yao Xueyi, right? I have long seen that she likes you. It's okay, I will enter the house in the future and make her a concubine."

"Uh, do you even know this?"

Comrade Yang Xu was unsuccessful in his first death. He continued:

"Actually there are other women besides her."


Lian Yi suddenly lifted from his arms, sending out the signal of Yang Xu's successful death:

"You have another woman outside with you on my back? Which little bitch!"

Comrade Lian Yixiao's entry into the role is not ordinary fast:

"Regardless of who she is, don't even think about it! You are mine, at most one more Yao Xueyi. Otherwise..."

Lian Yi clenched her fist fiercely.

Yang Xu looked at her without crying:

"You are not in the right direction! I am honest with you. At this time, you should not be very sensible to say ‘I don’t care how many women you have, as long as you love me, it’s enough, after all, you are so strong’?”

"Fart! Love is selfish, why should my man share with other women!"

Lian Yi stared at Yang Xu with hate, as if to swallow him:

"You can find other women with strong abilities in that respect? Is the stallion more powerful, can you allow it to toss all women in the world?"


The stallion novel can't believe it.

"Uh, I didn't expect you to have such a lovely side. I'm fine, I won't mention this..."

Yang Xu wisely used the diversion topic of men's "ten magic weapons".

"Huh, mother is right, your men don't have a good thing!"

Lian Yi secretly determined that she must dig out the fox spirit before returning home!

Where does she know that there are more than one "female enemy" she will face...

"I still disagree!"

Lingyun Hall.

Meng Meng took the same gunpowder and was furious:

"Even if we discuss it a thousand times or ten thousand times, my opinion is the same! Never punish Yang Xu!"

The patriarch above the hall suddenly looked dull.

Elder Song saw it, with a delight in his eyes, he shouted loudly:

"Meng Wanli! Pay attention to your words! This is the Lingyun Hall, what do you say in front of the Sect Master!"

"I let your mother be a fart! Song Qing is a villain, you are obviously the prince who wooed the prince to deal with Yang Xu. As a result, she didn't do bad deeds. Instead, she wanted Yang Xu to bear the blame! The most punishable person is you!"

Meng Wanli was so angry that he was almost going to kill!


The patriarch above the main hall, repetitively press on:

"Don't be noisy! Because there is a Yang Xu in every district, you have been arguing all night! Now I have decided that the penalty will be established! There is no need to postpone the announcement, it will be announced tomorrow!"


The crowd dispersed.

When the hall is full, only Meng Wanli and Jiannan Tianshi are left.

The anger and unwillingness on Meng Wanli's face swept away instantly.

Jian Nantian couldn't help smiling:

"You played a good show."

Meng Wanli looked at him with a wry smile:

"Behaving fiercely, so that they think Ling Yun is still delicious. Have you decided?"

This time I changed to Jian Nantian and smiled bitterly:

"Even if I resume my cultivation practice and reach the Soul Venerable Realm, there is only a small shrimp. It is too difficult to bring Yang Xu to them."

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