Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 170: Master is an overbearing president!

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Chapter 170: Master is an overbearing president!

The crowd was silent.

Everyone was stunned.

Especially the two law enforcement hall disciples looked at this scene dumbfounded.

How domineering this is!

Even the elder Song Song said he would fight.

He was also forced to apologize to the children!


They all looked at Xiang Yangxu enviously:

With such a domineering master, do you have to worry about being bullied?

It's so cool!

"Jian Nantian, the law enforcement hall's order represents Zong Men's will, I have apologized, I hope you take Yang Xu to a trip."

Elder Song forced his anger.

Now he is temporarily not Jian Nantian's opponent.

But waiting for him to completely refine that magic sword.

The entire Lingyun will become a sacrifice on his way!

Song Qingshu stumbled away.

Teacher Meng looked at his back, his eyes flashing.

"See what?"

Jian Nantian said lightly.

Teacher Meng's voice is a little dignified:

"It should be planted with a monster..."

"Sown? Maybe he planted it himself."

Jian Nantian's face was full of contempt:

"Look, our stupid suzerain, have reused something! Ling Yunzong is not far from destruction."

"You don't care?"

Jian Nantian smiled indifferently:

"It's enough to have Yangxu alone. Even if Lingyun is destroyed, it's all about me."

"Yangxu! Let me go to the law enforcement hall! I'm going to look at that group of idiots, and what other bottomless things can be done!"

The master and the disciple left.

Jian Yunqian worried:

"Teacher, uncle and younger brothers are not fuel-efficient lamps. The two of them get together and don't mess up the sky!"

Teacher Meng smiled faintly:

"Come on! It's good to be upset! I think this Ling Yunzong, there is no longer any need to exist!"

Meng Wanli walked away.

Jian Yunqian remained, Xiao Suo's face sighed:

"What's the matter! The two most important disciples of Zongmen once lost confidence in Zongmen."

"Without the support of the disciples, Zong Men, is it still a Zong Men?"

Law Enforcement Hall.

The Sect Master looked at Song Qingshu with an iron face:

"Jiannan naively said so? He didn't take my patriarch's eyes at all?"

Song Qingshu's eyes flickered coldly and coldly said:

"It's not just that you don't take your eyes into consideration. I think he regarded the entire sect gate as his back garden. Just come and go whenever you want."


Everyone looks at each other:

How did Jian Nantian dare to do this?

The patriarch's face was extremely ugly, and the representatives of the other patriarchs in this room couldn't help but sneer.

"Sect Master Yin, I don't know when your disciple, Yang Xu, will come? A disciple outside, will not even ignore the summons' summons?"

The representative of He Yuzong poured oil on the fire.

Sect Master Ling Keshuang's face suddenly looked ugly and forced his anger and said coldly:

"hold on!"

The main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall suddenly sounded a snicker.


Two figures flash:

"we are coming!"


Sect Master Yin repeatedly shot the case, staring at Jian Nantian with cold eyes:

"You still know it! Jian Nantian, can you take my lordship in your eyes?"

Everyone was shocked.

Song Qingshuyou stared at Jiannantian and Yangxu, her heart yin and laugh:

Internal and external troubles, see how your master and apprentice cope!

"Yangxu, there are no chairs here, because the teacher doesn't like to sit back and move that chair over."

Jian Nantian pointed to the chair beside Sect Master Yin.


Yang Xu flashed over, without looking at the so-called "Sect Master", lifted the chair and left.


Everyone in the audience took a sigh of relief:

"Actually ignored the suzerain!"

Other sectarians were also shocked:

I have long heard that Jian Nantian is lawless.

How dare he ignore the existence of the suzerain?

This is too good!

What makes them incredible is that.

Master is lawless.

How can even apprentice Yang Xu dare to ignore the existence of the suzerain!

What a brave mentor and apprentice!

Everyone was shocked beyond recognition.

You look at me, I look at you, and look at each other silently.

The main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall fell into deathly silence for a while.


Jiannan Tianjing sat down, the indifferent voice resounded from the main hall:

"Isn't it just asking me to come here, Yang Xu is coming, just say something, let's hurry."

In a hurry?

Yang Xu almost couldn't help laughing when he heard it.


You are so domineering!

It’s a good and overbearing president to put it on the earth as you are.

The crowd did not speak, and they all looked at the top sovereign.

The patriarch's face was blue and his lips were trembling.

Resisting his anger, he looked down at Song Qing.

Song Qingshu immediately stood up and first respected the courtesy.

Seeing the gloomy face of the patriarch softened, he looked at Xiang Yangxu coldly:

"Yangxu! Are you guilty?"

Yang Xu smiled:

"Why am I guilty?"

"You have no rules, disturb the order of the sect, and force the inner disciple Wang Ziping by evil means, which is extremely bad in nature! More qualified. But what did you do? Um?"


The spirit of Song Qing's Soul Gathering Peak rushed to Yangxu to suppress it.


Jian Nantian took a shot.

A sword qi suddenly dispersed Song Qingshu's momentum:

"Say what you say, pretend to be a ghost and frighten children to do anything."

"Yang Xu is a child! Jian Nantian, don't be selfish!"

Jian Nantian glanced at him lightly:

"What are you in a hurry. In the eyes of the teacher, Yang Xu is indeed a child. Why should you bother with a child?"

"you you……"

Song Qing was speechless.

Put the sect master above:

"Waste! Don't leave!"

He yelled and scolded, but he didn't see Li Qing's flash in his eyes.


Sect Master Yin's cold eyes looked at Xiang Yangxu.

"Hey, what is your elder order here?"

Yang Xu responded crisply.


Among other Zongmen representatives, some laughed out loud.

Who dares to be so rude?

Everyone stared:

It turned out to be a woman in Baihua Palace.

Hey, he looks pretty.

Everyone immediately forgave her.

"Yangxu! Because you made a big mistake, this Sect Master imposed punishment on you. Do you have a complaint and do not accept the punishment?"

The whole hall couldn't help but quiet.

Song Qingshu and others looked at the Sect Master in amazement:

Worthy of being a suzerain, the shot was really spicy.

This question is wrong no matter how Yang Xu answers.

You said that you have no complaints, so how do you do something that goes wrong?

You say you have a complaint, that is the discipline that does not obey the sect?

Elder Song and others who hated Yang Xu all looked at Yang Xu with a smile.

Other representatives of Zongmen could not help looking at Xiang Yangxu.

"Are you going to perform acting? How nervous, how can you make a regular performance? Take a deep breath... 1, 2, 3, action!"

Yang Xu's face was instantly filled with a surprised expression.

The clumsy acting skills made everyone unbearable:

"Ah! Sect Master, did you punish me? Is this true? Did I hear it wrong? I thought I had been challenged and succeeded repeatedly. I beat the inner disciples successively as outer disciples. I will definitely be rewarded. So I didn’t even see the reward, so I ran to find the other brothers of the Zongmen. After all, our inner brothers in Lingyun were defeated by me."

Speaking of which.

Yang Xu's face was suddenly covered with deep "grievances":

"I didn't expect that I showed such a talent. Zongmen not only rewarded me, but punished me. I did not expect Zongmen to do this. It was my fault, I was guilty!"


"how can that be!"

All other representatives of Zongmen were shocked:

"You actually defeated all inner disciples? Not bragging?"

"Such a genius disciple, Ling Yunzong isn't a good baby, should he still punish you?"

At this time they also remembered that the name Yang Xu really seemed to have heard it a few times.

It seems to be a big deal every time!

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