Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 171: I let you roll, down, go!

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Chapter 171 I Let You Get Off, Down, Go!

Yang Xu beheaded Peng son, leapfrogged Chu Tiange and so on.

Flashed in everyone's mind.


Several representatives of the sect gates looked at Sect Master Yin above.

With that unobtrusive look, Chiguo Guo expressed a greeting:

Are you stupid?

The genius with such a cow has to push out the door?

"Cough! Now it's about your punishment, not about anything else..."

"The juniors are talking about punishment! I knew that Zong Men would punish me for imprisonment, and I wouldn't go to other Zong Men to challenge my brothers. I apologize to you, I also admit my mistake to the Sect Master, and I am willing to be punished."

Yang Yingdi's face was sincere.

When you admit that you have a good attitude, you will cry and runny.

So far.

Everyone suddenly realized:

"What a sly kid!"

The acute problem of the patriarch was solved in this way.

He Yangxu did not say he would not accept the punishment.

There was no persuasion.

People just said, "I don't know."

Since I don't know, why do you say that?

"Good kid with a sharp tooth! I used to wonder if you could quibble so much!"

Sect Master Yin Keshuang looked at Yang Xu coldly.

"Oh, you don't know because you haven't seen me before. I won't say that if you have seen it before."

Yang Xu shrugged.

He didn't even bother to call it "Sect Master".

Directly called "you".

"Bold! Yang Xu, you have no respect, dare to disrespect the Sect Master!"

Song Qing slapped the table heavily.

"A good barking dog loyal to the Lord. How many bones does your master give you a day?"

Yang Xu's eyes were slightly cold.

He was already a little interested.

"I can explain it, you say I'm sophistry. I can't explain it, you say that I'm poorly qualified. It seems that as long as you say the crime, I have to admit it."

Yang Xu stared at Yin Keshuang coldly.

"Yangxu, are you tired?"

Jian Nantian's unusually soft voice sounded.

He could see that Yang Xu was somewhat sullen.

"Let's go. Why bother with a bunch of idiots, you don't have a bad mood."

Jian Nantian stood up and looked at Yin Keshuang indifferently:

"Everything is clear, we don't have much time, so we won't waste it with you. Yang Xu, let's go."


Yin Keshuang's face was as cold as ice:

"Jiannantian! Have you ever taken my suzerain in your eyes! You openly shield Yang Xu, you..."

"I didn't put you in the eye. Do you have any questions?"

Jian Nantian's eyes are faint:

"Or, with your series of stupid actions, do you think you are qualified to let me put you in your eyes?"


All the representatives of Zongmen present were stunned:

Where did this guy come from, so bold?

Lianyang Xu looked at Jian Nantian with surprise:

Master, you are so honest, do your family know?

Yin Keshuang didn't expect at all that Jian Nantian would not give face to him.

Suddenly there for a while.

When Song Qingshu saw the opportunity for revenge, he burst into tears:

"Jian Nantian shut up! Do you dare to despise the Sect Master and disrespect the Sect? Who gives you courage?"

He looked at Yang Xu with a sneer:

"As the saying goes, it turns out to be good. The upper beam is not right, the lower beam is crooked, the master's ignorance is up and down, and the apprentices commit the following crimes. The sect master! I suggest that all two be captured and imprisoned in the sect gate to show punishment!"


Jian Nantian was full of sword spirit.

He ignored Song Qingshu and Ling Li looked at Yin Keshuang:

"Yin Keshuang, your dog has made a decision for you. Do you want to do what he said?"

"Who do you call a dog?"

"Whoever calls it the most please scold anyone."

Yang Xu smirked.

Song Qing's face was blue, and his mouth opened like a toad, and he was speechless.

Song Qingshu, K. O!

When everyone looked at Yang Xu and Jian Nantian, they were speechless for a while:

This mentor and apprentice is absolutely amazing!

The ability to speak up can be maddening. You can sing me to the stage. It's a perfect fit!

When the crowd is talking.

"Yangxu, you give me a mouth! Elder Song, Yangxu has no respect for his ancestors. He commits the following and violates the rules! Long Si is willing to replace the elders and teach Yangxu a meal!"

A young man in black looked at Xiang Yangxu with a smile.

"It's him! The sixth heir to the inner door!"

"Even Brother II was defeated, did he dare to provoke Yang Xu?"

Elder Song is happy to be taught Yang Xu.

Without saying anything, I agreed.

Outside the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall.

On the bluestone platform ten meters square.

Long Si looked at Yang Xu coldly:

"Yangxu, I know you defeated Brother II. But do you think you have no flaws?"

Yang Xu raised a brow.

"I have studied you. You have superior swordsmanship, strong archery, and good melee combat. Unfortunately, you have one of your biggest weaknesses: you can't do it well."

Yang Xu's eyes widened:

"I can't do it?"

Dear, when did your eyes go blind!

Where do you see that I can't do it?

The reason why he seldom showed his body style in Zongmen.

It is because the opponent here does not need him to suppress it with speed.

I know Longji, this idiot...

Yang Xu looked at his eyes, showing a trace of sympathy.


Long Si's smiling face suddenly flashed in front of him:

"Today you will be my long heir, a stepping stone to fame inside and outside!"


He punched hard and punched Xiang Yangxu's head:

"Get off stage!"


He hit Yang Xu.

It is a pity that it is only a residual image.


Long Si's heart shook:

"How could it be! Short sale?"

"Yes, you are short."

Yang Xu's faint voice came.

Everyone in the audience couldn't bear to watch.

Especially Song Qingshu, regretful look.

What a shame.

Yang Xu dodged just that time.

The blind man saw that Billy was smart.

Boos came from the audience.

Especially those who admire Yang Xu, they can even cheer.

Yang Xu's environmental protection arms, smiling at Long Si:

"Give you a chance, now get off stage, I can spare you."


He tried it again.

In the same way, even Yang Xu didn't touch the half-piece clothing corner.

"I surrender!"

Long Si looked at Yang Xu coldly:

"But you remember! I will surpass you one day, whether it is physical skills or combat power!"

He twisted and stepped down.

"Stop. Do I let you go?"

Long Si froze:

"What else do you want?"

Yang Xu environmental protection looked at him with his arms, saying one by one:

"I didn't let you go. I let you, get off, get off, go!"


Long Si's pupil shrank suddenly:

"Both brothers from the same discipline, you're so deceiving!"

Yang Xu's eyes widened:

"I'm bullying too much? You just wanted to go to power to teach me just now, but I didn't intend to show mercy to me when I was reborn."

"If I'm not your opponent, I would ask you to let me go? Now, looking at the situation is not good, say you want to go if you admit defeat? Treat me as a festival?"


"Let's talk nonsense. Either get down, or I'll beat your legs and ask for mercy."

The next round of ridicule came from the stage:

"What the **** are you pretending to do, just go in a ball?"

"Get off the stage!"

Long Si Leng was there for a while.

Then he looked at Elder Song by the side of the desk for help.


Elder Song walked away.

Yang Xu looked at Long Si sympathetically:

"Obviously, the object you stuttered, abandoned your skinny dog."

"You **** fart!"

Long Si angered and rushed towards Chaoyang Xu with great anger.

Yang Xu escaped without flashing.

In Long Si's ear, his joking voice came:

"It's not that the louder the voice, the stronger the strength. The next time you become a dog, remember to choose a good master."


Long Si was directly blasted out.

Wow! Spit out blood.

Broken fractures!

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