Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 174: Lose defeat

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Chapter 174

Sudden changes.

Let everyone almost react.

Fang Hao is just a bully and a lifeless Yong Hao.

In a blink of an eye, Shengyue Shengzi flew out.

Want to get angry with Yang Xu.

But tragically let Yang Xu be slashed.

Biao Fei's head was splattered with blood and Yin Keshuang was sturdy.

That's a sour taste.

"Are you going to challenge me?"

Yang Xu's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Shengyue Shengzi:

"Are you sure you are fast enough?"

Everyone couldn't help being surprised.


Isn't the burial of the moon son fast enough?

Burial Moon Saint Child's "Stepping on the Moon Shadow Step", but overwhelming many geniuses.

But look at Yang Xu...

Several Zongmen representatives looked at each other, and they saw each other's shock:

Did Yang Xu beat Son of the Moon in speed?


It's incredible!

Even more shocking to everyone!

Yang Xu asked back casually.

There was a trace of contemplation on Shengzi's face.

"He hesitated!"

"This shows that he has no confidence to beat Yang Xu 100%!"


Everyone's eyes on Xiang Yangxu were more than just a surprise.

Chi Guoguo's eyes were like looking at the treasure.

Yang Xu looked around with boredom.

Suddenly he saw a shadow in the distance.

He froze and couldn't help laughing.


Burial Moon Saint coughed.

He temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​competing with Yang Xu.

Looking up at the suzerain, he was shocked by his face:

"Why is Lord Sect Yin so embarrassed?"

Which pot does not open which pot to mention!

This guy did it on purpose.

Ling Yun rolled his eyes.

Yin Keshuang took a long breath, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Dare to ask the funeral son Shengzi to visit Ling Yunzong, what advice?"

Funeral Saint Son smiled:

"Don't dare to teach. Just the Holy Master ordered Ling Yun to come down and ask for some advice. Why would I be too illusory to collapse suddenly, and Ling Yunzong's phantom spirit realm increased by one level instead?"


Sect Master and Song Qingshu, their faces changed in unison.

The two looked at each other, looking like they were talking.


Burial Moon Son raised a brow:

"It seems that there is a reason?"

A cold breath filled the whole hall.

What embarrassed everyone was Ling Yun.

No one can eliminate it!


Sword Yin.

All the breath of the Son of Burial was dissipated.

Jian Nantian's cold voice came:

"My tu'er hasn't left Ling Yun yet, put your momentum away, and scared my tu'er only you are asking!"

Yang Xumulu was helpless:

Master, don’t take me as a shield.

Burial Moon Saint Child's eyes were surprised.

Ling Yun everyone was very happy:

Jiannantian was still towards Lingyun.

Yin Keshuang's face showed strong humiliation.

His eyes flashed violently, and he made a nearly crazy decision:

"Holy Son! I made you laugh, the door is out of the wicked, is clearing the portal! Helpless strength is not enough, let him live to the present!"

Yin Ke coolly glanced at Yang Xu coldly and said viciously:

"If Saint Son can help Ling Yun get rid of Yang Xu, a culprit, and clean up the portal, I, Ling Yunzong, would like to share the secret of Phantom Spirit Realm with the Holy Land!"



All Ling Yun's children took a deep breath:

Sect Master, is this crazy?

Phantom Spiritual Realm is the most important core of Ling Yunzong.

It can be said that the foundation of the sect is not exaggerated!

In order to get rid of the disciples in the door, actually put the foundation of Zongmen in hand?

This is almost heartbroken!

"Ridiculous! Too absurd!"

"Yin Keshuang you prodigal! You let us old people completely disappointed in you!"

"So shameless and heartbroken, my elder Ling Yunzong is ashamed of you!"

The entire senior level of Ling Yunzong has exploded.

Most of them rebuked Yin Keshuang.

Only a very few stared at Yang Xu coldly.

Like Yin Keshuang, they all wished Yang Xu died earlier.

"Sovereign, are you serious?"

The Son of the Funeral Moon's eyes shone brightly.

Unexpectedly, Jian Nantian's murderous glance passed by.

"Seriously! I promise in the position of Sect Master Ling Yun!"

Yin Keshuang was killed and wanted to get rid of Yang Xu.


All Zongmen representatives present looked at Yang Xu:

How will this kid respond?

Jian Nantian looked at Xiang Yangxu, looking forward to:

It should be the first test of this kid's apprenticeship.

"Hehe, bury the moon son, do you have the confidence to kill me without saying it first. I will tell you only one thing: Yin Keshuang is no longer the master of Lingyun now!"

Yang Xu spoke amazingly.


The entire Lingyun burst:


"Yang Xu talking nonsense!"

"Why is Yin Keshuang not a suzerain?"

Song Qingshu's face changed, and he burst into tears:

"Yangxu, you have a vulgar and disturbed the heart of your disciples! You should be blamed!"

Yang Xu looked at him like an idiot:

"Then you come to slap me."

Song Qing was stiff.

Jian Nantian next to Yang Xu was staring at him.

How dare he start?

"Humph, waste."

Yang Xu smiled contemptuously and looked at Yin Keshuang:

"Yin Keshuang, I was too lazy to take care of you. But you have to kill me over and over again, really when I am muddy?"

"I only ask you one sentence: You said that you are the suzerain, can you open the phantom spirit realm?"


The whole hall was quiet for a while.

In a word, all Yang Yangxu looked at Yin Keshuang.

There are two ways to open Lingyunzong Phantom Spiritual Realm.

One is the power of the combined elders, who work together to cast spells.

The other is opened by the suzerain's unique seal.

"Hehehe, are you scared and stupid, Yang Xu? The way to open the phantom spirit realm is passed down from generation to generation. You said I couldn't open, I..."

"Maybe it used to be, but now..."

Yang Xu sneered:

"I bet you can't open it!"


Yin Keshuang laughed at the funeral of the Saint Son:

"Holy Son, don't listen to this arrogant nonsense. I am Sect Master Ling Yun, how could it not be opened..."

"If you can open it, I will commit suicide on the spot."

Yang Xu sneered.

The Son of Funeral was frightened by his determination and frowned:

"Can you open it? I'll know if I try it."

Looking at his pretending look, Yang Xu really wanted to slap in the face.

But for the bigger picture

Yang Xu temporarily refrained.

He looked at Yin Keshuang provocatively:

"Yin Keshuang, do you dare to try?"

"Don't you dare?"


Yin Keshuang turned into a white light and blinked outside the hall.

His face was full of pride:

"Elder Ling Yun has always needed to gather in the back mountain to open the Phantom Spirit Realm and work together to cast spells. And my Sect Master Ling Yun, as long as he is in the Ling Yun Sect, he can turn on the Phantom Spirit Formation anytime and anywhere!"

"Don't talk nonsense, just come."

Yang Xu sneered.

He saw a roof not far away.

There was a small shadow, waving his tail towards him.

Brush brush!

Yin Keshuang quickly printed a handprint.

Exclusive printing method circulates in the body, hum!

A flash of light suddenly hit the sky:

"Look, this is my Lingyunzong's phantom spirit realm! It has become more powerful since the upgrade..."

The word "big" has not been spoken.

Yin Keshuang's expression suddenly froze:

"This... this is impossible! How could it not be opened?"

He was showing his handprints like crazy.

Nothing happened!

Everyone in Ling Yun was also surprised:

"How could it be? Is it true that Yin Keshuang is really not recognized?"

Everyone was surprised.

Only Teacher Meng and Jian Nantian looked at Xiang Yangxu in surprise.

Seeing Yang Xu quietly blinked.

The two face epiphany:

It must be that this kid did not run again!

I don't know how he did it!

Meng Wanli applauded the elders at the right moment.

The eyes of the elders suddenly light up.

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