Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 175: New life in the bath

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Chapter 175


An elder elder of the fairy wind flashed out:

"You! Let everyone read so many jokes, it is really unfortunate for me Ling Yunzong. The next thing is Ling Yunzong's door, and you are invited to leave. When this happens, Ling Yunzong will come to you one by one to compensate you."

The representatives of Zongmen watched many good shows and got up with satisfaction.

Only the burial of the moon son, with a cold smile:

"Sorry, the Son came with the command of the Holy Lord. Before the task is completed, it is difficult to obey!"


The elders of Ling Yunzhong suddenly felt awkward.


As if the discussion was over, everyone looked at Xiang Yangxu.

"Nima, come to see me again, I am not a TV."

Yang Xu Tucao said.

But still looking at the funeral son:

"I have a hundred ways for you to get out, but considering that we killed the eight pole demon tails together, I will give you a chance: don't you want to fight me, I promise you. But not now."

Yang Xu's inscrutable smile:

"You leave now, everyone's face looks good. If I was forced to shoot, hehe..."

Yang Xu's expression shook the Son of Burial Moon.

The "Eight-pole Demon Tail" even reminds the son of the funeral month to remember the scene of Meng Zhang's treasure house.

"Humph! Yang Xu, you are lucky. You have two good masters!"

He remembered Yang Xu's horrible trumpet.


The funerary son left on the moon.

All Zongmen representatives also left one after another.


The mountain gate of Ling Yunzong made a thunderous explosion and closed completely.

"Yangxu! You must be a ghost! What the **** did you do?"

Yin Keshuang's hair was messy at the moment, and his clothes were covered with blood.

He shouted hysterically:

"Yangxu! I have no injustice with you, why do you want to harm me? What good is it for you to get me down?"

"No injustice or no hatred? Are you stupid or am I stupid?"

Yang Xu rolled his eyes.

This waste lord is crazy.

Looked at the disappointed eyes of several elders.

Yin Keshuang felt faintly that the position of the suzerain was no longer guaranteed.

"Yin Keshuang, let yourself be your own lord, and give you a little face."

An elder who had long been accustomed to him said indifferently.

"Forcing me to abdicate? Are you trying to rebel!"

"Rebellion? Huh, you can't even open the Phantom Spirit Array, you are no longer qualified to be the suzerain! Do you want to squat to death if you don't shit?

Yin Keshuang's reward and punishment are unknown, and I don't know how many people have been offended.

At this moment, everyone is not at all polite.

The ending is already doomed.

Yin Keshuang was unable to return to the sky, a pair of blood-red eyes fixed on Yang Xu:

"It's all because of you! It's you who caused me!"


He rushed towards Yangxu suddenly.

Yang Xu can avoid it.

But he did not hide.


Behind him came a sword light.


Yin Keshuang had a good head and flew into the air.

Jian Nantian withdrew his hand expressionlessly:

"Ling Yunzong rebellious Yin Keshuang, tried to assassinate Ling Yun disciples, beheaded! Everyone should take this as a commandment!"


Everyone present took a deep breath:

Sect Master, just kill it!

Especially the elders, all stunned:

He did not expect that Jian Nantian dared to do so.

Few people knew what Jian Nantian thought.

Only Meng Wanli probably guessed something.

This Yin Keshuang's mother family is very powerful.

To keep this person alive, for Yang Xu, it will do more harm than good.

Simply a sword killed the thing!

"This... what to do next?"

Several elders, you look at me, I look at you.

The scene fell silent.


The weird situation appeared again, and everyone looked at each other in unison.

Yang Xu was completely speechless:

"Look at what I do? The dragons have no heads, of course they choose another suzerain."

No one in the crowd yelled, "Why don't you be the master, Yang Xu?"


The crowd suddenly boiled:


"We support Yang Xu as the sovereign!"

"Yang Xuxiu is so high, when the suzerain is fully qualified!"


These elders who had a very good view of Yang Xu looked at each other, and they thought so!

Yang Xu rolled his eyes fiercely:

"The elders, the disciples are not sensible, how can you follow along. The suzerain can be the most powerful, but not the most powerful can become the suzerain. As the suzerain, you have to manage the entire sect, you have to be responsible for planning the whole situation. .. I don’t have the mind to deal with so many bad things."

It's not a good thing to try hard.

I'm crazy, I want to be the master.

Yang Xu glanced at everyone.

When I saw a smiling, gentle man like jade.

Yang Xu's eyes lit up:

"Brother! I got you!"

Grandmaster Jian Yunqian was dragged out by Yang Xu in a dazed expression.

Yang Xu smiled and said to several elders:

"Elders, what do you think of him?"

Several elders could not help but gleam their eyes slightly.

Think of Jian Yunqian's character and good knowledge.

There is also a relationship with Jian Nantian's uncle and nephew.

They nodded in unison:

"Not bad, but also the right person."

"But... what's going on with Phantom Spirit Array?"

"Don't our generation, the Phantom Spirit Formation cannot be opened by the suzerain?"

Everyone has a feeling of becoming a sinner.

Yang Xu pulled Jian Yunqian:

"Brother, I think there is something in that house. You accompany me to see it."

Jian Yunqian smiled:


Wait for the two to come out of the main hall.

Along the way, Jian Yunqian looked at Yang Xu's eyes, which was called a weird.

Yang Xu blinked at him.


Jian Yunqian smiled gently:

"It seems that I don't want to be this suzerain. I was in that hall just now and accidentally found a handprint..."

Brush brush.

Jian Yunqian unfolded smoothly:


A huge golden light curtain suddenly covered the entire sky of Ling Yunzong.

It seemed like a huge protective shield that protected all Ling Yunzong.

Everyone was startled:

"Phantom Spirit Formation! You have been recognized by all martyrs!"

For a time, the entire Lingyun Mountain called a tsunami!

far away.

After watching a good show, representatives of Zhongzongmen.

Special lectures are being given in the respective sects:

"Hahaha! After this civil strife, Ling Yunzong must be seriously hurt! Their suzerain cannot even open the Phantom Spirit Array. It is estimated that the elders may not be able to open. It is a good opportunity to attack and annex Lingyun. ..."

The voice just fell.


The terror's vitality fluctuated suddenly into everyone's mind.

They looked in the direction of Ling Yunzong, and they were all shocked:

"What is that! Phantom Spirit Formation?"

"God! Golden Phantom Spirit Formation! Ten times more powerful than before!"


"What? In the future, we will join forces to open the Phantom Spirit Array? What are you kidding!"

Listen to the wind and drizzle in the building.

Xiong Feng was shocked.

Yang Xu couldn't help smiling:

"I also think about it for you. The elders will not be able to start the spiritual formation, but if you are accepted as a personal disciple, their status will not be shaken, and you can also be valued."

"As for Tieao," Yang Xu looked at the cool guy again:

"Tieao, you are so cold, the Law Enforcement Hall welcomes you."

Tieao was undecided.

Lian Yi asked what she cares most about:

"Since Yin Keshuang has killed, why not kill Song Qingshu together? In case Song Qingshu deals with you, Yang Xu is not very dangerous?"

"Yes! This is what we are most worried about."

Yang Xu warmed and smiled:

"It's okay, this is what I discussed with my brother and master. Ling Yunzong is now in civil strife and no more hidden dangers are allowed. Song Qingshu has secrets in his body, and we want to dig it out as soon as possible."

"What secret?"

"Not long ago, Yao Xueyi and I found a blood pool in Houshan, at that time..."

"Wow, you and Yao Xueyi? Are you still in the mountains? Are you dating?"

"Is this the point of my speech? Hao Jian, don't disturb you bitch..."

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