Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 176: Unique apprenticeship mission

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Chapter 176 A Unique Mission

in the room.

The medicinal fragrance is pervasive and the aura is rolling.

Yang Xu is practicing alchemy.

The lingering spirits diffused, and a small part was absorbed by the seeds of Qilin Wudao.

Most of them were swallowed by the eight-pole demon tail eggs.

The fist-sized eight-pole demon tail egg flickered with luster.

There is a faint breath of life flowing.


A dark shadow emerged.

With two eyes staring at the eight-legged demon tail egg, you will swallow your mouth.

"Dare you dare, if you eat it, I will peel off your skin."

"That unicorn seed can not be eaten!"


The little black dog suddenly turned his head arrogantly and leaped into Yang Xu's bed.

Well, Master Black Dog puts his **** at Yang Xu.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the top grade Yunling Pill is successfully refined...]


Yang Xu has been madly refining the Elixir.

Part of the finished product was given to the master.

Can be regarded as supporting his initial suzerain.

The other part was dealt with by the little black dog.

That's right.

They don’t eat bones.

Only take a panacea!

The tragedy is that Yang Xu feels faintly these past few days, the eight pole demon tail eggs seem to have a tendency to learn from the little black dog.

After this birth, you won't be taking pills and chewing jelly beans.

Then I must not spit blood!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the main task: Jian Nantian's test 1, completion degree + 5!

Current task completion: 20/100! 】

Yes, Jian Nantian accepted Yang Xu as a disciple, not just talking about it.

He also arranged a test task for Yang Xu.

There are three in total, one more than one.

The first task is to become a Dan teacher and be recognized by the "Dan League".

Danmeng, an Earth-like professional skills association.

Simply put, if you want to become a Dan teacher, you have to enter the Danmeng to take the exam.

After passing, you will be able to obtain the Dan Master Qualification Certificate and become a glorious Dan Master.

But after all, the Elixir is something that comes down, and most of the Elixir is taken in the process of cultivation.

Even if there is only a little bit of trouble, it can cause extremely serious consequences.

Therefore, Dan Shi's assessment is not generally strict and abnormal.

Relatively speaking, the second test task is better:

That is, besides Master Dan, Yang Xu will also become a glorious formation!

Well, I still have to take the qualification certificate.

The most ugly father, and the most difficult for Yang Xu to understand, is the third task.

Actually let Yang Xu do the catching fast!

That's right, it's the Yamen who is responsible for tracking the fugitives' arrest!

When Yang Xu received the three tests, she asked the heavens speechlessly, tears in her eyes.

He was extremely suspicious that this was Jian Nantian's malicious revenge after he knew that Yang Xu had a "legendary master".

Even if Yang Xu explained that the "legendary master" was actually Yang, the elder elder of the family played with Yang Xu.

Jiannan Tianxin believed, and seemed to have no faith.

Well, it was so miserable by my own trumpet.

Think about it is also very energetic.

Yang Xu was concentrating on practising pill.


The sky is rippling, and a thousand-machine crane drilled out:

"Yangxu, Wanwan she ran away!"

"Ah? Run away? What does that mean?"

Yao Xueyi quickly replied:

"It's because of Master. Master sealed all her memories from when you met you with secret methods. As a result Wanwan seems to have left some information for herself, knowing that her memory has been sealed, and let us run away..."

Yang Xu frowned involuntarily:

"Seal memory? Did anyone offend the part of her seal experience? In case she encounters an enemy, she will be in trouble if she doesn't know the result."

"Don't worry about this, Wanwan rarely goes out, there are not many enemies."

Yang Xu didn't believe this.

Thinking of how Wan Wan punched the crocodile, it was not like "no enemy" at all.

"In addition, she has changed her face, and even we can't find her-Wanwan's face-lifting technique is the best in the ethereal palace, and even the master can't distinguish it, even if there are enemies, she won't recognize her..."

"It's better. Ok, I know the situation. Maybe she will come here to find my master. I will pay attention."

Yang Xu had a headache.


A thousand machine cranes were drilled in the void:

"Bad boy! I'm going to be mad! Wanwan that little Nizi actually ran away, she is not afraid of being caught in danger!"

Riyue Wenying also came to report.

Yang Xu had to pretend not to know.

After returning her sentence, Yang Xu was surprised by the accidental news of Ying Ying:

"What! She wants you to give me half of her?"

"Isn't it! This Nizi is actually whimsical, and wants to serve a master and apprentice together, crazy! I sealed her memory in one breath, and she ran away."


Yang Xu didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, bad boy, Wanwan is better than a little fox, and he has enough self-defense to avoid danger. Besides, I'm still on their sisters, and they have a trace of the sign of a trace. Once my life is in danger, I I can go to them immediately."

"That's fine."

Yang Xu was relieved.

"Bad boy! What are you doing recently, don't come to me?"

"I am studying alchemy."

"Wow! You will still practice alchemy. There will be nothing you can't do in this world, will you?

This fool is just the next sentence.

"A few days later, there is something wrong with you, and I will go to you when I am done."

I think of the wild and unrestrained character when I heard Sakura's "deep communication".

Yang Xu's heart rose in bursts.


A panacea failed.

"I went to participate in the Dan teacher assessment in three days, but I can't make such a low-level mistake again.

Yang Xu stopped contacting Wen Ying and concentrated on alchemy.

A luxuriously decorated restaurant.

A servant woman in white clothes and a white hood covering her head.

She was slender and stepped up to the second floor.

Pick a corner and sit down.

Randomly ordering something, she looked at the messy handwriting on a piece of paper and worried:

"Bad boy? Bad guy? Tamron City? What a mess!"

She patted the paper on the table impatiently.


A tall, handsome white-faced young man stepped onto the second floor.

If someone from the Yang family is here, they can be recognized at a glance.

This person is the traitor who betrayed the Yang family, Yang Fei!

Not seen for a while, Yang Fei has undergone earth-shaking changes throughout his body.

He didn't look so harsh.

The whole person is also more confident.

Fairly clean face, with a faint smile.

Many women saw them, blushing and beating.

When he came to the restaurant, he swept the crowd at will.

Shaking his head in disappointment, he sat in the corner.

"Hey, boy, look away, there is a prey in the corner on the right hand side."

A ring on his hand shone slightly.


Yang Fei's eyes flashed and looked at the woman in white hood.

"Huh, it looks very ordinary. It's not outstanding in temperament. It's also very ordinary. It's not showing up. Should it be ugly?"

"Fart! To be faceless is to look ugly? Maybe she looks like a celestial son, but she doesn't want to cause trouble to cover it. Less nonsense! If you want to learn the next formation, go to sit opposite her!"

There was a cold flash in Yang Fei's eyes.

Then he laughed bitterly:

"Well old, this is already the third furnace, if it is unsuccessful..."

"What nonsense! Squeaky crooked, do you want to learn Lingzhen, do you want to become a teacher?"

"Think, of course!"

Yang Fei's footsteps left a trace of footprints on the ground.

Next second.

He spanned a distance of five meters and instantly appeared in front of the woman in white hood:

"Hi, hello girl, I hear you sigh, do you seem to be in trouble?"

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