Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 179: Behead with a sword

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Chapter 179

Yang Xu's curse made everyone laugh.

But if you think about it, it makes sense.

Anyone can say pretty words, but you are the one who was injured. Can you bear it?

People looked at Lei Heng's gaze and could not help becoming strange.

"you you……"

Lei Heng encountered such scolding and was so angry that he was almost mad.

You have been speechless for a long time.

"Good scolding! Old Lei Heng'er is shameless and shameless! As the person in charge of the League of Nations, he actually said this kind of shit-fucking fart, really tmd owed!"

The voice did not fall.


A man appeared beside Yang Xu.

He stood with his hands down, his white clothes were spotless and his black hair was not messy.

Obviously not tall, but the momentum is really full.

"Boy, I remember you, your name is Yang Xu, right? Before Danmeng signed up, it was your most calm and confident look."

The man in white turned his head, without wrinkled skin blown, and shaved his beard completely, without half a stubble.

Yang Xu frowned.

He discovered this when he signed up.

The people of Danmeng, not to mention all are handsome guys and beauties.

But everyone was very neat and tidy.

No one is sloppy.

"Xiao Yi! You swear by Danmeng's garbage, what are your qualities! Take care of the people under your hands, and dare to move my alliance..."

"What's the matter with moving your alliance? You shameless old man, the little **** behind is a traitor who kills his father. You actually defended the calf with integrity!"

Xiao Yi, a white man, Chaoyang Xu smiled:

"I give you a chance to dare to kill that little bastard?"

Yang Xu flashed a cold light:

"I came for this!"

Even if no one helps, Yang Fei must die today!

"Then it's done!"

Xiao Yi was shocked, hum!

Five round **** with the size of a fist surfaced around him.


Five round **** flew towards Lei Heng.

"Huh, Dan Bing? Don't control yourself! Shock me!"

Lei Heng's double fists flashed, punching in the void.


The ripples in the void are visible to the naked eye, boom!

All five **** are blocked.


Yang Xu cut out with a sword.


Standing above the golden light curtain.

"What are you waiting for, help this kid break the curtain!"

Xiao Yi's voice is not down, whisper!

Colorful soldiers of different sizes come from all directions.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

All played in the same place in Yang Xu.

The light curtain weakened almost at a rate visible to the naked eye.


A shadow of corrective fitness flashed into the light curtain.

"Want to run?"

It is Wanwan.

This girl has been staring at Yang Fei since Yang Fei got into the Alliance.

At this moment when the light curtain appeared flawed, she sprinted in like a falcon.

"Get out!"


Yang Fei was kicked out.

"What's the point! Dare to rush into the Alliance and grab people, wantonly!"


A woman in blue, with a hot figure, her slim jade hand pointed towards Wanwan.

Suddenly, the void pattern flashes.

A layer of light net shrouded in the past.


Jianguang flashed.

The optical network collapsed directly.

The woman in blue looked at Xiang Yangxu in surprise:

"Good sharpness."


Yang Xu flashed over to Wanwan.

The willow slender waist disappeared instantly.


Yang Xushen is now beside Yang Fei.

"not good!"

Yang Fei suddenly lit up a line.


Countless iron swords flew out of the formation.

"Advanced formation! This kid is a genius!"

Lei Heng's eyes lit up, he could not help but scream:

"Must protect this kid!"


Yang Xu flashed over the iron sword.

Yu Guang saw Wan Wan's face red and red, lying in his arms.

Can't help a headache:

"Beauty, you have to be a nympho. Just pick it up. Stop the big girl in blue!"

The figure of Yang Xu flashed and Chaoyang flew away.

The blue-eyed woman's eyes are full of anger:

"I killed you as a disciple!"



"Don't fight anymore!"

Yang Xu snorted.

Everyone immediately opened their eyes wide:

"That kid was caught by Yang Xu!"

Lei Heng's eyes could not help sinking.

Xiao Yi laughed loudly:

"Good boy!"

Yang Fei was heavily stomped on the ground.

Yang Xu's feet looked like a mountain, making him unable to break free.

Yang Xu's sword light is about to fall.


A line of rippling in the void blocked Yang Xu's sword.

Lei Heng stared at Yang Xu:

"This son is a genius of cultivation, not to kill! You have any requirements to mention, our alliance will try to satisfy you! If you kill him, you will be the enemy of my alliance..."

"Huh? Are you threatening me?"

Yang Xu stared at Lei Heng, his eyes sinking:

"Yang Fei, this wicked son! My father raised him, but the white-eyed wolf has revenge, not only to seize the position of my young master and his family property, but also almost killed my father! Do you still want to speak for him? Want to cover him?"

"Your alliances are all people who are right and wrong, black and white?"

Everyone in the alliance immediately turned black.

"Shut up for me!"

Lei Heng stared at Yang Xu:

"I have already said, what conditions do you have to mention casually!"

His pride is high:

"My alliance has always cherished talents. For a genius, if it is not willing to pay a price, what is the alliance?"

"Then I want you to take his life for his life, will you?"


Lei Heng's tone was stagnant.

"Huh, you don't even want to give up your dog's life. What big garlic do you put here?"

Yang Xu smiled faintly:

"Actually, I am also a genius, why don't you lend me your mother for one night? At the end of the day, what conditions do you open and how can I satisfy you as much as possible?"


The audience laughed again.

Yang Xu, this guy's speech is too bad.

Xiao Yi and all the Danmeng people looked at Leiheng playfully.

Chaoyang Xu gave thumbs up one after another:

It's been a long time since I was so happy.

Yang Xu scolded well!

Lei Heng was so angry that his chest undulated like a bellows:

"you you……"

"You nmlgb!"

The iron sword rose.


Yang Fei's head flew up.

Lei Heng's eyes glared:

"Hello bold!"


A line of patterns rushed towards Yang Fei's head.

"Don't give up yet?"

Yang Xu snorted coldly and shot:


Yang Fei's head burst directly.

"you wanna die!"

Lei Heng's eyes flashed Morin cold killer.

He is a core member of the Alliance.

No one has dared to target him again and again.

Especially in front of Yang Xu, he couldn't take advantage of the slightest price.

This feeling of suffocation made him wish to kill Yang Xu.


The opposite Xiao Yi looked indifferent.

But a pair of sharp eyes has locked himself.

As soon as he shot, he would definitely stop.

That suffocation in Lei Heng's heart.

It was at this time.


On the corpse of Yang Fei, a ring of purple light flashed and flew into the sky.

Yang Xu smiled coldly.


The long sword flew out.


There was a muffled noise.

The ring was nailed directly to the ground.

"good stuff!"

Lei Heng's eyes lit up suddenly.

Just one step.


A deep pit burst under the feet.

Yang Xu held the Linhuang sword, his eyes cold and cold:

"He stole my father from this thing, and now it's back to the original owner. Do you want to steal it?"

Lei Heng's face changed.

People around him looked at him with a look of contempt:

"Isn't this person like this? Even people have to grab things?"

"Huh, that Yang Xu is going to avenge his father's revenge. Lei Heng still protects the white-eyed wolf."

"Right and wrong, there is such a person in the alliance, and sooner or later it will be unlucky."

Lei Heng was angry:

"You don't understand nonsense?"

He clearly saw that even the Alliance's people looked at him with some doubt...

In the ring.

Zhen Lao, who was trapped by puppetry, yelled:

This little thief is too cunning!

What your father's! This ring is clearly the fool of the Yin family!

at this time.

There was a figure in the crowd, and when he saw the ring, his eyes flashed suddenly.

Seeing Yang Xu put away the ring.

He quietly wrote down Yang Xu's face.

Turn away...

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