Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 180: Do you sign a master-servant contract?

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Chapter 180 Is the Master-Servant Contract Signed?

"Xiao Yi! Your disciples in Danmeng have insulted me so much, do you have no explanation at all?"

Lei Heng took Yang Xu and turned to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi joked:

"What are you qualified to tell me? Are we familiar?"


Lei Heng was interrupted again as soon as he opened his mouth—

"Not to mention, Yang Xu is not my disciple of Dan League yet."

Xiao Yi interrupted Lei Heng twice.

Lei Heng's complexion turned from cyanosis to gloomy again.

Then he roared furiously:

"Enough! Xiao Yi! My alliance is tired of fighting with you endlessly! After three days, a victory or defeat! Are you protecting Yang Xu, simply send me another person to compare with him One game! Pill spells, the loser moves away from this place!"

"Okay! This should have been done already!"

Xiao Yi looked at Xiang Yangxu:

"Boy, dare you come?"

Yang Xu smiled calmly:

"Brother Xiao believes me, why don't I dare."

Xiao Yi's eyes lit up suddenly:

"Just as you said, three days later we will have a victory!"


In the apse of the Dan League, the voice of the president’s anger came out:

"Xiao Yi, you are fooling! How can our Danmeng's reputation be pinned on an outsider! How strong is that name, origin, ability, strength? Do you all know that you dare to bet against Lei Heng?"

"Hey, don't be angry when you grow up. I brought it up with you. You taught me this when you were young. How can I not understand?"

Xiao Yi smiled confidently, his eyes flashing with a fine mans:

"President, I have investigated all the things you just said. This Yang Xu came from Ling Yunzong. He is the young master of the Yang family in Tenglong City. He..."

"Tenglongcheng Yang Family! Which Yang Family?"

The president's complexion changed slightly.

"How many Yang families can Tenglong have? It is Yang Qingtian. If you can make good friends with Yang Xu, it will greatly help our Danmeng to develop into Tenglong City..."

"What! In this way, we lost at most a place, but we can use Yang Xu to build a relationship with the Yang family. If we win..."

The president's cold face can't help the ice melt away.

He smiled and praised:

"Xiao Yi! You are doing well! As a Master Dan, you must be attentive and take two steps at a time! At this time, it is up to you to arrange and be more beautiful!"


Xiao Yi went out.

Yang Xu outside the door blinked:

"You have all heard it. We have good reason to be optimistic about you. It's okay to lose. Let's go to Tamron City and cooperate again. Of course it's better to win!"

Yang Xuchao Xiao Yi thumbs up:

"Brother Xiao is really frank! I understand that this kind of win-win situation, I will try my best to contribute!"

"Haha, your kid is on the road! Go, I will open a back door for you to go directly to the assessment, as long as you pass the level, the Danshi card is taken away!"

ten minutes later.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, obtain the Dan Master Card and become a senior Dan Master! Reward experience value + 100000! True Qi +10000! Points + 1000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the main task: Jian Nantian's test, completion degree +20!

Current task completion: 40/100! 】

Yang Xu looked very happy.

Behind him.

Xiao Yi walked out of the alchemy examination room.

Look at Yang Xu's eyes strangely:

"Are you a kid or a human? The three grades of low, intermediate and advanced are all done at once!"

The more he said that the excitement on his face was more difficult to stop:

"Lei Heng's stupid donkey also said that he had picked up the genius. I think it was right that my Danmeng had picked up the treasure! You go back and have a good rest. I will see the president again!"

Xiao Yi was very excited.

For geniuses like Yang Xu, Danmeng must definitely take it seriously!

Do not! It’s all about making friends!

Find a place to live.

In front of Wan Wan, Yang Xu took out the strange ring.

In the eyes of Wanwan worship.

Yang Xu's heart moved:


A figure flashed in the air.

"Yo, there really is an old grandpa in the ring."

Yang Xu's eyes lit up and he looked at Zhen Lao with a smile:

"Speak, who are you, what's the beginning?"

Zhen Lao like a soul floating in the air, with a look of pride:

"Huh, do you want to inquire about my origin as a junior?"

Yang Xu raised a brow:

"Why, don't you think I am not qualified? Or are you suffering enough?"

Zhen Lao snorted:

"Want to deal with me? You don't have that skill yet! I don't have an entity now, just a soul ability, you can't move me if you want to!"

He was condescending and looked down on Yang Xu.

"Are you using aggressive methods against me?"

Yang Xu's eyes flashed:

"Then congratulations, you succeeded."

A black rune shot suddenly from the fingertips.


Twinkling the old soul.

Jin Lao tightened his breath, and his breath was quick:

"How can you control my soul? This is impossible! Unless..."

He thought of the series of conditions he had seen before, and he was shocked:

"Little puppet technique! You actually mastered the little puppet technique!"

The voice did not fall.


Zhen Lao's arm was directly torn by puppet runes.

The severe pain suddenly spread throughout the body.

The old body twitched in pain.

It's about to fall apart.

"It's a pity that you didn't have to suffer so much."

Yang Xu's mouth was light, and his finger slightly ticked:


Zhen Lao's other soul arm was also broken.

Zhen Lao howling again and again.

Never dare to pretend again.

Yin Family.

The owner's study.

"Are you sure you read it right? Is that really something on my Yin family tree?"

"Yes Sovereign!"

"Haha, it's been almost a hundred years. Since the ring was stolen by the tribes of the tribes, there has been no news. It is said that the ring contains huge wealth and treasures, as long as the piety of the ring spirit is devoted, follow the words..."

"But Sect Master, that Yang Xu..."

"Humph! Yang Xu's son is going to die! My Yin family finally pushed Yin Keshuang to the position of suzerain, and it was destroyed by Yang Xu's hands!"

"Yang Xu has many ways, and he is also the young master of the Yang family in Tenglong City. Our forces are not easy to penetrate there."

"I know this. I heard that the person who was sent by the Ming family to avenge the younger son suffered a loss in this boy's hands. This matter also requires long-term consideration. If necessary, you can cooperate with the Ming family..."

"Waste! A bunch of waste! Even a small soul master can't figure it out! Is that dust, not a gold medal killer, never losing? How could it be lost to Yang Xu's mysterious master?"

"My son's life can't be lost like this! The subpoena goes down, summons the strongest young man in Yongguan City, and challenges Yang Xu one by one! I want to force his mysterious master to jump out of his own!"

In the inn.

Zhen Lao's groaning gradually became inaudible.

His energy body became weak and lightless, and seemed to collapse at any time.

The old one regrets it.

This Yang Xu is simply a devil!

The person he met, who did not enshrine him as an ancestor, obeyed.

Only Yang Xu didn't take him seriously.

This kid is too evil!

Yang Xu looked at him with a smile, without saying a word.

Zhen Lao shuddered, praying:

"Leave me alone. Yang Fei's business has nothing to do with me. I reminded him not to fight against you. He is too weak, but he insists on hurting your father..."

The old soul flashed, and it seemed to break at any time:

"Don't give up on me, I'm still useful to you. I can teach you array technique. I'm very research on array technique. Give me a hint of soul energy, or let her be my furnace..."

Wan Wan's eyes suddenly glared.

The old soul shuddered and almost dissipated.

Yang Xu's palm turned:

"Should this be useful to you?"

Zhen old eyes suddenly light up:

"Phantom crystal nucleus! Such pure energy! This is a good thing, just need one... No! Only half a piece I can be restored to the original! I am willing to teach you the formation technique, as long as you supply me the phantom crystal nucleus !"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, have they been approved by "Zhen Lao", did they sign the master-servant contract? 】

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