Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 182: Dan vs. array!

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Chapter 182 Dan vs. Formation!

"What is that?"

"Oh my god, am I right? That's a high-level panacea! Jiyang pandan!"

"He actually practiced a high-level elixir? Such a young senior elixir!"

The Master Dan marveled repeatedly.

For the Pill Master, only the pill medicine developed by him can be transformed into a **** soldier.

Pills, that is, weapons made with pill medicine through special techniques.

The most powerful thing about the Dan soldiers is that they can constantly replenish their true energy and physical strength during the battle.

The stronger the pawn, the stronger the recovery and endurance.

Often when a battle comes down, the Dan soldiers are exhausted, and the battle is won!

Xiao Yi looked at Yang Xu with a smile, his eyes flashed with admiration.

Yesterday, the chairman greatly appreciated Yang Xu.

Even more appreciative of Xiao Yi's wisdom eyes and beads.

The president even promised that when the Dragon Alliance Danmeng was established.

It was the moment when Xiao Yi became the president of the Danmeng of the Dragon City!

Xiao Yi looked at Xiang Yangxu gratefully:

All thanks to this kid.

"Able to use advanced pawns, it seems that your alchemy talent is not bad. Unfortunately you met me..."

Yin Tianfeng smiled.


Behind the void, a six-pointed star pattern suddenly appeared.

The six-pointed star pattern flashes silvery luster and rotates clockwise.

A stream of silver energy dripped down from the top of his head.

During the rotation of the six-pointed star pattern, a trace of silver energy penetrated into Yin Tianfeng's body.

The array teachers exclaimed:

"Runner Hexagon Star! Advanced formation!"

Lei Heng stared at President Wu.

His expression was slightly grim:

"Too unfair! This old thing actually imparted the runner six-pointed star to this dude. And I have been busy for the alliance for so many years, but even a senior formation is not qualified to learn..."

His eyes flashed with intense resentment.

"Jiyang Dan, Chi!"

Yang Xu ordered.


The extreme sun pierced the golden fire, just like a golden shell, burst out.


It hit the body of Yin Tianfeng heavily.


In front of Yin Tianfeng, a void pattern flashed out of thin air.

It seems to merge with the void, showing a semi-transparent triangle shape.

"Nothing exquisite shield! Another high-level formation!"

Lei Heng clenched his fists.

The jealous fire in his heart burned wildly, making him want to die with the old thing of President Wu.


Xiao Yi's eyes flickered:

"It really made Yang Xu right, and Lei Heng's psychological imbalance."


Void Linglong Shield merged with Void.

The extreme sun pill like a little sun, with golden light, melts everything.

But Yin Tianfeng couldn't get close to him at all.

"Although you have all kinds of changes, all skills, you can't break the exquisite shield of the nothingness. Unless you wipe out the nothingness."

Yin Tianfeng yelled with a smile, finger gently ticked:


On his right index finger, there was a golden pattern around him.

Shenhua wrinkled like the tip of a sharp gun.

"The Mark of the Martyr Gun! It's a high-level formation!"

Lei Heng's forehead burst out with blue muscles.


Yin Tianfeng's fingers flashed and puffed.

The golden beam of shimmering gods penetrated the void.

Wherever he passed, a dark hole was left.

Almost in a blink of an eye!

Penetrated Yang Xu's heart.

"His...Yang Xuzhong recruited!"

Everyone exclaimed:

"So soon?"

The woman in blue is hot and has some doubts in her beautiful eyes:

Shouldn't Yang Xu be so weak?

The formations cheered.

And Master Dan was disappointed:


"It won't be so fast, doesn't the information show that Yang Xu has rich combat experience?"

"It's not that simple! Yang Xu gives me the feeling that he is not so easily defeated."

Dan masters looked forward.

In just a few days, the confident and optimistic Yang Xu left a good impression on them.

But at this time.


Yang Xu's pierced chest suddenly burned clusters of golden flames.

His wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I'm going! What kind of **** is this?"

"What **** soldier's recovery effect is so good?"

Dan masters exclaimed.

Even if they want to break their heads, they can't guess that this is the effect of the sun fruit.

"It's my turn next."

Yang Xu smiled slightly and shouted.

A projectile suddenly appeared in the palm.

The whole body is surrounded by fire, the innermost layer is white nothingness.

The outer layer is black.

Further out is the golden light.

The outermost layer is red light.

If anyone has seen the sun fruit.

I will recognize at a glance that this **** is very similar to the sun fruit.

Even the emanating temperature is so scary!

The 10,000-degree high-temperature fireball was continuously compressed by Yang Xu and reduced to the size of a projectile.

In the face of pride, Yin Tianfeng.

Yang Xu smiled faintly:


The projectile burst out.

"Nothing exquisite shield!"

The translucent pattern flashes, and the void provides powerful energy.



Linglong Shield was drilled with a small black hole.

The projectile lingered around the golden fire and blinked before Yin Tianfeng.


Directly penetrate the right arm of Yin Tianfeng.

There was a snort.

The flesh and blood of the wound were directly mushy.

It's too late to recover.

"It hurts! You dare to hurt me, you are so brave! Come on, take me down for him!"


Countless Yinjia soldiers rushed out of the crowd and surrounded Xiangyang Xu.

"Don't come if you can't afford to lose. Is it only for you to hurt others, not for me to hurt you?"

Yang Xu snorted.

Yin Tianfeng snorted:

"Yes! My life is ten times more expensive than you! Some people you can move, some people can't move! I am Yin Tianfeng, you can't move!"


The spirit of his body soul division level broke out:

"Get me down!"


Yin Jiabing Ding rushed to Yang Xu.


Yang Xu, who had been prepared for a long time, blinked on the side of Yin Tianfeng.

"The person who moved me didn't end well. You should be fortunate that you have a good family."

Yang Xu sneered, bang!

One foot shot to Yin Tianfeng's belly, Dan Tian.


Yin Tianfeng flew out, spurting blood, his expression languished.

He was scrapped by Yang Xu!

at this time.

Yang Xu Chao Wanwan nodded.

Wanwan voice transmission into the secret start:

"President Wu! Lei Heng wants to kill you, be careful."

President Wu looked at Lei Heng conditionedly.

It happened to see that a light knife rune flashed in Lei Heng's palm.

"you dare!"


President Wu's fingertips, golden light beams burst out.


Lei Heng's eyebrows penetrated.

"Father... Um!"

In the crowd.

A little boy struggled frantically.

But the mother who was covered with tears covered her mouth.

The reason why Lei Heng assassinated President Wu has been fascinated.

But the third day after Lei Heng's death.

President Wu was found dead at home.

The only clue at the scene was a **** footprint of a child.

Yin Tianfeng was abolished, and the Alliance was defeated.

more importantly.

The death of the backbone of the two alliances between Chairman Wu and Lei Heng.

Faced with the suppression of Danmeng, the Zhenmeng defeated.

And it is the atmosphere that disciples of the Alliance are.

On the first day when the Alliance moved to the corner of the city.

Yang Xu came to the door.

The blue-eyed woman stared at Xing:

"You actually dare to come to the Alliance! Get out!"

"Oh, don't I have to take part in the alliance test?"

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