Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 183: Depressed waves

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Chapter 183 Depressed Ocean Wave

The blue woman's beautiful face.

Almost all the men present were swallowing secretly.

Watching up close, Yang Xu couldn't help but utter awe.

But in the past life, Yang Xu often talked about "civilization watching the ball".

I have read countless games for a long time.

So I just glanced at it briefly.

There will not be too much attention.

This made the blue woman's eyes slightly surprised.

Then Emei wrinkled:

"You said you are going to conduct a division test?"

"No! This kid is a genius of the Dan League, and even Xiao Yi, the vice president, called him a brother. He can't be allowed to enter the League!"

"Sister Lin, you must not let him join the League! Maybe he is a spy sent by Dan League..."

The people of the Alliance unanimously opposed.

Especially men.

The sound is more intense.

One of the young men with short hair looked at Yang Xu gloomyly.

He has been pursuing Liu Lin for many years, although he has always been unwilling.

But he knew some of Liu Lin's habits.

The short-haired youth keenly discovered that the goddess Liu Lin's attitude towards Yang Xu seemed unusual.

He had never seen a man whom Goddess Lynn had patiently talked with for more than five seconds!

The hostility to everyone is within Yang Xu's expectations.

He was completely indifferent.

Staring at Liu Lin only, smiling:

"Your alliance has regulations, can't anyone who has received the Dan Master's Certificate take part in the alliance assessment?"

Everyone's voice was stagnant.

The short-haired youth scolded, so cunning guy!

Liu Lin's beautiful face was slightly surprised.

Staring at Yang Xu for three seconds.

Yang Xu's calm and delicate face never saw any emotion.

Liu Lin sighed slightly disappointed:

"There is no such rule as you said."

The corner of Yang Xu's mouth slightly upturned:

"Since I don't have one, can I take the exam for the formation teacher?"


Liu Lin gritted her teeth.

Seeing Yang Xu's complacent look, she could not wait for a fist to hit her.

Too flat!

"Sister Liu Lin! I'll take part in the array division test."

"Sister Liu Lin, I am also here. I heard that you were in danger and ordered to be the president of this place. Let's all support you."

Two good-looking women came forward.

The short-haired youth's eyes suddenly light up:

"The two dudes are finally here!"

There was a glimmer of gloom in his eyes:

"The second women's background is extraordinary, the most important thing is savageness and rudeness. I will make a small plan to let them target Yang Xu..."

He didn't even speak.

Seeing the tragedy, the second woman discovered Yang Xushi.

All changes in color:

"It's you!"

They searched in horror with four faces:

"What about that crazy woman, has she come?"

The second daughter was the one who was strangled by her and gave the lesson a lesson.

Yang Xu looked slightly cold, turned his head, too lazy to ignore them.

Change to others like this.

The second woman had already been angry, and sent her men to step forward and teach.

But only when they faced Yang Xu, their faces changed, but they didn't dare to say more.

This made the young man with short hair secretly hate, and at the same time puzzled.

"Sister Liu Lin, it was because of him last time that we suffered a great loss..."

"Yes! Sister Liu Lin, teach him for us, okay? Isn't he here to test, quietly increase his difficulty, and let him pass..."

The second daughter saw that Liu Lin didn't seem to please Yang Xu.

So he didn't give up trying to trip Yang Xu.

But their words have not fallen.

I saw Liu Lin's beautiful face, a cold expression:

"Sorry, I can't do it! You are happy to support me, but no matter who the Alliance is, they will treat them equally and treat them fairly! This guy will pass if he has the ability, and he will fail if he has no ability. The same is true for the Alliance. , Move any hands and feet."

Not only that.

Liu Lin also decided that she would personally supervise Yang Xu's test for a while.

Liu Lin's hostility towards Zhenxu was clear.

To prevent others from doing things.

Liu Lin wants to personally check!

The entrance of the array division assessment room.

Liu Lin was about to go in.

"Sister Lin, wait!"

The short-haired youth stopped her and glanced at Yang Xu inside.

Yang Xu shrugged indifferently.

"Oh wave, what are you talking about! Hurry!"

Liu Lin said quickly.

If Liu Lin looked at Yang Xu's eyes, she was secretly hated.

The look of the short-haired youth waves is totally impatient.

She didn't even have the interest to take a second look.

Thought that his eyes were obscure, he swept past Liu Lin's hot weapon.

The waves swallowed secretly and laughed:

"I have had a lot of feelings about the mid-level pattern recently. Let me also test this time."

"Intermediate pattern testing is not my responsibility, please find someone else."

Liu Lin returned angrily and turned to leave.


Is that disgusting look again, thinking I can't see it?

The sea waves stared at Liu Lin's beautiful back, and there was a trace of coldness in her eyes.

What a cow!

That thing will be ready soon.

When the time comes, I will let you kneel on the bed and automatically take various poses!

Depressing the anger in the bottom of my heart, the wave looked at the companion next to it.

The companion blinked playfully.

Hailangmai stepped into the examination room:

"Sorry Sister Lin, the mid-level assessment room is under maintenance. Let me come with you."

"Sister Lin, you can let him in because of his personality."

The companion cooperated perfectly with him.


Yang Xu looked at the sea wave and came to himself.

"Zhen Lao, can the person doing the test affect the people next to me?"

"Are you trying to ask if this kid can do anything to you? Yes! Since he wants to assess the Intermediate Pill Master, indicating that his strength is above you, he wants to move your hands and feet easily-but that is not what I did before. With me there, hum, I will make him crawl out of the examination room crying!"

Zhen Lao's answer satisfied Yang Xu.

The old comrade entered the role soon.

"Sister Qin, please change your place with Hailang."

Liu Lin suddenly said blankly.

Sister Qin should have walked in front of the waves.

The wave was ashamed:


The original position was Yang Xu standing on the far left, and the waves on his right.

The second daughter is to the right of the waves.

Sister Qin's position is far right.

Liu Lin suddenly arranged for the wave to change.

Suddenly the waves changed to the far right.

The second daughter is separated from Yang Xu by the end of the world.

No matter what he wants to do now, he doesn't have that ability.

Yang Xu gave Liu Lin a surprised look.

From the always calm Yang Xu's face, Liu Lin was very helpful when she discovered this accident.

With a cold snort, she held her chin high, like a proud peacock.

There was a flash of pride in the eyes.

Huh, I am Liu Lin who is not the one who reports the private enmity.

Those who look down upon me will be punished fiercely!

Seeing Liu Lin's thoughts.

Yang Xu couldn't help laughing, this girl is interesting.

He glanced at her pair of fierce weapons with admiration.

In exchange, Liu Linxing stared.

The interaction between the two was seen by the waves.

The anger in his heart, let alone much depression.

"No way, I can only take part in the assessment, and strive to pass the intermediate test once, and I can improve my position in the Alliance!"

The waves thought secretly.

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