Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 184: Liu Lin's shock

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Chapter 184 Liu Lin's Shock

"Well, this woman is very clever. Seeing that the kid wants to trip you up, he took the initiative to tune it out. Gee, the figure is really good, the figure is hot and curvy, and the top and bottom are big and upturned, if it can be done. The furnace..."

"To shut up!"

In a word, Yang Xu dare not speak.

"The assessment begins now!"

Liu Lin announced coldly.

Most people's eyes fall on Yang Xu.

After all, he is the main contradiction here.

Brushing like a magnet attracts hatred and eyeballs.

Yang Xu looked calm.

A look of hostility, provocation, or indifference to the surroundings.

He turned a blind eye.

"Old, ready to do things."

"doing what?"

Yang Xu picked up a corner of her mouth and smiled a little coldly:

"What? The kid just wanted to calculate me just now. Although I can't do it now, I won't let him go. By some means, let him pass the test."

"Good, easy!"

Zhen Lao is very confident.

Otherwise, dare to call themselves "Zhen Lao".

The assessment question that Yang Xu got was the first-level back light array.

This is one of the simplest lighting runes, drawn with one finger, can emit a faint light.

Low consumption and more practical.

"Do you say Yang Xu can pass?"

"Absolutely not! Does this trash think he is a genius, delusion that Dan Zhen double cultivation?"

"Hey, can't we speak with emotion, I think Yang Xu dares to come, it must be sure, the possibility of passing a low-level formation is at least 50%!"

"It makes sense! This is shameful. Last time we were just defeated by him, and now everyone has turned into a teacher."

"Hey did you find that, President Liu Lin seems to be different from Yang Xu..."

"Of course, without Yang Xu, it is estimated that she would not be the president. In this respect, Yang Xu is still a half benefactor."

People talked and talked about everything.

This is a bitter sea wave.

He was originally in the inside position, because he wanted to calculate Ji Yangxu and was transferred to the outermost by Liu Lin.

Noisy sounds lingered into his ears.

To change in peacetime, he is not so easily affected.

All the discussions were about Yang Xu and Liu Lin.

The wave's heart suddenly became calm.


There was a muffled noise.

The second wave of the wave pattern failed again.

When depressed.

"Oh! Yang Xu succeeded all at once!"

"What a strong back light! Such a strong light, this is more than a first-order pattern?"

In the exclamation of people, Yang Xu had a washbasin-shaped pattern in front of him.

It emits white light like the sun.

The entire examination room was illuminated by the light it emitted.

"What a beautiful line..."

Even Liu Lin, who had seen countless patterns, opened her mouth slightly and looked at Yang Xu in surprise.

There was a trace of curiosity in the beautiful eyes:

"Is he really talented in repairs?"

Even the second daughter next to Yang Xu couldn't help but be attracted by this light.

Both eyes flashed with exclamation:

"Oh my god, how could his light be so bright? How could our..."

Puff puff.

The two women, who were distracted, drew half of the flash of light under their hands and suddenly failed.

Different from them.

Nothing in the surroundings could distract Yang Xu's attention.

Even if you feel the scorching and amazing eyes around.

His face was always calm.

He portrayed his arms back to light, still very calm.

The true qi that flowed out of the fingertips, the traces of light, made the light that tended to be complete and more perfect.

Liu Lin's eyes shone slightly.

Her attitude is changing.

From the initial slight hostility to the later curiosity.

Until now, she stared at Yang Xu without blinking.

The back light was bright and soft, and reflected on Yang Xu's focused and serious young face.

The calm and indifferent calm temperament almost made her think that it was not a 16-year-old boy who attracted her attention.

It's a master of composure.

What she didn't know was.

It's not just her who has this idea.

Even the elders who teach Yang Xu often sigh like this.

He firmly believes that Yang Xu is a born wizard.

It’s a waste of not studying the pattern in depth...

a long time.

There was a joking voice in Liu Lin's ear:

"Hey, wake up, the sun shines."

Liu Lin suddenly recovered.

When I saw the people around, they all looked at her with surprise.

Directly opposite, Yang Xu smiled and stood in front of her.

In his palm, a glorious rune of glory was suspended above and below.

The soft light radiated from it disappeared.

Like Liu Lin's increasingly unstable heartbeat.

"How is it time to announce the result?"

Yang Xu's smiling face reflected a soft light, like a **** in the dust.

For the first time, Liu Lin didn't dare to look directly at a man's eyes.

No, he is just a teenager, what a man.

Liu Lin felt so comforted in her heart.


The tone of the boy was impatient.

What are you doing, do you have any other tasks?

"Ah, you passed, and passed the low-level Dan Master exam perfectly!"

Liu Lin said very quickly.

It seemed that speaking quickly, her sudden heartbeat would ease.


There was a muffled noise next to it.

The waves hit the table with a punch.

Tie Qing's face looked coldly at the people around him:

"All day long nonsense, talking about nothing! I was so calm because of you!"

The people around exploded suddenly:

"What the **** of your mother! You can't pull **** and rely on the toilet?"

"That's it! Obviously you are too wasteful. When we didn't see it, you wanted to trip Yang Xu, and the result was that stealing the chicken wouldn't kill the rice!"

The waves' partners looked at him helplessly.

Having no time to care about everything here, Liu Lin felt something was wrong with her body and suspected that she was poisoned.

Turn around and run away.


Yang Xu's call made Liu Lin's body stiff.

The feeling of something was getting worse.

"Tell me what to do!"

She turned around angrily.

Eyes quickly looked at Yang Xu:

This guy is so annoying!

Where to go to the assessment is not good, but came to me!

Really annoying!

Seeing Liu Lin's expression change subtly.

While Yang Xu was curious, he said freely:

"Finally, it's over. Come, I'll get the intermediate assessment together."

Liu Lin's beautiful face was slightly stunned:

"What did you say? I didn't hear it clearly."

"I said to conduct an intermediate assessment."

"What did you say? I didn't hear it clearly."

The waves also asked.

Yang Xubai glanced at him:

"You didn't listen to me clearly."


"Fool! He said that he had to conduct an intermediate assessment! Did your brain break, did your ears break?"

Everyone cast a scornful look at the waves.

The wave called a depression:

How do you feel like a public enemy?

Shouldn’t everyone’s common enemy be Yang Xu?

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