Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 190: Mysterious little loli

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Chapter 190

No one can get close to the real Mengzhang treasure house.

Only after going through a mysterious and unknown "thorn road" can it be possible to find the entrance to the treasure house.

There will be countless dangers in this journey.

The moment Yang Xu appeared.

The crowd was slightly boiling.

After all, he killed the Peng son once.

Yang Xu is also famous here.

It's just that when I saw the little black dog at Yang Xu's feet.

Everyone laughed aloud:

"Why did he bring a pet when he was playing?"

"A little dog, let it die?"

There was a laugh in the crowd.

"It's you! You dare to come here, hum, really sent to the door to find death!"

A man in shabby clothes flashed in front of Yang Xu.

"Do I know you?"

Yang Xu frowned.

The man was furious:

"Leave me alone! Three days ago, I was in front of you in the inn, you let me go!"

"Oh, I don't remember, maybe your presence is too low."


"What's the matter with you? Seek death?"

"I will kill you!"

The man was finally furious.


A touch of pink sword light shot from the fingertips of Princess White Fox.

Directly penetrated the man's eyebrows.

Princess White Fox proudly glanced at Yang Xu:

"The three-pointed finger you left me last time, I have practiced seriously."

"Progress is not small."

There was a hint of admiration in Yang Xu's eyes.

Stepping across the body, they went to find shelter.

"Finger-killing! It is worthy of being a strong man who can kill Peng Gongzi, even his women are so powerful!"

"This woman is so pretty, she looks familiar."

"I remember! The woman is the princess of the Fox race! It is said that her eyes are higher than the top, and she does not look down on the strongest orcs!"

"What is the origin of that Yang Xu, can she really be attracted by Princess White Fox?"

There was a lot of talk in the crowd.

Yang Xu jokingly aimed at Princess White Fox:

"Have you heard? The eyes of the crowd are sharp. Everyone sees that you like me. Do you not admit it?"

"Why do I like you? I don't admit it! You are in a hurry!"

Princess White Fox bit her silver teeth tightly, sulking with her small mouth bulging.

Suddenly, a figure flashed not far away.

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows:

"It's the sand dust playing with sand? Why is he here too..."

Looking closer, this pale-looking guy seems to be protecting a son.

He glanced around cautiously, his eyes in contact with Yang Xu.



Mo Chen's whole body sweated at first, his pupil shrank suddenly:

"How could he be here! Did he find me? Follow me?"

Mo Chen secretly broke.

This time he took on a bodyguard task to take charge of the safety of the waste boy next to him.

"He's coming!"

Mo Chen's heart shrank.

No opponent has ever made him so nervous.

"Hello, performing tasks? Protect this little white?"

Yang Xu looked at the guy next to Mo Chen, who was dressed as a noble boy.

The guy's eyes lit up as soon as he saw Princess White Fox.

Just about to speak.

Princess White Fox stared at him fiercely:

"Toad don't want to eat swan meat! Don't want to die further away!"

Your son's face suddenly sank.

"Let you go far away and haven't heard it? I'm going to kill you, he can't stop it."

Yang Xu sneered and stared at him.

Your son looked at Mo Chen inquiringly.


Mo Chen swallowed, and said hardly in a hoarse voice:

"Son, let's go, this person can't afford it for now."

"Can't afford it for the time being? When will it be able to afford it! Waste!"

Your son walked away.

Mo Chen stared at his back slightly coldly, and thought he could wait until you were dead.

Looking around Yang Xu:

"I owe you ink once."

He followed his employer and turned away.

"Another money slave."

There was a cold voice behind him.

Yang Xu turned around and saw two young men.

One of the faces was slightly indifferent.

It was him who spoke.

The man next to him looked like him, but his face was flushed red, staring nervously at Yang Xu:

"No... don't mind... my brother has no malicious comments... rate your friends!"

Yang Xu smiled:

"Just say it, that person is not my friend."

The indifferent young man snorted immediately:

"Because a cloud drifts away, it no longer belongs to your world. What does the meaning mean to you?"

His brother hurriedly explained:

"My brother, he...he didn't..."

"No malice, I believe it."

The forbearance that Yang Xu looked at couldn't help.

The cold young man gave Yang Xu a glance, then looked deeply at the little black dog at Yang Xu's feet, turned around and left.

His brother could only keep up in a hurry.

Hearing faintly, his brother's intermittent explanation sounded.

"A pair of interesting brothers."

Let Yang Xu sound the brothers Hao Jian and Hao Wu.

But at this time.



The spirit beasts of the practitioners around them all screamed in panic.

Each spirit beast was restless, and the scene fell into chaos for a while.

Yang Xu's eyes flashed, looking towards the end of the crowd.

I saw two jumping girls and ran happily.

It's a pair of little loli who are only six or seven years old and pink and tender.

Yang Xu's eyes widened:

"How did you come out? Does Master Dad not care about you? So assured?"

The pair of little Loli looked at Yang Xu in surprise.

The sisters looked at each other and then turned their heads together:

"Big brother, you are so handsome! We like handsome guys the most, and we will follow you this time!"

The two humanoid towed oil bottles instantly locked their target.

When they came to Chaoyangxu.

All the spirit beasts encountered along the way were panicked and chaotic, running around.

Everyone finally noticed that something was wrong:

"It's these two little girls!"

"The blood on them is shocking!"

"Even the spirit beasts are afraid of them. What on earth are the two girls?"

People stunned at Little Loli.

The pair of pink and tender loli recognized Yang Xu in general and ran towards Yang Xu.

For a time, everyone looked at Yang Xu's eyes strangely:

"Why did these two mysterious girls recognize Yang Xu?"

"What's so strange about Yang Xu?"

People's curiosity about Yang Xu grew instantaneously and jumped with two little Loli.


A mad beast finally couldn't bear the huge pressure and collapsed completely.

It looked like a golden lion, rushing toward the two little loli.

With the killing, Yang Xu's face changed greatly:

"Not good! Be careful!"

He was about to move.

I saw one of the two little loli and turned to smile sweetly at him.

Another loli slender white hand, gently waved:


A colorful light brushed through.

The lion spirit beast flew out directly.


Slammed into a mountain.

"Looking at you is not offensive, leaving you a life."

Little Loli shot, said softly and tenderly.

Full of deathly silence.

a long time.


The crowd boils again:

"The lion beast equivalent to the ninth-level Soul Master has been swept out by her?"

"Did you see that colorful light, when it appeared, it made my heart throb!"

"That color brilliance is definitely not simple!"

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