Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 191: Cha Xiaoshu

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Chapter 191

Everyone looked at the eyes of the two little loli, turning from curiosity to fear.

"Brother, let's come, we want to go to the treasure trove to grab the treasure with you!"

"Yes, grab a lot of treasures! Give Big Brother a copy by the time!"

Two fascinating little girls, both bold and familiar.

As soon as they came, they occupied the space around Yang Xu.

One person held Yang Xu's arm.

"Hey, that position is mine!"

The squeezed White Fox princess made a mournful cry.

The weird thing is.

Yang Xu did not feel any hostility from the two loli.

Even for the two of them, there is a vague sense of closeness.

"What's going on?"

When Yang Xu was wondering.


An impatient cry rang out.


The two little loli both exclaimed and stared at the little black dog in horror:

"what are you?"

In the watery pupils of the two little Loli, a colorful light flashed suddenly.

At this look, they couldn't help staring at the little black dog with more surprise:

"Why can't we see you?"

"It's unknown! It's never happened before, what the **** do you exist?"

"Don't come, go away! Big brother save me!"

Two little Loli went to Yang Xu to hide.

Everyone couldn't help but see a moment of consternation:

Faced with the little black dog, little Loli was intimidated?

All eyes are stagnant:

"I rely on! Such a small little Loli, conquered by a small dog?"

"Isn't it so false, even the spirit beasts are afraid of their little loli, but they are afraid of a puppy?"

"No! The puppy's identity is not that simple! Even the spirit beast is afraid of Little Loli. This is the suppression of the bloodline! But the little black dog has no fear of them. This only shows that the bloodline of the little black dog... "

Brush brush brush brush!


Everyone looked at Yang Xu's eyes, burning so fast that they would burn them out.

No wonder, no wonder he wants to bring a little black dog into the treasure house.

The origin of this little black dog is definitely unusual!

People shouted one by one in their hearts:

"What is the origin of Yang Xu? Why are there so many good things around?"

"Not fair! Why are all the good things going to him?"

"Yang Xu's luck is so good, this time Meng Zhang's treasure trove opened, maybe we can't compete with him."

at this time.

There was a slight silence in the crowd.

A slightly strangely dressed man appeared.

His face is quite handsome, his eyebrows are clear, his eyes are divine.

Wearing a blue cyan dress, dark hair was scattered behind his back.

Anyone who sees it will be complimented, so a handsome guy.

It is confusing.

The handsome guy had a hat on his head.

Very weird hat, tall and pointed.

It seems to be covering something.

Princess White Fox saw him, his eyes suddenly sinking:

"It's him! He came!"

Princess White Fox suddenly smirked, looking at Xiang Yangxu:

"Look, he came to you, this one is your rival."

"Love rival?"

Seeing the weird guy come to Yang Xu in front of him.

Princess White Fox quickly whispered to Yang Xu:

"Never ask him what is under his hat."

A curious gaze followed.

The weird guy came to Yang Xu:



There was another burst of steam in the crowd:

"Why are you looking for Yang Xu?"

"Yang Xu is so famous in Qingfeng?"

"This weird youth is not simple, I feel a breath of ancient blood on him..."

"Then there is no need to say, a dog at the foot of Yang Xu is mysterious, can anyone he knows have a simple generation?"

"I am Yang Xu, are you?"

Yang Xu felt that the weird guy was very unhappy with him.

But there should be no hostility.

"Brother, what is hiding under your hat?"

A crispy loli sounded.

Princess White Fox's face changed with horror.

Brush brush!

All the people who had long been curious, all turned their eyes.

Lian Yangxu looked forward to the weird guy.


White Fox princess grows lotus step by step, away from here instantly:

"Yangxu, please ask for more happiness."

"I abandoned me by this?"

Yang Xu's remarks did not fall.


A terrifying breath erupted from the strange guy.

Thousand beasts whispered, and everyone lost their voices.

The weird guy's face was so dark that he was pouring ink:

"What is heavy under my hat?"

"Why is everyone wondering what is under my hat? Even if a tree grows in my head, does it matter to you?"


The shocking breath came from him wave after wave.

The Void trembled, Ka Ka Ka!

It broke apart.

The closest mountain to him was tumbling.

It seems to collapse in the next second.

Everyone's complexion has changed dramatically.

"Little brother, I'm sorry, I shouldn't make you angry, don't be angry, dispel the fire, and forgive the boy?"

The immature loli sound seems to contain a special rhythm.

Listening to the ears as a Wang Qingquan, soothing the soul, calming the mind.

The weird guy's angry eyes gradually subsided.

"My name is Cha Xiaoshu, you remember Yang Xu!"

He looked at Yang Xu faintly:

"If you are a little bit bad about Lianyi, I will definitely ask you!"

Yang Xu finally understood.

After a long time, this kid is Lian Yi's suitor.

Yang Xu smiled:

"Thank you for the warning. I will not give you this opportunity."

"It's best!"

Cha Xiaoshu stared coldly at Yang Xu.

When turning to go.


A breeze blew.

Zha Xiaoshu's hat crooked, revealing a gap.

Yang Xu's eyes widened when he saw something under the hat:

"Nima! There is a small tree under the hat! Wow!"

"What do you see?"

Zha Xiaoshu turned his head and stared at Yang Xu.

"I did not see anything."

"We didn't see anything."

A pair of little loli are also very excited.

Several people shook their heads like rattles.

Zha Xiaoshu pressed his hat nervously and went to the road of thorns.

"Cha Xiaoshu? Ha ha, it's really the name it is."

Yang Xu smirked.

"Big brother, the little sapling on the head of the little brother is so powerful that I can't see through it."

"Yeah, I can't see through it."

The two little loli were crisp.

Yang Xu smiled:

"You can't see through it, it's great? Tell your brother, what's your origin?"

"Not good! Ma Ma said that the origin of the naughty can't tell others. But if you meet someone who can't see through it, the naughty one must not mess with it."

Two little loli broke their fingers:

"The little black dog can't see through, the big brother can't see through, and the little sapling brother just now can't see through..."

Watching the two little loli snap their fingers there seriously.

Everyone was confused.

But at this time.

Boom, boom!

The neat steps quickly approached.



The sound of a neat military queue came.

"Give way to give way! Obey to make way for the champion!"

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