Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 193: Horror champion Hou!

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Chapter 193 Horror Champion!

The pale boy ran over in surprise.

Staring at the two little loli, before he said anything, his face flushed:

"You... do you remember me?"

Yang Xu rolled his eyes:

The child was saved.

Remember you didn't recognize you soon.

Speaking to a little loli, how hard do you blush?

The two little loli watched the pale boy shake his head.

The pale boy's face was suddenly full of disappointment.

Yang Xu ignored him.

Let him follow behind him.

Ahead, there was a rumbling noise.

Thousands of golden lights suddenly covered the sky.

Even the sun's rays are obscured.

Seeing the road of thorns one hundred meters wide, three giants crossed.

Every mountain is actually made of gold.

They firmly blocked the way, and everyone could not move forward.

"Who can solve them?"

"I come!"

A strong genius took the initiative.

The reason why geniuses are geniuses lies in their ability beyond ordinary people.

They are also greedy, but they know how to be restrained and not lost.

So genius is calmer and more rational than ordinary people.

Combining verticals and horizontals, cooperating with each other, and sharing benefits often make them get more!

This powerful genius is extraordinary, and he is a powerful sword repairer.


He cut out with a sword and thundered with thunder.

The terrifying sword light fell on the golden mountain.

There was a loud noise.

The sky is cracking.

The runes flashed on the Golden Mountain, but it was safe and sound.

"I can't figure it out. I'm sorry, but I would also like to get stronger."

Even though the sword repair genius returned without success, he did not feel lost.

Everyone was sorry.

"I'll try!"

This is a strong elephant.

He came to the foot of the Golden Mountain and his feet shuddered:


Behind the sky, there was a white evil spirit, rising up into the sky.

The dense white smoke of the wolf smoke turned into a huge phantom.

"Xiangzu Divine Art: Dharma Heaven and Earth!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Seeing that giant idol, the sturdy giant nose swept across the golden mountain.


There was a loud noise.

The mountains rumbled and made a sound about to burst.

Everyone looked overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, poof!

The phantom phantom collapsed suddenly.

The strong elephant family is slightly exposed:

"Sorry, let everyone down."

Everyone bowed their hands to thank, without satire.

at this time.

There was a scream outside the crowd:

"Hahaha, it's a bunch of waste! Even three golden mountains can't get it! I'll get him done!"


A young man wearing a golden robe and embroidering a dragon appeared at the foot of the Golden Mountain.


Yang Xu's eyes flashed.

Everyone looked at him with a bad look:

"Do you know, you offended us all in one sentence!"

Champion Hou grinned:

"How about a bunch of waste, offended? You come to bite me?"

A trace of evil charm flashed in his eyes, and he laughed:

"Zhang Da, your dog is watching, how are you surrendering to the Golden Mountain!"


He shook his body, covered with gold armor and golden light.

The dragon and phoenix were carved on it, and the runes flashed.

In his hand, a gold Fangtian painted halberd is shining and radiant.


The champion Hou raised the golden halberd and shouted!

Where the halberd blade crossed, the void collapsed and turned into a black void.


Fang Tianhua Halberd was heavily chopped at the root of Golden Mountain.



The Great Mountain of Gold crackled loudly.

Champion Hou Zhou's blood was rolling:

"Get me up!"

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Muscles of his whole body rose to a grave, the void behind him, and a **** giant ape roared up in the sky.

The horrible **** power, circling the whole pole Fangtian painted halberd.


Golden Mountain moved, and he was directly picked up into the sky.

The huge black shadow covers the sun and the sun.

"Hahaha! The golden mountain is so heavy, I happen to be short of a baby, so I'll train you to be my great seal!"

Champion Hou yelled, rumbling!

Behind the void, the blood was bloody, and the sky rose like smoke.

Endless blood wrapped the golden mountain.

Seeing faintly, a fairy stone in the blood was shining.


That fairy stone actually penetrated into the golden mountain.


A series of golden runes flowed from the golden mountain from the inside out.

Click, click, click!

The golden mountains, hundreds of meters high, shrink at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a gold seal and fell into the hands of the champion.

Full of silence.

Everyone was silent.

a long time.


The crowd burst:

"Actually succeeded!"

"He surrendered a mountain of gold!"

"What a tyrannical human body! What kind of exercises is he practicing?"

"Did he use it to refine treasures? Is it the long-lost method of blood refining?"

Everyone's face is full of incredible colors.

The terrifying scene in front of them made them feel dreamy.

The champion Hou laughed in the sky:

"Hahaha, Ben Hou's earth-shattering seal is made. The other two mountains, let me collapse!"

His wrists raised, woo!

The golden runes of the Great Seal flashed, blinked into huge mountains, and rammed into the other two mountains.


Horror sound wave burst.

Many people's eardrums are bleed and burst.

Champion Hou's overwhelming imprint changed its shape.

The remaining two mountains are more sturdy and horrible than the one he refined!

"Don't touch my gold! The shiny gold is all daddy!"

Yang Xu drank crisply.


Two little loli turned into two colorful lights, suddenly appeared beside the champion.

A little loli pinched her waist and said to the champion:

"You have collected a mountain of gold, and the remaining two are ours!"

Another little loli stared at the Golden Dashan DC saliva:

"Yeah, it's all embarrassing!"

Champion Hou smiled coldly:

"Although your people are powerful, you two cubs also want to conquer the Golden Mountain?"

Yang Xu's eyes could not help flashing.

Obviously, the champion Hou knew the origin of Little Lori.

"We can conquer, you get up!"

Two little loli stood alone in front of a big mountain.

I didn't see them doing any movements, so I waved so easily:


The colorful light swept through.

The two mountains disappeared without a trace.


Everyone's eyes widened:

I rely on!


The golden mountain lying on the road disappeared?

This is the champion who has always been arrogant.

"Actually did it? Are you not one of them?"

He looked at the two little Loli in horror.

Little Loli giggled, and ran to Yang Xu with joy:

"Big brother, did you see it? The boy grabbed the huge Jinshan!"

"Hee hee, all made of gold, a lot of gold!"

The two little wealthy fans, their eyes glittered with gold.

"you again!"

Champion Hou Leng Leng stared at Yang Xu;

"Yangxu, right? I remember you! You killed the young son of Minghou. After that, I will cut off your head and give it to Minghou as a gift!"

The killing in his eyes made no secret.

Yang Xu shrugged:

"As long as you have the ability, come to kill at any time, I think your natal stone is pretty good, I will have to leave that thing if I can't kill it."

He has heard about the champion Hou.

This man is said to be born with a stone child, born with a **** stone.

Its powerful physical body is not under Yang Rourou's Shenzang martial body!

At a young age, it is reused by the army.

Brave the three armies and make contributions to the Khan Ma.

Such an enemy is definitely not a good thing.

But Yang Xu is really not afraid.

"Lonely in life, it's nice to have a fun opponent. I'm afraid you can't help but play."

Yang Xu was worried that he would soon destroy the champion.

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