Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 194: Powerful naughty

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Chapter 194

"Oh, want to move my **** stone? You are so big!"

The champion Hou's eyes flashed with lightning, and his black hair fluttered.

Like a **** of demons.

The crowd exclaimed suddenly.

The strength of champion Hou Qiangheng just now was enough to cause great fear.

At this moment, the champion is full of vitality, and people have retreated.

Frightened eyes cast on Yang Xu:

"This kid is dead, dare to challenge the champion!"

"Human powerhouses can't be underestimated. I thought that Yang Xu would kill Peng son with a sword, but I didn't expect another champion!"

"Look at them playing both defeats and hurting, ha ha ha!"

An orc powerhouse sneered again and again.


A Fangtian painted halberd descended from the sky and penetrated his body.


A flicker of blood shattered his body.


Fang Tianhua halberd flew out and fell into the hands of champion Hou:

"No one can count my champion, Yang Xu, you are not qualified!"

He looked at Xiang Yangxu coldly:

"Before the Mengzhang Treasury opens, your head will stay on you!"


Champion Hou was shocked, his blood fluttered like an ancient demon lord, and rushed forward in the road of thorns.

But at this time.

The ground thunders.

A terror pressure has come down from the suppression of nine days.

Champion Hou Gao's figure jumped up and fell to the ground with a loud bang.

"who is it!"

He jumped up.

No one ever let him suffer such a big loss.

"It's me! The son is here, the layman waits for it!"

A servant dressed in Tsing Yi, about 16 or 7 years old, had a silver flame burning in his eyes.

"Every one of my servants dare to insult me! Find death!"

Champion Hou snorted, swish!

His heavily armed soldiers suddenly killed at Tsing Yi.

Tsing Yi Xiaogu frowned:

"You have to retreat obediently! Seek death!"

His white and tender hand patted casually, poof!

All elite soldiers with knives and knives burst directly.

Everyone was shocked:

"What a formidable strength! What is the origin of this little guy?"

"We should be more curious about what his master is!"

When people wonder.

Champion Hou has jumped up:



In his hand, Fang Tian draws a halberd, tearing the sky abruptly, like a blood dragon, roaring and attacking the servant of Tsing Yi.

The servant in Tsing Yi smiled coldly and stretched out his hand in the air:


Two fingers actually pinched the champion Hou Fangtian's halberd.

Even the champion Hou blushed and couldn't break free.

Tsing Yi servant smiled faintly, just about to kill him.

"Xiaoqing, he is fooling around again, forgetting the order of the son, it is a last resort, no death!"

A girl wearing a red gown and a braided braid is about eight or nine years old.

Obviously still a child, he has an irresistible momentum to speak.

Two fingers easily suppressed the young servant of Tsing Yi, who was afraid of her, and prayed:

"Good sister, I'm wrong. You shouldn't see it. I won't kill anyone."

The girl in the red gown puckered and smiled:

"Look at you so frightened, don't be soft when it comes time to kill."

"When should I kill?"

Tsing Yi servant asked with a smile.

"Hey, two human baby boys, who is your master? Let him come out and see you!"

Shouted a guy who didn't know what to do.

The red baby girl suddenly smiled:

"Have you seen it, now is the time to kill."

She didn’t do anything.

A lip lightly lifted and spit out a word:



Deep in the crowd, a tyrannical cultivator directly burst.

Almost everyone was startled:

"Only one word, the man exploded!"

"Is this a legendary supernatural power: Speak words and follow the law?"

For a time, everyone was shocked and speechless.

Yang Xu couldn't help but his eyes changed slightly.

"Huh? These two little sisters..."

The girl in the red jacket looked at the little loli next to Xiang Yangxu with surprise.

Then I saw the little black dog.

The girl's eyes suddenly widened:

"It's actually an archaic relic...good blood..."

When the girl in the red gown saw Yang Xu, her delicate face suddenly faded:

"Yeah! How come there is such a strange bloodline!"

She pulled the Tsing Yi servant:

"Quickly, let's go and tell the master, let him come quickly!"


The baby girl and the little servant flashed, and disappeared out of thin air.

Brush brush!

All the eyes of everyone gathered on Yang Xu.

Even the invincible champion was somber:

"What is the origin of the servant in Tsing Yi?"

"There is this Yang Xu, which can surprise them so much..."

Two little loli, princess white fox, pale introvert boy, looked at Xiang Yangxu in surprise:

"Why are these two people so afraid of you?"

"Brother, what is your origin?"

Yang Xu, who once again became the focus of everyone, smiled bitterly:

Is it so difficult to keep a low profile?

Everyone watch me dry hair?

Champion Hou weighed again and again, raising Yang Xu's status again in his heart.

For the time being, I dare not shoot Yang Xu.

He jumped high again, and went on the road of thorns.



He fell again from high altitude.


He howled, his face suddenly changed:

"How long hasn't it been painful? The laws around me have changed, and it actually makes me feel pain!"

Not only the rules have changed.

It seems that even the space has become solid and strong.

Kaka Kaka!

The void made a violent noise, which seemed to strengthen ten times in an instant.

This world is blocked by an invisible force.

Yang Xu's brow furrowed, and there was a feeling of being snooped.

"Ah, Xiaohong, you are wrong. Although this young man has great potential, he has not yet shed his womb and has evolved into a pure blood body. It is currently too weak."

Accompanying sound.

A six-year-old child appeared.

He was carved in jade and dressed in a snow-white coat, obviously a child.

But he behaved like an adult.

The eyes of people are full of vicissitudes.

The "boy" he said actually looked at Yang Xu.

It feels ridiculous.

But everyone did not dare to say anything.

Only because of the two unusually powerful servants in Tsing Yi and red robes.

All respectfully stood beside the six-year-old child.

He wanted to be the "son" of the two populations.

Withdrawing his gaze from Yang Xu, the six-year-old child glanced around, and his eyes looked as if he were looking at the world:

"I'm not at the same level as you, so I have no intention of arguing with you. This time I came to Mengzhang Treasury just to visit an old man and take an old thing by the way. You don't offend me, understand the rules, I will It won't hurt you. If there is a violation, bear it yourself."

Having said that, he backed his hands and stepped out in the direction of the thorny road.


One master and two servants disappeared instantly.

Everyone was shocked and speechless, and it did not happen for a long time.

a long time.

They looked at Xiang Yangxu again.

Fang Cai’s extremely strong young man said too much information.

Yang Xu hasn't shed its mortal body, and has become a pure blood body?

But the potential is huge?

Even such a powerful person admits that Yang Xu has great potential.

What should his future look like?

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