Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 199: Blood Skeleton Sword!

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Chapter 199 Blood Skeleton Sword!

At this time, Peng son and the champion Hou are fighting hard.

No one dared to get close.


The purple light penetrated into the blood cocoon without hindrance.

Bang Bang Bang Bang...!

The blood cocoon jumped suddenly and violently.

It seems to have encountered the most terrifying thing.

The heart of the network only felt a wave of depression.

Even the Peng son and the champion Hou looked ugly and stared at Yang Xu:

"What the **** are you doing!"

Yang Xu smiled bitterly:

"If I say that it has nothing to do with me, do you believe it?"



A purple light seemed to be a thief, turning left and right, and sneaking back.

Under the eyes of everyone.

Ziguang rushed into Yang Xu's body and disappeared.


The blood cocoon exploded in midair.

Flesh flew across, not even seeing an artifact's hair.


Everyone's eyes fell, and they all stared at Yang Xu strangely:

"The artifact is gone! You said it has nothing to do with you?"

"Hand over the artifact!"

"Yes, the artifact belongs to everyone!"

The crowd was boiling.

"Eight pole demon tail egg, I was miserable by you."

Yang Xu was speechless, just about to speak.

"Who stole my blood skeleton to kill the sword!"

Everyone only felt that his head was shocked.


In the flesh and blood quagmire, a huge crimson loach jumped into the air.

It is thirty meters long, the bucket is thick and thin, and a haze of blood-colored mist flashes around it.

The void behind it is filled with the breath of Tao.

"Stealing blood loach!"

"The Thief of Heaven!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Stealing the blood loach, it is said that the ancient blood demon who can steal the heavenly path and achieve the Great Saint.

Stealing the blood loach for a bloodthirsty life, blood loach in the mature stage can absorb the blood of a country in the blink of an eye.


These evils can blind Heavenly Dao and steal Heavenly Dao to purify themselves.

Therefore, not only the rotten smell of ordinary blood demon is on the body, but on the contrary, it is very fragrant, and it is an extremely precious blood-elixir.

"We should have thought about it, where there is a blood loach, there must be a quagmire of flesh and blood!"

People are ecstatic.

"Return my blood slashing sword!"

The stealing blood loach sipped low, its sound seemed to contain a special rhythm.

Everyone was dizzy and dizzy.

Bang Bang!

A few people's heads burst directly.

"No! It's the magic sound!"

Brush brush!

Everyone showed their magical powers and fled while defending.

Champion Hou looked at Xiang Yangxu with a sneer, and suddenly pointed:

"It was he who stole your blood corpse to kill the sword!"


He turned into a flash of blood and escaped.


In place, only Yang Xu faced the sky stealing blood loach.

"Human, obediently hand over my Excalibur, I will spare you not to die!"

Yang Xu couldn't help smiling:

"Forgive me not to die? Are you qualified to say this now?"

A fine flash flashed in his eyes:

"Did you fail to steal Heaven's Dao, was you just injured by Heaven?"

This remark came out.

The flesh and blood quagmire suddenly set off huge waves.

The stealing blood loach screamed:

"Humans! Why do you exist! Immediately beg for mercy, I can spare you not to die!"

The corners of Yang Xu's mouth could not help rising.

Sure enough, it was scared.

Just now, Yang Xu's ear sounded the system prompt:

[Congratulations to the player, found that BOSS was stealing the blood loach in his childhood (weak state) x1! 】

A weak blood loach.

And it's still young.

Yang Xu felt that he had the power to fight.

"Humanity, give you the last chance, obediently hand over the **** skeleton sword! Otherwise..."

"You obediently dedicate all your treasures to me, and then roll back to your **** quagmire, I can spare you a life. Otherwise..."

Yang Xu stared at the stealing blood loach and smiled faintly:

"Otherwise I will stew you into a pot of loach soup!"


The people who followed this quietly not far away all took a breath.

"Did he actually threaten to steal the blood loach?"

"Look! The Sky Loach is irritated! Yang Xu is dead!"

"Huh, this garbage is finally dead, cheap him!"

Champions Hou and Duke, the flashes of pleasure in their eyes.



A golden bell suddenly appeared above Yang Xu's head.

It is the Sanskrit Golden Bell!

The Fanyin Golden Bell can effectively resist ghosts and illusions, and the magic sound of stealing the blood loach cannot hurt Yang Xu.

More importantly, the Sanskrit Admiralty Buddha is in full bloom, and the golden Sanskrit radiates everywhere.

The Dao Sanskrit symbols are substantive and hit the loot.

The stealing blood loach makes a wailing cry.

"Fortunately I got this treasure, otherwise it's really troublesome!"

The bright flash in Yang Xu's eyes:

"Destroy you while you are sick!"


A gleam of sharp sword light suddenly tore the sky.

The stealing blood loach made a scream, poof!

Falling heavily into the quagmire of flesh and blood.

Everyone couldn't help but stunned:

"Stolen blood loach was cut down?"

"Is it dead?"

A trace of strangeness appeared on Yang Xu's face:

"Uh, this is beheaded? Is it a bit too easy?"

He looked at the quagmire silently:

"It's bad luck for you, Linhuangjian triggers two kills with one blow, one for Peng and one for you."

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the BOSS childhood **** loach (weak state) x1! Reward experience value + 1 million! True Qi value + 100,000! Points + 10,000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: Blood Skeleton Sword x1, wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the item: Heavenly Way Silk x1, is it fused? 】

[Congratulations to the player, the bloodline crystal core (perfect) x50, is it fused? 】


There are many things that Lin Lin has harvested.

Yang Xu palmed and brushed.

Blood Skeleton Sword appeared in the hands.

This is a blood-red long sword, with a simple sword sheath, it seems that blood is flowing all the time.

With a loud cry, the long sword came out of the sheath.

A flash of blood suddenly rose into the sky.


Amidst the **** quagmire, blood-stained spirits suddenly rushed into the blood-red sword body.

The narrow and slender sword body is only as wide as a finger, like a red snake.

Gently shaking, the blood mist filled.

[Equipment: Blood Skeleton Sword

Grade: Artifact

Weight: 500 kg

Description: It gathers bones from the sea of ​​nether blood, gathers the resentful spirits, and even the Yin bones are refined by fire, and the attributes are extremely strong!

Description 2: One hundred poisons do not invade, one hundred ghosts are not near!

Description 3: 10% chance to trigger the blood-sucking effect! Can draw the blood of the enemy and feed itself back! 】

This is the first time I can see blood-sucking equipment.

A delight in Yang Xu's eyes.

At this time, the crowd not far away looks complicated.

The champion Hou was jealous and angry:

"What a strong blood! If I can refining all of my skills, my skill will increase instantly! Damn, and Yang Xu took advantage again!"

Champion Hou shouted:

"Bloody, he scored me a copy!"


He rushed over to Chaoyangxu.

Yang Xu chuckled and waved at him with a sword:


A blood red sword gas, beheaded to the champion Hou in a blink of an eye.


In the light of the **** sword, there is a large army of white bones, and the power is shocking.

"Let me go!"

The champion Hou refused to accept the defeat and slammed with blood behind his back, colliding with the blood skeleton killing the sword.

Next second.


The champion Hou flew straight out.

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