Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 200: Mysterious Jianfeng

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Chapter 200 Mysterious Sword Peak

【Ding! 】

[Blood Skeleton Sword Trigger Vampire Attribute! Player blood +10000! 】

Yang Xu suddenly felt that his whole body could not help but warm.

Part of the energy that has just disappeared will return to its original state in an instant.

All consumption is replenished.

Yang Xu could not help but raise his eyebrow:

"This triggers the vampire attribute? It's really easy to use!"

Everyone around, the look of Yang Xu has changed:

"Actually defeated the champion with a sword?"

You know, the champion's brutal force and **** courage, but the strongest in this group.

But even Yang Xu couldn't stop it.

What shocked everyone was even more.

People obviously found that after being cut off with a sword, the champion Hou was pale and his steps were vain.

It looks hugely expensive.

People are puzzled:

Yang Xu has a sword, so powerful?

"I killed the blood loach, but I won't monopolize the treasure! The body of the blood loach is in this **** quagmire, please take it yourself."

As soon as Yang Xu said this, everyone's eyes suddenly eased.

Yang Xu sneered:

One of the most valuable things of stealing the blood loach is the blood skeleton killing the sword.

One is the mysterious thread of heaven.

Now Yang Xu burst out both things.

Even the essence in the body of the stealing blood loach was completely absorbed by the blood skeleton killing sword.

They can only be a pile of rotten flesh with a little aura left.

Normally, Yang Xu won't leave them anything at all.

Can't help it at all, but also want to share something with the young man?


Take advantage of the effort of the people to steal the body of the blood loach.


Yang Xu took the little loli with them and quickly left here.

"Where to go!"

Zha Xiaoshu stared at Yang Xu all the time, a green mulberry leaf appeared at his feet, chasing Yang Xu away.

"Tianpeng Speed!"

Peng Gongzi also followed.


Champion Hou was not willing to catch up.

There are several other strong men who have also chased away.

Zhang Yang's silver-haired man, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, unmoved...

"Nima! What are you doing with me? I have good things and I will not share them with you!"

Yang Xu scolded.

I don't know when.

Everyone's eyes look abrupt.


They appeared on the endless grassland.

The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the long river is setting.

In the distance, a majestic giant sword-shaped mountain punctured the sky and plunged into the sky.

A terrifying wave of sword qi rumbled around Jianfeng.

Wherever he passed, all the birds shattered.

All clouds are scattered.

An extremely faint hint of sword, passed from a distance, suddenly made everyone's minds tight:

"What a terrifying sword spirit!"

"Is this illusion or reality?"

"There must be a great baby above that Jianfeng!"

Zha Xiaoshu sighed a few people, all looked at Xiang Yangxu.

Yang Xu stared:

"Look at me? I don't know anything!"

Of course he knows!

Just now, the system suddenly issued a prompt sound:

[Alert: Unknown mysterious energy fluctuation found! 】

The direction from which the waves came was Jianfeng's side.

There really is treasure there.

"I don't know where the Tianyan Shenquan is. Only by getting the Shenquan and supported by the Qing tribe of the Tiger tribe, can the other orcs be suppressed as quickly as possible to prevent the tide from invading human beings."

Yang Xu's eyes must be bright.

Step towards the direction of Jianfeng.

Cha Xiaoshu looked at each other.

I don't know why.

They always felt that following Yang Xu would be rewarding.

This makes them inconsistent in their hearts who always believe in intuition.

Of course, the body is still very honest, all keeping up with Yang Xu.

Jianfeng is really terrifying.

The sword gas it emits, even across the distance, gives a strong pressure.

And as it gets closer and closer to Jianfeng.

Stress is not only on the mind.

Even everyone's body felt sick.


A strong man who followed him suddenly showed a crack in his flesh.

"No, I can't move forward anymore! Jianqi pressure is terrible!"

This strong man's face is full of sword gas tears.

A few more steps forward, I am afraid that it will be torn into pieces by Jian Qi.

In the same situation as him, there are several others.

Only Zha Xiaoshu, Tian Peng, Champion Hou and so few people are still moving forward.

Among them, Yang Xu is the most relaxed and fastest.

Everyone's eyes flashed and marveled:

"These talents are real geniuses, and the flesh is so powerful!"

Meditate and rest in situ.

Wait until the flesh is restored as before.

Everyone couldn't help but find surprise:

Their flesh was twice as powerful as before!

What excites them even more is that even the soul power seems to be tempered.


People are more envious of Yang Xu:

"We have taken such a little road, and we have received so many benefits! I don't know what huge gains they can get!"

They longed for the mysterious Jianfeng in the distance:

"I don't know what kind of treasure exists above Jianfeng?"


The speed of Cha Xiaoshu, champion Hou and Peng Gongzi has slowed down.

The whole body's sword spirit is getting stronger and stronger, and the pressure is getting bigger.

Every time you take a step, you must restore interest rates.

What surprised them was.

Yang Xu's pace was faster than them.

"How is this possible! Our flesh is strong enough, how is he stronger than us?"

"Did you see him turn on the divine body?"

Especially Master Peng, he was the most shocked.

You know, he refined a drop of Jinpeng's essence and blood, and his flesh and soul were twice as powerful as before.

But even so, Jianfeng's horrible pressure of Jianqi made him terrified.

Yang Xu did not mean to slow down.

The strength of his flesh and the rapid recovery of his power made the son of Peng shocked and excited:

"Only such a strong genius is worthy of my enemy of Tianpeng!"


Yang Xu was playing drums constantly.


It hurts!

Where is my limit?

After so long, why is the pressure around me getting smaller and smaller?

No one found that in the center of Yang Xu's eyebrows, there was a faint black mark flashing quietly.

It was on the mysterious turtle shell that mysterious turtle crack.

It flickered slightly, all the pressure of Jianqi was absorbed and refined into Yang Xu's body.

The others were tempered by Jian Qi, only the surface of flesh and blood.

The turtle cracks transformed the pressure of Jian Qi into Yang Xu's body.

Yangxu's limbs, bones, veins and skeletons were continuously cut and reassembled.

Although extremely painful.

But like turning a cocoon into a butterfly, Yang Xu's body strengthened at an alarming rate.

And this strengthening has allowed him to move further.

In order to obtain a more elaborate sword spirit, further strengthen the body.

The two actually formed a perfect cycle!

"Big brother, are you in pain? Don't cry, you are with you."

"Yes, yes, my sister and I are with the big brother!"

The mysterious little Lori sisters have shown amazing potential.

Going so far with Yang Xu.

Everyone felt different degrees of discomfort.

But the two sisters were as relaxed and relaxed as they were looking at the scenery.

The champion Hou watched them envious.

Seeing that the mysterious Jianfeng was close at hand.


Yang Xu's body suddenly burst open.

Boom Boom Boom!

Zha Xiaoshu, Peng Gongzi, and Champion Hou cracked more gaps.

The surrounding pressure suddenly increased!

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