Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 210: Ten years of gambling!

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Chapter 210 Ten Years of Gambling!

"Damn! Champion, we are at odds with you!"

The poisonous man looked bitter.

"Yangxu! You let us go, I will help you kill the champion!"

The silver-haired man looked at Yang Xu quietly.

Yang Xu sneered:

"I used to quarrel to kill me, but now I can't kill you, and I want to let you go?"

"Yangxu! I was forced to helplessly choose. At that time I would die if I didn't kill you. I didn't mean it."


A sword flashed through.

The silver-haired man was sealed with a sword.

"Um, sorry, I didn't mean to kill you."

Yang Xu shrugged.


The silver-haired man's body fell to the ground, terrifying the poisonous son.

His face was pale, and his lips were shaking as he looked at Xiang Yangxu.

Where is the arrogance at first?

"Yang Xu, please let me go! My brother is also practicing swordsmanship, he is very powerful, I can recommend you to be his friend, you learn from each other..."

"I'm not interested in."

Yang Xu shook his head indifferently.

"You... if you dare to kill me, my brother will not let you go! His swordsmanship is not under you!"

The poisonous man's eyes flickered and his body shivered like chaff.

He was really scared.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xu would have such a strong strength.

Even the ancient world was killed by him!

The poisonous man could not afford the courage to resist at all.

"Your brother won't let me go? Are you threatening me?"

"I... pooh!"

A sword seals the throat.

The last light that the poison boy saw was a sword.

"Yangxu, what about the rest?"

"Kill! One doesn't stay!"

Except evil!

Cut the grass!

At this time, Yang Xu, with overwhelming strength, beheaded all the enemies!

The tomb is full of rich **** breath.

On the stone platform displaying the treasures, the bright light curtains were soaked with blood.

"Open the coffin!"

Yang Xu has long seen that there is something wrong with the copper coffin.


Yang Xu, Cha Xiaoshu, Son Peng, and Princess White Fox all joined forces to push the copper coffin away.


A dragon-shaped aura rose into the sky.

Everyone looked at the inside of the coffin, and they were all stunned:

"this is……"


"A dragon was buried in the copper coffin?"

"This is a dragon tomb?"

Everyone took a breath.

The entire tomb fell into deathly silence.

And just at this time.


The dragon bone in the copper coffin rises to a magnificent glory.

There are thousands of gods and thousands of colorful pictures.

A blue dragon phantom appeared above the copper coffin.

It is a hundred feet long, with a huge body and dragon scales shining.

Rin Longwei, overwhelmed everyone.


Qinglong stared at Yang Xu with a pair of huge dragon eyes:


The sound of Long Xiao surprised everyone nearby:

"What is he saying?"

"It should be Dragon language, no one can understand it!"

Everyone was confused.

Only Yang Xu raised his brow slightly.

He understood Longyu.

Qinglong just issued a question:

"It wasn't the stranger who opened the copper coffin? How could this be possible, but did the number of days change?"


Qinglong Youyou stared at Yang Xu.

Suddenly a cold drink:

"Since it's here, why not show up?"


The void flashed a trace of fluctuation.


The quaint old sword turned into a figure of black sword repair.

Yang Xu face surprised:

"White Tiger? Superintendent Divine King?"

Hei Xiu Xiu smiled slightly:

"Why pretend to be so surprised? Didn't you guess it already?"


The surprise on Yang Xu's face was suddenly swept away and he laughed:

"You have to pretend to be like that, anyway, you are also blue dragons and white tigers!"

"Wow, White Tiger is so handsome! Why are you wearing black clothes?"

Sister Loli looked at Jianxiu in black curiously.

Black Sword Repair has a black line:

"Does anyone tell you that White Tiger can only wear white clothes?"

Yang Xu Nijun couldn't help it.

A pair of green dragons stared at the black sword sword repairs with a pair of long eyes:

"You once said that you wouldn't step into my dragon palace for half a lifetime, but still come in now."

Black Sword Repair sneered:

"What kind of dragon palace is this? It's just a tomb. Do you think I came to see you? I'm here for Yang Xu!"

Qinglong said nothing.

But Yang Xu clearly saw a smile in his long eyes.

"Qinglong, Baihu... Could it be that a pair of good friends failed? Baihu is obviously the proud one..."

Yang Xufu wanted to join hands.

Jianxiu in black suddenly glared at him:

"Do you want to believe me or not?"

Everyone beside him was almost shocked.

One by one stared at Yang Xu in amazement, then looked at Jianxiu in black, and then looked at Qinglong.

In the end, his eyes all returned to Yang Xu:

"Yangxu, can he understand Dragon's language?"

"He is talking to Qinglong?"

"This is one of the legendary four spirit gods, Qinglong! There is another spirit god, the white tiger!"

"Yang Xu actually has friendship with them!"

In an instant, everyone looked at Yang Xu's eyes just as they looked at God-man.

"Let's say, after dying for so long, when do you plan to reincarnate?"

Black Sword Xiu asked.

Qinglong Shen said:

"The chaotic world is coming, the chaos is coming, I have found the sage, and I will be reincarnated immediately..."

"Huh, monarch? Are you sure that the monarch will be able to calm the troubled world? We have followed so many monarchs, but have they all fallen one after another, all over again?"

Black Sword Repair impatiently said:

"In this life, I am not going to serve the so-called sage king anymore!"

He glanced at Yang Xu.

Qinglong's huge longan looks to Youyang Xu:

"Supervisor, this young man is not simple. You must know that we are not the only ones involved in this game!"

Qinglong's eyes seemed to be able to look into the depths of Yang Xu's soul.

Ling Yangxu was inexplicably cold.

"But he is the one who can enter your tomb!"

Black sword sword repair snorted coldly:

"Make a bet! Within ten years, I bet he can achieve some hegemony, above your so-called sage!"

"You lost?"

"Oh, lose? My supervisor never lost! If I lose, I still follow the sage as usual ten thousand years ago, listen to your dispatch! But if you lose..."

"If I lose, why not follow this boy with you!"

"Okay! Ten-year agreement! Give Yang Xu something like me, and you can go!"

Black Sword Xiu laughed.

Qinglong's huge longan rolled his eyes fiercely:

"It's not time yet! There is too much weirdness on this kid. Are you sure you want to give that thing to this kid?"

Black Sword Xiu Youyou smiled:

"Will my supervising soldiers do things that look ahead and look back? Since they value it, how about the time of thousands of years! Give him!"

"Okay! Yang Xu! Since the supervisors are so fancy to you, I will give you..."

Qinglong's words didn't finish.

Was interrupted by Yang Xu:

"Hehe, give it to me? Who do you think you are? No one in this world except my parents is qualified to speak to me like this!"

He stared at Qinglong with a sneer:

"I don't want things, and I don't want to mix up your bad things. As for what is given, you are not even qualified to tell me!"

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