Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 211: Blessed by misfortune

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Chapter 211 Blessed by Disaster

Yang Xu sneered.

Qinglong's high tone was unpleasant.

In particular, Qinglong's words obviously played him like a pawn.

This makes Yang Xu very uncomfortable.

You are spirit gods.

You guys are very bullish.

You guys are super big V!

But the big V wouldn’t have to wait for me as fart people?

Can I bet with my mouth closed?

Sorry, the young man does not wait!


There was a sharp flash in Qinglong's eyes.

The terrifying Longwei is as real as it is, booming!

The whole tomb hummed.

Void actually feels like it's about to crumble.

"The tomb is about to collapse!"

"Yang Xu, why did you anger this uncle Long? Please beg for mercy!"

"Ha ha ha ha! Qinglong, have you eaten deflated? People don't even put you in your eyes!"

Black Sword Repair laughed.

Qinglong's pair of cold eyes stared at Yang Xu faintly:

"You are very different from others, and very different from the sages of the past..."

"I am not a monarch, I am only Yang Xu, don't judge me by the monarch's suit."

Yang Xu said lightly.

Everyone beside me heard that it was a heart-wrenching one:


Can it not be so personal!

You are facing a dragon!

And it is also the head of the legendary four spirit gods!

The dragon that controls the lives of everyone present!

Even if this is not the case, whoever sees the Dragon Clan must not obediently bow their proud heads.

Yang Xu is so individual!

"No one can ever reject me Qinglong, and you can't do Yang Xu! Don't want it? I'm giving it!"

Qinglong looks ordinary, but actually has a character.

His dragon body shocked.


A white light forced into Yang Xu's body.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Dragon Ball x1! Is it integrated? 】

Dragon body shakes again!


A beam of blue light rushed into Yang Xu's body.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Dragon Yuan x1! Is it integrated? 】

The dragon body shook again!


A purple light burst into Yang Xu's body.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Dragonbone x1! Is it integrated? 】

The dragon body shook again!


A weird black rushed into Yang Xu's body.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Yinglong God Soul x1! Is it integrated? 】

"You silly dragon! Why did you give him that thing!"

Sword repair in black shouted.

Qinglong dragon body suddenly shocked:

"Not good! I'll give it to you! Yang Xu, you quickly spit out Heimang, you can't control that thing..."

The voice did not fall.


Suddenly a black awn burst into Yang Xu's body.


He burst into cracks and yelled!

There is a black dragon who wants to come out.

【alarm! The body is in an abnormal state! 】

【Ding! ! 】

[Unknown energy is too strong! Unable to suppress! The player's life is in danger, the countdown of death, 10, 9, 8...]

There was a strong breath of death in Yang Xu's body.

There was a scary dragon roaring wildly.

"No! This kid is about to explode and die..."

"The black soul is not an ordinary dragon spirit, but the ancestor spirit of Yinglong! Yang Xu can't be refined at all!"

Qinglong said with a dragon.

A horrible black energy burst from Yang Xu's body.

Almost everyone felt the thorn in the back.

There were waves of waves in my heart:

I go!

What is happening?

What is the black terror in him?

How could the breath be so appalling?

"Qinglong, the trouble you caused! I think you are deliberate, even if you dare not gamble with me for ten years, you don't need to harm Yangxu!"

"What kind of cat fart do you put on white tiger! Is Laozi deliberate? Don't worry, even if I die, I won't let this kid make any mistakes! Laozi will give him half the dragon soul!"

Hei Xiuxiu's face suddenly stunned.

Immediately stopped talking.

In his heart, however, in silence for the unseen monarch:

Do you think it's bad luck?

Originally the soul of the dragon reincarnated, the sage will get a strong enough blue dragon to assist.

Now that Yang Xu splits half of the dragon soul, after the Qinglong reincarnated to recognize the Lord, he has to sleep for at least a few years.

Yang Xu, your kid is really blessed by misfortune!


Qinglong's body swings, and a blue giant dragon slightly smaller than him suddenly rushes into Yang Xu's body.


Black and cyan energy entangle and tumble in Yang Xu's body.

a long time.


Yang Xu's body was strange, and suddenly fell silent.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the treasure: Blue Dragon Soul (Weak) x1! Is it integrated? 】

Black clothes Jianxiu looked at Yang Xu with a look of "you are so lucky".

"Huh? Am I blessed by misfortune?"

Yang Xu smiled.


Qinglong looks at Yang Xu now, how to look unsightly.

That half of the Dragon Soul was the same as Yang Xu snatched from it.

This time its strength has dropped sharply.

And once Yang Xu merges it, its strength will skyrocket!

Think of him as a magnificent Qinglong, when did you eat such a loss?

"What are you staring at! If it were not for you to die, Yang Xu needed half of your dragon soul? You almost killed him, do you know!"

Black Sword Repair stared contemptuously at Qinglong.

Seeing Qinglong's big mouth, I also want to refute.

"Yes, you're nonsense! Give him my stuff, and you can go to reincarnate!"

Baihu is really rude.

"it is good!"

Qinglong's huge dragon body shocked, hum!

There was a tremendous light in his mouth.

A golden brilliance, like a sun, flew into Yang Xu's body.

Suddenly, Yang Xu was wrapped in Chan Can.

There are thousands of golden brilliances and ten thousand colorful rosaries.

Yang Xu's ear sounded a clear system sound:

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the ancient magic "Tian Zi Feng Shen Shu"! Do players practice? 】

"Practice immediately!"

Yang Xu was overjoyed.

【Ding! ! 】

[The player does not meet the cultivation conditions, temporarily unable to practice! 】

"You dad to slap the system! Play me, right?"

Yang Xu was angry.

"Supervisor, it's up to you behind me! I will go too!"


Qinglong turned into a green mango, and immediately escaped.

The terrifying Longwei was swept away.

The stress is gone.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


Brush brush!

After marveling, the envious eyes all focused on Yang Xu.

Hei Xiu Xiu's eyes on Yang Xu are also very complicated:

"You guys' luck is too much! I still see Qinglong for the first time and will be helpless with a human."

"Thanks to your help."

Yang Xu grinned.

"Take advantage of less and sell well! You have heard about my bet with him. You must be strong enough for ten years at most!"

The black sword repaired his eyes and recovered his coldness.

Yang Xu's expression was clear:

"To what extent are you strong enough?"

Black Sword Cultivation:

"Don't mention the psychic arts, at least you have to master more advanced techniques, of course, it would be better if you could realize your magical powers!"

He raised the old sword in his hand:

"I can cut off the continent with one sword, and you must be able to repair the entire continent in ten years!"


Everyone present took a breath.

A sword to cut off the mainland?

What a fierce force this is!

Even more terrifying!

Repair the mainland in an instant?

At least it must be controlled by the law of the earth gods, right?

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