Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 213: Hang up the loot!

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Chapter 213 Hanging up the spoils of the sky!

Yang Xu looked at Dinghai Shenzhu and Dinghai Shenzhu.

Dinghai Shenzhu is a good treasure, with a rich aura of water.

Dinghaishen is a wooden box for storing Dinghaishen beads, which contains a strong woody atmosphere.

"My eight-phase world needs to be further improved, these two treasures can come in handy!"

The ridge is water, and the earthquake is wood.

Yang Xu put Dinghai Shenzhu into Kanshui World.

Put the Dinghai God rafter into the world of Sun Wind.

Suddenly, the energy of the two worlds rolled up.

Dinghai Shenzhu and Dinghai Shenzhu release energy and constantly cultivate and strengthen the two worlds!

"Haotian God Key and Haotian God Figure?"

Seeing these two things, Yang Xu frowned.

There was another treasure map.

The above is a map of "Hao Tian Shen Zang".

Haotian is one of the most infamous cultivators among the cultivators.

This cultivator, whose full name is Xuan Qing Ao Miao Hao Tian Zhen Jun, is a talented and powerful cultivator.

It is said that he likes to collect various treasures and magical skills.

Before he died, he kept his life hidden in a mysterious treasure.

But Xuanqing Aohao Hao Tianzhenjun has a bad temperament and likes mischief.

This guy actually made thousands of fake maps and keys, hiding the real one in it and circulating it.

I don't know how many people got the so-called "treasure map", but returned home disappointed and yelled.

Haotian Zhenjun's "notorious?"

"I don't know if this is true or not? Have a chance to try my luck."

Yang Xu did not have much hope for this.

Looking down, Yang Xu's heartbeat suddenly quickened.

His eyes fell on the three brilliant pieces.

Three pieces of Tao weapon stronger than the artifact:

Fragment of Taoqi Haotian Linglong Tower!

Daoqi Haotian Panlong Mirror Fragment!

Daoqi Haotian cuts the demon sword fragments!

Every piece of debris faintly flickered with the breath of Tao.

The power of the law flashes slightly.

Yang Xu has not yet reached the level where he can touch the laws of heaven and earth.

But it does not prevent him from feeling the power of three treasures!

Yang Xu's initial plan was to simply combine the three fragments temporarily.

Be sure to let it exert more powerful power than the artifact!

"There are these three exercises, which are also powerful!"

Yang Xu's eyes shone brightly.

[Practice: Jiu Zhuan Haotian Golden Body

Grade: SS level

Consumption: True gas value 10000 points/second

Description: Xuanqing Ao Miao Hao Tianzhen Jun realizes the changes of the sun and the moon, and gathers the body-building divine power created by lifelong cultivation experience!

Description 2: Nine points of power, each training turn, can make your defense +500%!

Description 3: Consolidate the body's skill and strengthen the local area, which can increase the defense power by 1500%!

Description 4: 1% chance to trigger an innocuous state! Each increase in turn increases the chance of 1%! 】


Yang Xu was dumbfounded:

This is simply a defensive skill!

Although the consumption of 10,000 points per second is very high.

But for every turn, the defense power is increased five times!

Even more outrageous!

If it is partially strengthened, it can actually increase the defense power by 15 times!

What a perverted defense this is!

There is also no damage.

Cultivate to the top level and have a 9% chance of triggering no damage!

This is simply magic!

Yang Xu's little heart can't stand it.

Finally, calm down, he looked at the only soul technique:

[Soul Technique: Soul Seal of the Tomb Coffin

Grade: SS level

Consumption: True gas value 10000 points/second

Description: A large tomb can be condensed, and the phantom coffin will cover its soul and be buried in endless darkness forever!

Description 2: Magic attack power +500%!

Description 3: 10% chance to trigger the curse of chaos, causing the enemy to fall into a state of mental confusion, regardless of enemy or enemy! 】

Spiritual Soul Art!

Illusion Soul Art!

The rarest soul spell is also the most powerful soul spell!

Yang Xu breathed quickly.

Mental force attacks the Fa, has always been a shortcoming of him.

Although he received the Sanskrit Admiralty, his illusion defense has improved a lot.

But there is no effective means of attack.

Now with "The Tomb of the Tomb of the Coffin", this short board makes up for it!

Nothing, learn!

Looking at the last exercise, Yang Xu was slightly surprised.

"Actually the magic art?"

Treasure is a more advanced existence than Soul!

The use of Soul Art requires strong soul power and enough energy.

The magic technique not only requires the above conditions.

A treasure is also needed to match the display.

As the name implies, the magic technique is to use the treasure as a medium to display the powerful soul technique!

More terrifying than Soul Power!

[Treasure: The Heart Sutra of Diablo Futu

Grade: SS level

Consumption: True gas value 10000 points/second

Description: The method of the Futuristic Pagoda Controller can release the supreme dark lethality!

Description 2: Pagoda class attack and kill treasure + 1000% damage! +500% lethal damage of dark treasures! Weaponry weapon damage +500%!

Description 3: Resistance to pagoda attacks + 1000%! +500% resistance to attacks against the Darks! Weapon attack resistance +500%!

Description 4: Comes with the refining method of the Buddhism Pagoda x1! 】

The power of "Dark Buddhism's Heart Tribulation" is really powerful and shocking enough!

But what surprised Yang Xu even more was.

It actually came with a method of refining a puppet pagoda.

Yang Xu looked at it in general, and he had all the materials for refining the puppet pagoda.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, learn to refining the pagoda! 】

The system beeps.

Yang Xu decided that he must refine this pagoda!

He happened to get a pagoda from the tomb:

[Item: Qiqiao Linglong Tower (in a damaged state)

Grade: Treasure

Description: Refined from the Seven Treasure God Stone, the pagoda has seven self-creation, which can speed up the refining speed of heaven and earth Aura!

Description 2: Can evolve! 】

The Qiqiao Linglong Tower that Yang Xu obtained was in a damaged state.

Otherwise, the rank is at least an artifact.

This refining was based on the Qiqiao Linglong Tower.

Can greatly improve the power of refining the pagoda!

Other biggest gains.

There are still blue dragon spirit, Yinglong spirit, dragon bone x1, dragon element x1, dragon ball x1.

These treasures, in addition to the dragon spirit and the dragon spirit.

The other three Yang Xu plans to hand over the Nine Nether Dragons for fusion.

After all, only the dragon family can exert its maximum power!

For the rest, there are only heavenly threads, Jiuhuan Qingxin Pill, Jiuhuan Longdan, and Jiuhuan Ningzhu.

And several perfect crystal nuclei of each system.

[Item: Heavenly Silk

Grade: Treasure

Description: A mysterious thread with a touch of heavenly law.

Description 2: Wearing this silk thread, the sense of heaven and earth +100%!

Description 3: Add this object when smelting a treasure, and get a chance of +500% for the attribute of Heavenly Dao! 】

This thing is very powerful.

But Yang Xu is temporarily unavailable.

Unless it is used as a refiner.

The same is true for the other three top-quality elixirs, all used to break through the realm of decay.

Transcending the realm is a higher level of existence than the soul sacred of the highest realm.

As the ancient circle said, no matter how powerful the Soul Saint is, it is only a mortal body.

But once entering the realm of decay, it means breaking through the barrier of mortals, breaking away from mortal bodies, and evolving to a higher level of existence.

This guy from all ages is the ninth soul emperor.

Only one step away can enter the realm of soul holy.

The background of his forces is extraordinary, and he has prepared an immortality medicine for him.

It's a pity that Yang Xu was irritated by life and death.

Now it has become something in Yang Xu's bag!

The crystal nuclei of other systems, Yang Xu used to strengthen "Eight Phase World".

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, "Eight Phases World" has been upgraded! Current level: lv3! 】

The power of the eight-phase world has exploded!

At last.

Yang Xu was full of excitement, looking at the last big harvest, ancient magic--

The emperor seals the magic!

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