Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 214: Insult Qingzhuo's soldiers, kill!

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Chapter 214 Insulting Qingzhu's Death, Kill!

Yang Xu looked at the only "old magic" that could not be practiced-

[Sacred Art: Emperor Sealed Art

Grade: None

Consumption: None

Training Condition 1: Train your luck!

Cultivation condition 2: There is a pale yellow luck to add body!

Description: Sons of the sky, create the kingdom of God, walk the way for the heavens, and divide the gods!

Description 2: Going to the sky, standing up to the sky, the luck will increase, and the world will never die! 】

"Nima, also divide the gods? I'm not Jiang Ziya."

Yang Xu looked speechless for a while.

Before Yang Xu practiced the exercises, there were no restrictions.

This is great!

This so-called "sacred art" actually came up with the cultivation conditions!

What luck body, what a pale yellow luck.

Never heard of it.

"Anyway, I can't practice now, just throw it aside."

Yang Xu didn't care much.

Looking at the narrowed Qiqiao Linglong Tower and Jianqi Peak.

In my mind, flashing the refining method of Futu Pagoda.


Yang Xu's eyes lit up:


There are many powerful materials in his hands:

Jian Qi Feng!

Heavenly thread!

Qiqiao Linglong Tower!

Haotian Linglong Tower Fragment!

Haotian Panlong Mirror Fragment!

Haotian cut the demon sword fragments!

If they can be perfectly integrated and refined into a pagoda, how powerful should it be?

Yang Xu had a preliminary idea.

"Huh, isn't that Jianfeng? It looks so beautiful after shrinking?"

After Princess White Fox came in, she was attracted by the crystal-clear Jianfeng.

"Let me play it, will you?"

She looked at Yang Xu with open eyes.

"Play whatever you want, anyway, you can't play bad."

Yang Xu left the Fox tribe and went to the Tiger tribe.

Upon entering the Tigers, Yang Xu received the most solemn welcome.

Qingfeng looked at Yang Xu's eyes, and she just "looked at them":

"Have you got something?"

Yang Xu smiled:

"Of course it won't let you down."


He threw a jade bottle to Qingfeng.

Qing Feng held her hands in excitement, lest she might break them.

When the jade bottle was opened, a strong breath of life suddenly poured into the nose.

He seemed alive all over.

"If you are not enough, find me. I have some more here."

Yang Xu smiled.

He is more than "some".

It's totally a dish of Tianyan Lingquan, OK?

Today, Tianyan Lingquan and Xuanhuang Zhenshui were moved into the eight-phase world by Yang Xu.

Moisturize each other and make up for each other.

The current Kanshui world is the most powerful in the eight-phase world!

"How do you think about the orcs?"

Yang Xu did not forget to resolve the dispute between the Orcs and humans in Qingzhuo City.

Qing Feng thumped his chest:

"Relax! As long as you come up with a mature plan, my tigers will definitely help! What you say is nothing wrong with the tigers!"

Qingfeng has thoroughly understood Yang Xu's power.

He was originally asked to go to Tianyan Lingquan, also a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

After all, Meng Zhang's treasure trove is in crisis.

And there are so many geniuses fighting together!

Unexpectedly, Yang Xu gave him such a big surprise!

"Remember what you said! I will come to you in a few days!"

The gleam in Yang Xu's eyes flashed.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the main task: once and for all, mission completion +20!

Current task completion: 20/100! 】

"It's time to go to the main palace."

Qingzhuo City.

As soon as Yang Xu entered the city, it was unimpeded.

The soldiers in Qingzhuo City did not know him.

Moreover, he still has more than 15,000 prestige in his body, and his affinity is extremely powerful.

Enter the city's main palace without hindrance.


A cold snort stopped Yang Xu.

Looking up, it was a tall soldier in black armor.

His armor is not the same as the soldiers in Qingzhuo City.

Not far away, there were a few playfully dressed like him looking at this side with a smile.

"Qi Jun, this general, this man is a friend of our general Niu, and has great gratitude to me in Qingzhuo City..."

A Qingzhuo soldier came forward to explain.


The black armor soldier slapped him in the face:

"I asked you! What a mouthful! How to teach you the name of Niu? I am asking you!"

The black armor soldier stared coldly at Yang Xu:

"Explain your name, origin and background clearly, otherwise the Lord will let you in and out!"


Not far away, the black armour soldiers suddenly laughed into a ball:

"Haha, our Wu Chang is playing awe-inspiring again, this little white face counts him as unlucky, he is in a bad mood to catch Wu Chang, and he has to peel off without dying."

Looking at the beaten Qingzhu soldiers, Yang Xu's eyes flashed a gleam.

"Whose man are you?"

He asked the black armour soldiers coldly.

"I didn't ask you, did you dare to ask me first? Disrespect to the superior! Give me a palm!"

The black armoured soldier looked down on Yang Xu from a condescending position and ordered with a cold drink.

"Make me talk if you don't agree? Do you qualify?"

Even Niu General Yang Xu talked and laughed.

No one in the entire city's main palace is eligible to order him to do so.

"Don't listen to the superior's order, you are looking for..."

The word "dead" has not been spoken.


Yang Xu grabbed his neck and lifted him up easily:

"Who are you? I don't have time to waste with you, let alone break my neck!"

Suddenly, the black armor blushed and had a thick neck.

I couldn't even breathe.

Not far away, all the black armoured soldiers froze.

Then scolded and rushed over:

"Dog thing! Put down Master Wu quickly!"

"Even the champion's men dare to move! Do you want to copy all over the door!"

The black armor pawned for a while.


Yang Xu smiled:

"It turned out to be the man of the waste. It happened that I had an account with him and asked him to get out."


He threw the man away and flew out.

A boom.

The soldier fell heavily fifty meters away.

The heavy armor squeezed him with a thud, spitting blood.

"You **** dead!"


A group of black armour soldiers rushed up with their spears and swords.


A scary sword burst under their feet.

"Go one step further, die!"

Yang Xu saw the murderous opportunity.

The fierce murderousness made these soldiers feel chills.

Everyone froze there:

"What is this man's origin?"

"It's a terrible murderous! It's not worse than the champion..."

"Yangxu, you are awesome! You even came to me in front of me, and you have the ability to come to me!"

A sharp voice, like thunder blasting in the void.

The eyes of the black pawns were all bright:

"It's Grandpa Hou! He is angry for us!"

"Hello, do you dare to fight our Houye?"

"Yes! What a skill to shake with us! What a skill to play with our champion!"

Yang Xu couldn't help sneering:

"I don't know what to do in one game, I can handle it easily in ten games. But I can't do anything for you, Yangxu!

"More importantly, the soldiers of Qingzhuo defend their homes and defend their country, and they are bloodshed, and they cannot tolerate your scumbags!"

Yang Xu disappeared suddenly.

Kaka Kaka Kaka!

All the black armoured soldiers on the scene were all screaming:

Their arms were bent in a weird posture.

Some even have stubble of bones exposed.

"Give you a lesson of this pile of garbage! There will be those who insult the Qingzhu soldiers, kill!"

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