Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 215: The general is here!

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Chapter 215 The Generals Come!

The Qingzhuo soldiers all clapped and said:

"Big Brother Yang Xu did well!"

"I haven't seen this bunch of miscellaneous things long ago!"

"If it wasn't for General Niu to stop, it would be their turn to spread the wild?"

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations players, reputation +20! 】

[Congratulations players, reputation +20! 】


After picking up a few soldiers, Yang Xu's reputation soared again!

"Now I will go and meet your waste lord!"

Yang Xu suddenly disappeared.

In front of the main hall of the main palace.


At this moment, the champion Hou was proudly standing with a black euphorbia.


Yang Xu appeared.

Champion Hou's eyes flashed a bit cold:

"Yang Xu! You are a civilian, without any official duties, dare to hit my soldiers! Can you be guilty?"

"Are you guilty?!"

Champion Hou's men and generals glared at Yang Xu.

The violent Qingzhuo soldiers flew to call people when they saw the wrong machine.

"Hum, I'm guilty? Your miscellaneous soldiers casually shot and wounded people, hit the Qingluo soldiers, and sprayed feces. Isn't it guilty? These hybrids have no export, and there is no one in the eyes. You discipline it!"

"Bold! Did Hou Ye's soldiers learn a civilian lesson! Could it be that you want to rebel?"

"Yes! A civilian, even without an official position, dare to provoke officers and soldiers, this is a rebellion! The great sin of Zhu Jiu!"

Champion Hou all generals, killed Yang Xu without official position, is to rebel.

They had just shot Yang Xu.


A strong man in his forties, wearing gold armor, came with a calm face.

"It's the general!"

"Very good, General Long presided over justice, Yang Xu must be fine!"

Qingzhu soldiers were excited.

Long Qianjun's cold eyes stared at Yang Xu, his face gloomy and dripping out of water.

The Qingzhuo soldier suddenly froze:

"General Dragon seems wrong?"

The corner of the champion's mouth provoked upward, revealing a trace of interest.

Under the eyes of the generals, General Long Qianjun stared at Yang Xu with death, wishing to eat him the same:

"Those who don't fight for their arrogance know all day to cause trouble to Laozi!"

The champion men looked at each other and couldn't help but smile at each other:

This time Yang Xu is going to be miserable.


Loud slaps sounded.

"Ah, it hurts me!"

"My teeth are pumped away!"

Champion Hou's men, crying wolf howling with their painful cheeks:


Didn’t you scold Yang Xu for being aggressive?

Are you too brazen to protect your calves?

All Qingzhuo soldiers applauded again and again.

Long Qianjun's eyes were full of anger, and his momentum was like a tiger:

"My Long Qianjun's staff can't even get your champion's miscellaneous pieces to show their fingers and feet! And Yang Xu, you rabbit, I just rewarded you as my lieutenant, and you will give me trouble, and you can't die on dog day. What!"

He directly ignored the champion.

Just staring at Yang Xu, looking like a human.

But now the fool knows he is protecting Yang Xu.

Don't look scolded, but it doesn't move Yang Xu from beginning to end.

Not only that, even the biggest flaw in his beatings, the lack of official positions, made up for:

Yang Xu is now a lieutenant general!

What's the big deal with drawing your champions?

"Long Qianjun! You cover Yang Xu, the following commits, it is too deceiving!"

Champion Hou looked pale.

Long Qianjun grinned:

"Laozi is just bullying you, how do you take me for a dog day? You are a waste, garbage! There is no ability to kill the enemy, run here to poke the military merit of the Laozi, I yuck! You have the ability to go to the court to tell me black, Laozi I just want to stop doing it! Without me, see which dog day there is the ability to keep Qingzhuo City for ten years! You **** dare to bully me!"

Long Qianjun scolded, and the champion Hou face was white with anger.

Yang Xu looked dumbfounded:

I go!

I have long heard that General Long has a hot temper.

Seeing today, the general is really a temperament!


Champion General Hunalong has no difference, and his eyes are fixed on Xiang Yangxu:

"What is your skill in bullying my group of soldiers, if you have the ability to fight me!"

He shook the dark euphorbia in his hand.

At first he saw this black euphorbia from the treasure tomb.

In a short time, it has been thoroughly understood.

To the surprise of the champion Hou, this euphorbia is worthy of an artifact. His combat power is exerted by the euphorbia, and it can soar two or three times!

Such great progress made him confidently:

"Yang Xu, I can beat you down without ten strokes! Do you dare to fight me?"

Yang Xu didn't speak, looking at Long Qianjun.


Yang Xu’s respect made Long Qianjun feel better and laughed aloud:

"Your little bunny is watching me make an egg! Want to let Lao Tzu not succeed for you? Just hit it if you want to beat it.

Yang Xu couldn't help but smile, and he was so passionate:

"Okay! Now that the general agrees, the kid will kill him and cry, and beat him up!"

"Hahaha! Yeah, beating his dog day!"

The generals of Qingzhuo and the rest of the soldiers all came.

The whole Yanwuchang was surrounded by water.

"Children, roar!"

The champion Hou waved a black euphorbia.


Champion Hou's brave soldiers in black armor slammed into the air and cheered the champion Hou.

The nearby Qingzhuo soldiers looked at each other:

Are these guys crazy?

Compare our voice and strength?

You know, the soldiers here in Qingzhuo are all fighting against the Orcs.

If it weren’t for General Bull, he told everyone not to bully the champion.

This arrogant group of little chickens has long had no bone residue.

"Compared with our voices, a bunch of scum! The old men can overwhelm the Orcs, and you are not like playing."

"Yangxu come on!"

"Yang Xu, beating his dog day!"

But a small number of Qingzhuo soldiers shouted casually.

The cheers easily overwhelmed the champion.

Yang Xu stood in the middle of Yanwuchang, and looked at Champion Hou with a smile:

"The soldiers you brought are all sissy, look at this applause, weak."

Champion Hou's face is as dark as a pot:

"On the battlefield, we speak on strength, not everyone who speaks loudly has the ability."

Yang Xu looked speechless:

"I remember it was you who asked your people to applaud just now? It's really awesome that you can't recognize it!"

"Less nonsense! Watch the trick!"

The champion was the first to move.

He was afraid that he would be mad if he didn't shoot again.


The black euphorbia flashed a dark light, and blinked before Yang Xu.

Yang Xu didn't even bother to hide, and pulled a stick from his back waist, and slammed:


The black euphorbia thrilled with a loud bang.

"Ouch! Beat me up again, this time I really want to break it! I'm about to hurt!"

The rotten sugarcane cried hard.

Don't look like it is called a pig, but it has no cracks at all.

On the contrary, the black euphorbia was sucked by a stick of rotten sugarcane and fell a layer of rust.

"What kind of ghost weapon? Can it still speak?"

The champion was shocked:

"Is it the generator spirit?"

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