Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 216: Champion Hou is depressed

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216 Champion Hou is depressed

The surrounding Qingzhuo soldiers cried even more:

"Hahaha! Brother Yang Xu looks great! It's really yours to use sugar cane against the euphorbia!"

"You can't be the champion, even Brother Yangxu's rotten sugar cane can't handle it!"

There was a lot of rhetoric.

The champion is so angry:

"A bunch of waste! Give me a shout and press the Qingzhuo soldiers!"

He personally shook the black euphorbia:

"Die to me!"


The black halberd blade tears the void and smashes into Yangxu fiercely.

"Don't block me, I'll break it if I come again! I'm not kidding you!"

The rotten sugar cane screamed out in fright.

Don't let me block, I am partial.

Yang Xu deliberately wanted to try out the bottom of the rotten sugarcane, and went to the halberd:


There was another bang.


Champion Hou gave Zhen Zhen three consecutive steps.

The dark euphorbia violently oscillated in his hand, almost out of hand.

He hadn't waited for him to speak.

A roar of rotten sugar cane tears from my ears:

"Oh, what kind of weapon is this! I'm dead, I'm going to be interrupted! This weapon is too hard!"


The champion was almost spitting blood:


This Yang Xu's speech is enough annoying.

The weapon in his hand is so broken!

My weapon is hard?

No matter how hard my weapon is, you're blocked by your broken sugarcane?


The champion Hou was furious and waved his euphorbia again.

There was a loud bang.

Rotten cane's pig-killing sounds again:

"It hurts me! It's too hard. I'm going to break it!"

"You **** cut me off! Call a hair blindly!"

The champion's ambition turned red and bang!

Behind the void, blood rolled into the sky.

Seeing faintly, in the endless flesh of blood, a magic stone shimmering immortal.

The champions around were dumbfounded:

What is the situation?

Hou Ye was forced to play the cards so quickly?

What is the origin of the broken cane?

Even if Hou Ye was so angry, the origin must not be simple!

Everyone looked at the rotten sugarcane in surprise.

Yang Xu blinked suddenly:

"This **** stone is not simple."

He discovered it long ago.

Champion Hou's **** stone, born with eight holes and nine tricks, seems to imply the theory of gossip and nine palaces.

And the charm is restrained, with incredible magic power.

Once the champion Hou put it into the body, the combat power instantaneously increased by more than ten times!

Yang Xu's heart moved:

"System, my "Bai Zi Demon Parasitic Formula", can it be used on that **** stone?"

【can! The **** magic parasite can be parasitic on all existence, and it can be changed to the door court over time, and the master transposes! 】

"Hahaha, doesn't it mean that as long as the **** demon parasite trick is quietly smashed into the **** stone, if the **** stone is mine for a while?"

[Yes! 】

The system's answer is short and effective.

Yang Xule:

"Then look at me!"

Champion, you count me over and over again, take your **** stone as interest first!


Yang Xu appeared blood slaughter sword.

As soon as the sword came out, the champion Hou suddenly changed his face.

At first, he had suffered from this sword.

It was just that he was struck, and it made him feel weak.

"This sword is weird, you must be careful!"

Champion Hou squeezed the black euphorbia, condensing against the blood skeleton to kill the sword!


Yang Xu instantly cut out a hundred swords.

Dangdang Dangdang...

The champion Hou waved his euphorbia and defended with offensive.

All sword moves were broken by him.

The champion Hou suddenly laughed:

"Hahaha, your sword moves are no more than that. With this euphorbia, I can easily resist, your moves... Boom!"

A sudden force struck.

The black euphorbia shattered and almost broke.

"Oh, beat me again! It hurts me! I really want to break it! Yang Xu, I hate you!"

The rotten cane's crying wolf howled again.

"What's the point! Without interrupting you, I'm not a champion!"


Behind the void, the blood was surging, and that magic stone was blooming in all directions.

Suddenly, it turned into an energy, rushing from the top of the champion Hou.


Champion Hou's whole body's blood was soaring, and the power was amazing.

He didn't notice at all, just when he smelted the Shenshi into his body.

A **** character with a size of one tenth of a grain of rice suddenly flew into the **** stone.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the **** is successful! 】

"Broken me!"

The champion who activated the energy of Shenshi, raised his euphorbia, and slammed into the rotten sugarcane of Yangxu.

Do you want to fight? Not give you a chance!

Yang Xu smiled coldly:


Dangdang Dangdang!

Rolling sword light came from all directions, and immediately made the champion Hou sullen.

The violent attack collapsed, and he almost vomited blood!

"Yangxu! If you have the ability, take that broken sugar cane and try harder with me!"

Champion Hou Nu drink.

"It's shameless, you have so much strength than me, why should I fight hard?"


The figure of Yang Xu disappeared suddenly.


He flashed tens of meters away, and he already had a bow and arrow in his hand:

"Bilu Huangquan kill!"


An arrow shot out into the sky.

Everyone stared at Yang Xu in surprise:

"What's the trick? Archery?"

Champion Hou also laughed:

"Are you scared and stupid, I am here, which arrow do you shoot into the sky?"

The voice did not fall.


A flying arrow behind him suddenly shot.

"not good!"

The champion Hou hurriedly blocked the black euphorbia, Boom!

The arrow hit the euphorbia so much that he took a big step back.

Almost unsteady body!

"Bilu Huangquan kill!"

Yang Xu shot an arrow toward the ground this time.

Champion Hou stared at him with wide eyes.



An arrow burst out of the ground under his feet.

"My grass!"


The sharp arrows almost touched the champion's nose bridge.

There is no blood left.

Everyone was dumbfounded:

"What kind of arrow technique is too weird!"

"Ming Ming shot into the sky, the result came from behind his back! Shot at his own feet, but rushed out of the champion's feet..."

Everyone stared at Yang Xu in surprise, and his eyes were horrified.

Even General Long looked at Yang Xu in surprise:

"I have heard Lao Niu say this kid's evil door really has a set of wow!"

A flash of fine light flashed in his eyes:

"Maybe ‘that opportunity’ can be given to this kid..."

ten minutes later.

The champion Hou was messy and ragged, just like a beggar.

Even more tragic.

He was covered with blood all over.

All of them were brought by Yang Xu's strange arrows.

Everyone looked at Champion Hou's eyes, full of sympathy.

no way.

Yang Xu's arrows are too weird.

The champion Hou provokes who is bad, but provokes Yang Xu.

Isn't this asking for trouble?

"So far! Stop playing!"

The champion Hou suddenly screamed.

He can't stand it anymore.

Yang Xu is as cunning as a fox, and he has no chance of getting close at all.

And the weird arrow tricks that are haunting are so disgusting.

"Oh, don't you just say no if you don't fight? Sorry, my lord hasn't had fun yet. You're supporting me for more."

He also abused the champion for a long time, and saw him embarrassed like a beggar.

Yang Xu ended.

"Yangxu! You are too disappointing to me, you dare not even face the opportunity to face me directly, you are not worthy of being a man!"

Champion Hou said angrily.

Yang Xu was speechless for a while:

"Did you make a mistake? My close combat ability is strong. Why should I shoot with a short strike? Is it because I tied my hands and feet and let you kill, so that you can not be disappointed? Do you want to make a face?"

"As for whether it's a man, you're not talking."

Yang Xu chuckled with a smile:

"But you can lend your wife to me for one night, when she will tell you, is the younger man more man than you!"

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