Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 217: Take me away?

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Chapter 217: Taking Me Out and Taking Me Over?

"Haha! Yang Xu, your kid is too good! I still saw it for the first time, the arrogant champion Hou deflated!"

In the palace's mansion, General Long Qianjun laughed like thunder.

Yang Xu smiled and said:

"The champion is in front of you, and he can't get any benefits."

"Huh, that little rabbit has only been in the army for a few years. If he had a special background, tidying him up would be like playing."

General Long admired Yang Xu very much.

"Here! This is your appointment letter as my lieutenant general. In the future, if the champion Hou will use the identity to squeeze you, even if he pumps hard!"

Received the appointment letter handwritten by the general.

Yang Xu suddenly felt that a mysterious air descended from the sky and poured into the body.

He was warm all over, but he only felt clear and refreshed.

Some hidden dangers left by the recent surge in strength.

Was swept away by this mysterious air!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the official "Vice-admiral", good luck! The air transport system is on! 】

"Air transport system?"

Yang Xu was stunned and glanced casually:

[The luck system: There is heaven in the midst of the heavens, and the way of the sky is true. It is luck in man and qi in dynasty.

Those who have luck can be blessed by the sky, their life is smooth, Hong Fu Qi Tian, ​​Qingyun go straight!

Obtain a court official, you can get a part of the air transport body. 】

Yang Xu suddenly remembered the ancient magic "Tian Zi Feng Shen Shu".

Isn't the condition of practicing it related to luck.

You must be a good luck figure.

Have to refine the yellowish luck!

For a time, Yang Xu became very curious about "luck".

"If you have a chance, you must figure out what luck is."

Open the letter of appointment.

Yang Xu was slightly moved.

Long Qianjun was very thoughtful, and the appointment book specifically explained that Yang Xu was a child of Zongmen, so he did not have to stay with the general.

Give Yang Xu maximum freedom.

With respect for the general, Yang Xu said his plan to deal with the Orcs.

"it is good!!"

General Long looked at Yang Xu's eyes and was full of marvels:

"Yang Xu! I have seen a lot of disciples of Zongmen, but you can take the initiative to consider us as soldiers. You are the first one! I have seen your plan, and the feasibility is very high! If you add tiger assistance , Successfully grasp at least 90%!"

General Long gave Yang Xu maximum support:

The soldiers of the entire Qingzhuo City, let Yang Xu dispatch!

What a trust!

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, the main task: once and for all, completion +30!

Current task completion degree: 50/100! 】

One step closer to completing the task!

Yang Xu was confident and returned to the Fox race.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw that the white fox princess had red eyes, and she obviously cried.

"What's wrong with this? Who bullied you?"

"Yang Xu, I'm sorry for you. When I played Jianfeng, my brother said I borrowed it for a while, but he didn't pay me back..."

The little girl burst into tears with guilt.

"Don't cry, the girl isn't his thing. Can he still think he has something to do? Take me to him."

"Okay! He won't give it to you again, you will hit him hard, Yang Xu! If you hit him, he will give you back!"

Princess White Fox seems to have found the main heart.

Dragging Yang Xu's hand to his brother's palace.

"Fox Zong, you get out! Return Yang Xu's Jianfeng!"

"Bold! How can you talk to your brother!"


A beautiful figure appeared.

His face is beautiful, his figure is long, and he looks like a handsome young man.

He glanced at Yang Xu faintly and snorted:

"You are that human race?"

"Hu Zong, you are less nonsense! Jianfeng is Yang Xu, you will come back soon! Otherwise, let him beat you!"

"Oh, my silly sister, how can you help outsiders, not to mention he is a personal race? Don't you know the reason why non-my races have different hearts?"

Yang Xu frowned and said coldly:

"No needless talk, just say, do you give Jianfeng or not?"

"Here? What for you? Jianfeng is on my fox tribe's territory, that is my fox tribe's thing! You humans also want to covet my fox tribe's treasure?"

"Fox Zong, you are shameless! That thing is obviously Yang Xu borrowed from me to play, you borrowed it will not return..."

Princess White Fox cried angrily again:

"I go to my father to judge!"

"Don't look for it, I'm here. What are your brothers and sisters talking about?"

The Patriarch of the Fox clan appeared.

Yang Xu's eyes could not help but flashed a trace of coldness:

What happened?

You appeared after the quarrel?

He sneered, saying that the father and son had no conspiracy, and Yang Xu didn't believe it.

"Fox Chief, I lent Jianfeng to the little fox for play. As a result, Fox Zong couldn't repay it, I don't know..."

"What! There is such a thing!"

The Chief Patriarch interrupted Yang Xu and stared at his son fiercely:

"Hu Zong! Is there any such thing? Yang Xu said the truth?"

Hu Zong smiled faintly:

"How can there be such a thing, my sister does play with a gadget, and I see that the thing is extraordinary, but it is a peerless treasure, and it is properly kept. There is no such thing as borrowing but not returning."

"Oh? Peerless treasure? Of course it should be kept in good custody. Your sister is not sensible. Your brother is very considerate."

The head of the Fox clan turned his head and looked at Xiang Yangxu with a smile, a kind expression on his face:

"Yangxu, I think there may be some misunderstandings. My child has always been generous, and he will never make a difference..."

"Come with me less!"

Yang Xu sneered.

Jianfeng is very important to him, which is related to his plan to refine the pagoda.

Without it, the power of the pagoda will decrease exponentially!

"Hu Zong, you handed over Jianfeng, everything is okay to discuss, otherwise..."

"Otherwise? What's the point! Yang Xu, you dare to threaten us in my fox tribe's territory? This is not to take my patriarch's eyes!"

"That's it! You dare to disrespect my father, and I will not let you go! You come, let me take this human assassin!"


A group of fox warriors suddenly surrounded Yang Xu.

"Little Fox, what do you say about this?"

Yang Xu looked at Princess White Fox.

Princess White Fox burst into tears, and looked at her father's brother with disappointment:

"Father, brother, our Fox tribe also has dignity. What treasures do we need? Why do we want to covet Yang Xu's things? I beg you to return things to Yang Xu! Otherwise, it will bring disaster to the Fox tribe!"

Only she knows how terrifying Yang Xu's strength is.

Most importantly, she didn't want to make Yang Xu unhappy because of herself.

"Shut up! Why did you girl turn your elbows away! Get back to your palace for irrational things!"

The head of the Fox clan shouted.

Brother Hu Zong also sneered:

"Sister, don't think you have the blood of the white fox, you can interfere with the fox's affairs. You are not the patriarch yet."

These words made the chief fox's face even more ugly.

His voice indifferently ordered:

"Come here! Hold down what you eat!"

The two tall fox warriors immediately grabbed the princess of the white fox, she did not resist, and only looked at Yang Xu in tears:

"Yangxu! It's my fox family. I'm sorry for you. You don't have to be polite, although you can do it! I only hope you can keep my father and brother alive..."

"Shut up for me! Nonsense, go away!"

The Fox clan breathed heavily.

The only person who got in the way was taken away.

Hu Zong couldn't help staring at Yang Xu with a sneer:

"Now see who can protect you!"

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