Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 218: Bee boy

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Chapter 218

The chief of the Fox also had a cold voice:

"Yangxu! Because of the relationship between the little girl, I always treat you as a guest and treat each other with courtesy! Who knows that you have bewitched the little girl and help you steal my fox tribe's treasure? Is it really reasonable? At this time I will not be willing to give up and wait After you, I will ask General Qingzhuo City for an explanation!"

"Don't resist if you're acquainted, just grab your hand and catch! Otherwise..."

Hu Zong has a look, brush Lala!

All fox warriors draw their swords.

Yang Xu couldn't help laughing:

"Have seen shameless, never seen such shameless as you. Stealing my treasure without saying it, but also justified himself as his own, counter bite me to grab your stuff? Fox is worthy of cunning and insidious race, especially you kind Low-blooded garbage!"

The eyes flashed coldly, Yang Xu said impatiently:

"Give you the last chance, hand it over, everything is negotiable! Not hand it over..."


Yang Xu's cold killing broke out all over him.

The terrifying breath made all the soldiers around him stiff.

The chief of the Fox could not help being surprised.

Hu Zong quietly said to his father:

"Don't be afraid! There is that master who will support us! Killing Yangxu is a breeze!"

The chief of the fox patriarch looked slightly calm.

Yang Xu's patience was finally exhausted.

Looking at Princess White Fox's face, he gave the Fox tribe many chances.

It is a pity that the other party does not know to cherish at all.

"You just said, no one will protect me when the little fox is gone, you are wrong. The person she protects should be you!"


The figure of Yang Xu suddenly flashed.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

All the fox tribes were beaten and flew out.

The father and son froze there all of a sudden:

"This... how is this possible?"

The weak and bully humans in their eyes turned into unmatched strong men in an instant.

The change of strength and weakness made them stunned for a moment.

Next second.

Son Hu Zong yelled and turned to run.


Yang Xushan appeared before him:

"The things haven't been handed over yet, where can I escape?"


Hu Zong's legs were severely kicked off.

He collapsed to the ground and burst into tears:

"Please let me go! I didn't do it, everything has nothing to do with me..."

"What's the point! Let go of my baby...pa!"

The Patriarch Fox was slammed and flew out.

"If you don't look at your daughter's face, what are you, dare to set up with me!"

Evil sneer appeared on Yang Xu's face:

"I'm just worried about which ethnic group the cleaning plan should start from, it should start from the Fox family!"

The Chief Patriarch's complexion suddenly changed:

"What the **** are you?"

Looking at his panic-stricken expression, the contempt on Yang Xu's face made no secret:

"Don't even figure out where I came from, I dare to ignore my stuff. You are really stupid. Do I suspect you are a fox?"

"You... what are you going to do with my fox family?"

"Your fox family? After today, the fox family is not yours."


The figure of Yang Xu flashed behind the head of the Fox clan.


The old guy's legs were also kicked off by Yang Xu.

He collapsed directly to the ground and wowed wailfully.

The fox warriors around are all stupid.

They looked at Yang Xu with a terrified look.

I just felt cold all over the body, and no one dared to come up to stop it.

Without warning.


Behind him a sword light suddenly beheaded.


Penetrated through the afterimage of Yang Xu.

Jianguang flew out with a loud bang.

A scary sword mark was left on the boulder.

A man in Xuanyi appeared on the boulder.

He was condescending, looking down on Yang Xu, his eyes as if looking at a ant.

"Your son, you're finally here!"

"If we don't come, we will be killed by this man!"

The fox patriarch and son, all seeing the savior, shouted wildly.

"who are you?"

Yang Xu coldly said.

"I am the one who killed you."

Xuanyi's eyes were cold.

"Yes! Kill this man! Dare to hurt me, he should die!"

The Chief Fox looked at Yang Xu bitterly.

Hu Zong sneered even more:

"Yangxu, you are dead! This young man said to kill you, you can't live!"

"Oh, kill me?"


Yang Xu stepped on the puppet rune, like stepping on an invisible ladder and stepping up into the air step by step:

"I always don't like to talk to people with my head up. Are you going to kill me, sure you have this skill?"

The father and son of the Fox clan suddenly stunned:

"Can he walk in the air?"


In the palm of Xuanyi's man, a small peak filled with sword spirit appeared.

"Jianfeng is in your hands!"

The fox clan laughed:

"Yes! I gave Jianfeng to the son! The son Kendo is amazing, and only he deserves such a treasure!"

"Yangxu, you are not worthy of having Jianfeng!"

Xuanyi was a man, and there was a trace of luster on his face.

Glancing at Yang Xu, he said quietly:

"You asked me if I had the ability to kill you? Well, I will show it to you. You can't surrender Jianfeng in your hands. I used my sword to refine it."

He threw it away.


Jianfeng flew into the air, and the wind grew.

Blink into a huge mountain.


The mountain fell and the horrible sword gas suddenly roared:

Brush brush!

In a man's thought, all the Xuanyi men's qi was shot towards Chaoyang Xu.


Yang Xu escaped easily.

His brows are slightly wrinkled:

"You have refined Jianfeng?"

"It's just preliminary refining. Although I am strong in swordsmanship, it is not so easy to refine this powerful sword peak. Fortunately..."

Xuanyi man raised his eyebrows and moaned!

Among the sword peaks, there was a long sword with a brilliant golden body, which burst out.

Yin Yang!

The golden sword turned into a golden dragon and flew into the hands of the Xuanyi man:

"I merge my Golden Dragon Sword and Jianfeng, and now it is under my control!"

"Golden Dragon Sword? Are you the elder brother of the poisonous boy, the elder bee?"

Feng Gongzi smiled indifferently:

"It seems you know me."

Bee Master, it is said that the body is a powerful **** royal bee. He was obsessed with kendo all his life, and a golden dragon holy sword is powerful in the world.

Especially with a fast sword, no one can stop the entire Qingzhuo Demon Peak.

"Now that I know my origin, then obediently abandon cultivation, go to my brother's grave and kneel to thank, I can spare you a life."

The bee boy snapped his finger, Hulong!

Jianfeng blinked into a fist and flew into his hands.

The golden dragon holy sword also turned into a golden streamer, escaped into the sword peak, and blended into one.

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows.

Then laughed:

"Bee Master, right? I really should thank you. I was planning to make four swords in Jianfeng. Unfortunately, I only have three swords in my hand. Now that is all right, the Golden Dragon Sword you sent me is just right. Get together four swords."

"Send your Excalibur?"

Yang Xu's serious look made his eyes sink:

"Something I don't know how to advance! Die!"


He held Jianfeng in his palm, shot a swordman's arm, and slashed Xiangyang Xu.


What Jianmang penetrated was still only a shadow of Yang Xu.

Yang Xu proudly stood in the void, with a little war intent on his face:

"Just just learned a few kung fu recently, just use your target as a try!"

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