Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 228: Calculate the bottom card!

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Chapter 228 Calculate the Underworld Card!

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The few remaining strong families of the Ming family were all solved by "Eight Phases World".

Behind Yang Xu's void, "Eight-phase World" in perfect condition finally dispersed.

"Is this the perfect eight-phase world? It's terrifying! It's a pity that I can't exert its full power."

Yang Xu was both amazed and sorry.

The eight-phase world in its perfect state consumes nothing but horror.

It swallows more than a hundred thousand true qi points every second!

Fortunately, the killing of many strong men of the Ming family just saved a lot of true energy.


The entire Ming Family turned into a fertile land.

It was as if it had been turned back and forth several times, and there was nothing left of flesh and wreckage.

All of them directly collapsed into powder and buried in the soil.

If you grab a handful of soil and squeeze it casually, you can see a lot of blood.

Yang Xu looked to the sky, and he deliberately left a life in the dark sea sky:

"How about, everyone in your family is dead, do you have any cards to use?"

Provocative eyes appeared on Yang Xu's face.

Since you want to kill, you can't stay in trouble.

Yang Xu must get rid of all the backers of the Ming family!

Looking at Yang Xu who stood above the Nine Nether Nether Dragons and had a plain look.

Ming Haitian's heart twitched wildly:

"Whether to take out the final hole card and avenge the Ming family, or to bear it down, leaving the Ming family with a chance to turn over in the future?"

When hesitating.


A figure rushed into the air:

"Father! What are you still hesitating about? The younger brother is dead, and the mother is also dead. This is because you have to deal with the Yang family! Now you are not revenge for the tribe, but for the mother and younger brother, what are you still hesitating?"

Ming Haitian's eyes suddenly widened:

"Damn it! I didn't let you stay with the tombs! What are you doing up here!"

"He came up, of course, to avenge my Hades!"

An old voice suddenly sounded.

Ming Haitian's complexion suddenly changed:

"Old tomb! Why did you follow along? This is the last strength of our family, you..."

"Well, the entire Ming Family has been extinguished, what final power is there?"

An old man with white hair flashed in mid-air instantly.

His pair of turbid eyes, staring at Ming Haitian faintly:

"Ming Wudao was killed. Although you are in pain, you shouldn't anger others! If you didn't climb up and move Nuyang's house, you won't have today's misfortune!"

"Now the other party has come to the door. I can't beat the others, so I have to admit it! I have to admit the punishment! Even if the family is wiped out, it is also strong enough. We are too weak to blame others!"

As soon as these words came out, Ming Haitian's complexion changed greatly.

The eldest son Ming Cun was also cold.

The onlookers, the powerful people, could not help but nodded:

"It's worthy to be the old tomb of the Ming family. These words are very transparent! If you can't beat others, you must admit your fate!"

The old tomb with white hair flashed and brushed.

Appeared in front of Yang Xu.

He stood as tall as Yang Xu, and meant to sit on the ground.

A pair of old eyes staring at Yang Xu faintly:

"You just heard what I said just now, you are very powerful, my family is not your opponent, it is our deserved to kill so many people by you! If there is no old man like me, maybe we will recognize it like this! But since there is me Now, you can't let you kill the Ming family, clap your hands and leave!"

In the tone of the old man, there is a strong confidence and determination.

Yang Xu's mouth corner:

"Although you are strong, you can't stay with me alone, do you believe it?"

"Of course I believe!"

The old man’s answer was once again unexpected:

"So I didn't want to leave you alone by the old man. For the sake of the family, today I also have to be brazen to bully the little one and bully the little one more!"

With that, he put his cane in his hand and gave a light meal in the air.


A phantom thunder sound suddenly diffused.

Brush brush!

Behind the tomb old man, suddenly appeared five old men with white hair but strong breath.

"Emperor Soul Emperor! It's all nine-level Soul Emperor!"

Everyone was horrified.

Almost everyone looked at Ming Haitian in horror:

Is this the essence of the Minghou Palace?

Is this the bottom of the sea?

Is this his hole card?

The entire five Ninth-level Soul Emperor Realm powerhouses are simply terrifying!

And just at this time.


The gray-haired tomb is old, and his body is suddenly released.

The terrifying coercion instantly swept through all directions, making everyone around him suddenly change color:

"God! It turned out to be Soul Venerable!"

"It's a Level 5 Soul Respect!"

"There is a strong man of Soul Venerable Level in the Hades!"

"What a terrible background this is! The Houhou Mansion is really not simple!"

Brush brush!

Everyone's eyes gathered on Yang Xu.

People looked at him with sympathy.

There is a feeling of watching tragedy heroes:

This time the mysterious man is dead!

Even if he has more cards, it is probably useless!

Five Ninth-level Soul Emperors, plus a fifth-level Soul Venerable Strong!

Such a terrifying force is enough to destroy a small country.

Even if the mysterious person has the power to turn the sky, I am afraid it is difficult to resist!

"I have said long ago that you will die if you don't know how to advance or retreat! Offending my Ming family is not going to end well!"

Ning Haitian stared at Yang Xu quietly.

There is a pleasant look in his eyes.


With a slap, he pulled out fiercely, and Minghaitian was directly pumped out.

Tomb old with white hair, his face angry:

"You still have a face to speak ruthlessly! If it weren't for you to provoke the Yang family without knowing it, how could the Ming family have such a catastrophe! The Zhuge family and the Yang family have grievances for generations. Family!"


The tomb old man turned back sharply, staring at Yang Xu:

"Old man, I respect you, but you can't run away by killing so many people in the Ming family. Give you a decent way of death, you must kill yourself!"


Everyone around was suddenly boiling:

Tomb old let mysterious person commit suicide?


Unexpectedly, Yang Xu smiled:

"Old guy, I have to say that I admire your acting skills! From the beginning, you have firmly occupied the peak of morality and also demonstrated your strong strength. If I really succumb to you, your family will keep at least half of your reputation. Rebuilding is completely a breeze."


Yang Xu's mouth corner:

"It's a pity you can't fool me! Do you think you won? Do you think I really have no way to take you? Grandpa, you are wrong."

The smile on Yang Xu's face made the tomb's confident face suddenly froze.

He suddenly had a bad hunch.

Is it...

"Okay, old drama bones. You have been acting for so long, should you be tired? I will send you to Xitian to rest!"

Yang Xu made this remark.

Everyone suddenly changed color.

"Blue Magic Eye!"

Yang Xuyou quietly spit out four words, and the pupil in her left eye suddenly flashed a cyan brilliance.

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