Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 229: destruction

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Chapter 229 Destruction


Where the blue monstrous past.

The entire void, plane, and time are fixed.

Especially the tomb of Soul Venerable Realm, and the powerful Soul Emperor Realm.

Even the slightest bit can not move.

Ming Haitian and Ming can't be father and son, and they want to run away when they are in a bad situation.

It is a pity that he is still fixed by the light of the blue magic pupil.

All the targets can't be done with a single flick!

The onlookers, almost all took a breath, and froze there:

"This... what kind of magic is this?"

"Everyone is fixed? Can't move?"

"That's the powerhouse of Soul Venerable Realm, was it actually settled down?"

For a time, people looked at Yang Xu's eyes as if they were looking at a god.

Everyone is full of admiration and fear.

"Yang Xu, come out to kill."

Yang Xu said lightly.


Behind the void, a figure appeared.

"That's the young master of the Yang family, Yang Xu!"

"He actually appeared with the mysterious man!"

Everyone stared at the figure beside Yang Xu.

That figure is indeed "Yang Xu".

It's just a copy of the "Cornucopia" redeemed by Yangxu with Points Mall.

If someone with a heart finds that Yang Xu's large and small sizes appear at different times, they may suspect that they are the same person.

Now Yang Xu and the mysterious man appeared together to make up for this loophole.

"The land of the eight-phase world!"

The copy version Yang Xu waved his arms, hum!

The sky above the head suddenly flashed eight world portals.

The eyes of the people around have changed:

"Yang Xu also cultivated the eight-phase world!"


Rolling yellow sand, swarming out, turned into a handle sand knife, flew out.

Puff puff!

A few gray-haired old men can't even make a bullet, let alone protect their bodies.

Their heads were cut off and grunt fell to the ground.

Tomb old eyes widened, staring at Yang Xu.

Yang Xu smiled quietly, without any sympathy:

"It's not as good as people, you have to admit it, but you said it. Kill!"

The reproduced version of Yang Xu waved his hand, and the sand knife was cut again.


Tomb old head also fell to the sky.


The sand knife waved again, and Ming Haitian's son Ming couldn't help, and the head split up.

In the end, there was only one person left.


The blue magic pupil closes.

The dark sea sky suddenly moved.

But he was stunned:

"It's all dead! You killed them all!"

Yang Xu raised a brow:

"Yes, I killed all your cards! When you sent someone to assassinate Yang Xu's parents, did you expect it to be today?"

"Haha! Hahahaha! You thought you won, no, you didn't win!"

Ming Haitian laughed out loud:

"My Ming family still has blood in this world! I also have a son Ming Wutian! He is not in the Ming family!"

"Oh? I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't do it, I'm really domineering. It's a pity..."


Yang Xu snapped his fingers.

"Here it is!"

Not far away, a pale man appeared.

Mo Chen's face looks like a servant:

"Do not disgrace the mission! I brought the divine head!"


Mo Chen threw the human head at the sea.

Ning Haitian caught it.

When he saw his son's dead head, the whole person was mad.

"Ah...! I know today that I will never provoke the Yang family! I regret it! I hate it!"


The sand knife was cut.

Ning Haitian's head flew high.

So far.

The entire Ming Family was completely destroyed.

After this battle, all forces nearby knew:

The Yang family in Tamron City is guarded by powerful mysterious people!

Even the masters of the Ming family with profound knowledge and countless strong men have been destroyed.

Others want to provoke the Yang family, but have to weigh themselves.

After this battle.

Yang Xu got a lot of experience value, true gas value, integral value, and a lot of equipment treasures.

This increased his strength!

And when he found the treasure house of the Hades.

According to the agreement, a small part of Yongguan City's other big families was distributed.

This is the reason why several major families have never intervened.

After digging out this part, the other massive wealth is still more than ten times that of the Jun family!

With such huge resources, the Yang family, which has developed into a bottleneck, suddenly spread its wings like a Dapeng.

The current Yang family is already well-deserved and the first largest family in Tenglong City.

Whether it is resources, talents, or forces.

All far exceed the sum of several other families!

Even more shocking!

Yang Xu destroyed the Ming family within a day.

Such a powerful feat.

Let other cities and other families see the horror of the Yang family.

The Yang family became a well-known upper family!

Something happened here.

Yang Xu returned to Ling Yunzong.

"You came just right. Song Qing couldn't help but want to start."

Master Jian Nantian said lightly.

Teacher Meng next to him smiled like an old fox.

Yang Xu mourned silently for Song Qing:

Being stared at by these two people, I don't know how the surname of Song has survived until now.

"Oh, speaking of this..."

Teacher Meng suddenly looked at Yang Xu with a surprised expression.

Jian Nantian also seemed a little curious.

Yang Xu wondered:

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

Teacher Meng smiled and said:

"Your kid also said that you wouldn't manage Zongmen. Not long ago Yun Qian implemented several measures with remarkable results. I asked him who had the idea. He said it was your kid."

Jian Nantian looked at Tuer:

"I didn't expect you to be a management talent."

Yang Xu did give Jian Yunqian some suggestions.


After the implementation of each of Yang Xu's suggestions, they have achieved extremely remarkable results!

The most notable is the abolition of inner and outer doors.

The term "outside disciple" can easily reduce the disciples' sense of identity with Zongmen.

It makes people subconsciously feel that they are not completely involved in this sect.

According to Yang Xu's suggestion.

Jian Yunqian changed the inner and outer doors into "disciples" and "elite disciples."

As a result, he found that the effect was really amazing.

The disciples have a strong desire for the title of "elite disciples".

As a result, when Yang Xu's proposal was launched, everyone tried to cultivate in order to become an elite disciple.

While Jian Yunqian was happy, he secretly sympathized with them:

Boys, you are all fooled by the bad guy Yang Xu.

You don’t know at all. Above the elite, there is the title of "core disciple" waiting for you.

Is it the core?

of course not.

There is a true biography above the core, and a mainstay above the true biography...

One title after another, waiting for everyone to brush.

And just when everyone gradually realized that something was wrong, the title was almost spit out.

Yang Xu's second measure was also announced:

That is not only the difference in titles.

There are certain differences in permissions.

But what excites everyone is.

This kind of authority is not the kind of unfair authority that can practice the Tactic Exercise and one that can't, and it hates countless people.

But some small differences that can greatly facilitate everyone.

For example, ordinary disciples can borrow five books at once in the library building.

But elite disciples can borrow ten books at a time.

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