Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 230: Ninth-level Soul Emperor!

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Chapter 230 Ninth Level Soul Emperor!

At first, Jian Yunqian couldn't figure it out, but this is just a small measure to borrow more books. What's the use?

But it seems that this seemingly tiny change has made everyone rush.

What surprised Sect Master Yunqian was that people's enthusiasm for brushing their titles was actually driven.

Even some of the most lazy disciples of Zongmen met to practice together.

The elders were shocked:


Is Yang Xu doing magic or what?

These seemingly nonsense actions have played such a big role!

In the surprise and admiration of the elders for Yang Xu.

Lingyun disciples not only rapidly improved their own strength.

The comprehensive strength of Zongmen has also rapidly increased!

What makes the elders admire more is.

Yang Xu has also taken precautions in certain measures.

For example, he solemnly reminded Jian Yunqian that any move must be based on an unwavering foundation.

That is:

In front of the rules, everyone is equal!

Whether you are the core, elite, or ordinary disciple.

As long as you violate the rules, you will be punished for the same crime!

This made the people of Ling Yunzong suddenly become regular.

The smell of gunpowder was greatly reduced, but the competitiveness was not greatly affected.

It is said that several other brothers, Zongmen, all consulted the elders of Ling Yun for their experience in governing Zongmen.

The elders called a joy.

"Yang Xu, your kid is simply a genius. Not only does he have a set of practice, but he also manages the sect very powerfully. Yun Qian said he will give you abdication."

Teacher Meng smiled.

at this time.


A firework sounded.

Jian Nantian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

"Let's go, Song Qingshu is about to start. Yun Qian is going to use him to train his soldiers. Let's join in the fun."

The Elders Abbey.

Song Qingshu was surrounded by a group of core disciples.

Not far away is the elite disciples who are neatly watching the queue.

The outermost are ordinary disciples.

They were full of excitement, but they were well organized and not at all chaotic.

Putting it in any sect is a difficult thing

But Ling Yunzong did it easily.

The reason is that Lingyun has implemented a grouping system.

A group of several disciples, each group has a team leader to manage them.

This idea naturally comes from Yang Xu.

No surprises.

As soon as Yang Xu appeared, all the disciples, both core and elite, exclaimed:

"Brother Yang Xu!"

"Brother Yang Xu is back!"

"Great, I just came up with an exquisite swordsmanship, and I will practice it for Brother Yang Xu!"

"Me too, inspired by my brother last time, I made a trick..."

Eyes of admiration or envy all concentrated on Yang Xu.

"This kid, the popularity in Lingyun is not so high."

Teacher Meng laughed blankly.

"You have already prepared to deal with me, right?"

Surrounded by everyone, Song Qing, the elder of Song Song, a pair of gloomy eyes flashed.

"Elder Song, if you obey your hand, you can just give it a shot!"

It was Hao Jian that kid who led the core disciples to attack.

At this time, he didn't have the usual hippie smile, and his awkward face was awe-inspiring.

"Huh, do you guys still want to clean me up? It's almost the same as a grown-up! You..."

"Do it!"

Hao Jian has been with Yang Xu for a long time, and even has a personality similar to Yang Xu.

Now that he decided to do it, he was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Brush brush!

In the blink of an eye, dozens of powerful crossbow arrows shot at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu covered up and down.

However, after the crossbow arrow, huffling!

Rolling flame soul, hit him overwhelmingly.

Song Qing was surprised:

"What is this tactic! Why have I never seen it?"

"This is the multi-arms coordination tactic proposed by Yang Xugang, of course you have never seen it!"

Hao Jian sneered and waved his hand:

Hula hula!

The ground under Song Qing's feet suddenly turned into a swamp.

Feeling the body sinking, Song Qing suddenly shook his feet and rose into the air.


Waiting for him, it was the flames and meteor rocks that were smashed down in the sky, and the meteor rockets overwhelming!

Just a few moments.

Song Qingshu felt exhausted and embarrassed.

"Song Qingshu is so weak? It completely falls into Hao Jian's rhythm."

Yang Xu smiled and looked at Hao Jian:

"This kid brought the team to look decent."

Teacher Meng nodded and said:

"You guys don't know where to get luck, you just have good strength. Your friends are actually very talented. These days they have made rapid progress, especially the girl named Xiong Ruolan, who actually has a very old flying heritage. Feather Bloodline..."

He praised again and again.

And just at this time.

"Can't go on like this! Heart Demon Curse Sword, kill!"

Song Qing shouted, hum!

In the center of his eyebrows, a black sword-shaped mark glowed black.


His two pupils turned into two black swords at an alarming speed.

Then his eyes were completely dark, as if enchanted.

A horrible coercion erupted from all over him.

"Nine Level Soul Emperor Realm!!"

Hao Jian took a deep breath:

"how can that be!"

He strongly suppressed the shock in his heart and said in a deep voice:

"The enemy has changed, retreat quickly!"


In front of the strong enemy, all the core disciples are well-trained and retreat and disperse in an orderly manner.

The next battle is not about them.

"Where to go!"

Song Qing's breath is violent, and he is about to kill.


Several elders flashed in front of Song Qingshu.

Their faces were covered with dignity.

Soul Emperor Realm strong, only the top sect will have.

Ling Yunzong has never had such a master.

"Song Qingshu, it is not easy for Zongmen to train you over the years. Give up this magic sword, everything is okay to discuss!"

"Hahaha, you old things, do you think I am a child? So easy to be fooled by you?"

Song Qingshu's eyes flashed with hatred:

"Now I am stronger than you, I am the boss! Obey what I said, otherwise die!"

His eyes glared, boom!

An elder was shocked by his eyes!


Everyone took a deep breath:

Ninth-level Soul Emperor Realm is so terrifying!

"Old and immortal things, don't say I don't give you a chance, obediently let Yang Xu come out to see me! I want this guy to shatter his body!"

The faces of several elders suddenly changed:

"Yang Xu has no guilt with you, why do you target him?"

"Haha, no injustice or no hatred? Farting! Since the hybrid came to Lingyun, Lao Tzu's plan has not been smooth! Without him, I would not be forced to end like this!"


He hit with a palm.

The elder of the rhetorical question was shot directly by him.

The whole field fell into silence.

No one expected that Song Qingshu's strength soared to such a level.

All the elders present were afraid to act rashly.


A black magic sword flew out of Song Qing's eyebrows:

"I have limited patience! Give Yang Xu immediately!"

"Hand over Yang Xu's bastard, I can consider spare your life! Otherwise, I will kill the whole Ling Yunzong without killing me!"

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