Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 231: Soul Emperor is still hanging!

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Chapter 231 Soul Emperor Hangs Still!

The faces of several elders changed.

You look at me, I look at you, look a little hesitant.

"I want us to betray Brother Yang and dream!"

The disciples didn't wait for the elder to decide, they all burst into shouts.

"Brother Yang Xu, his goal is you, don't stay here, leave!"

The brothers and sisters around Yang Xu whispered to Yang Xu.

Unexpectedly, Song Qing Shu Xiu improved greatly, and his ear strength also improved greatly.


His indifferent eyes suddenly locked Yang Xu:

"It turns out that you have already arrived! Obediently come to me, suicide and guilt, I can forgive others a dog's life! Otherwise, you die, everyone in Ling Yunzong will die!"

He was surrounded by the terrifying breath of the ninth-level Soul Emperor.

Never before has a powerful force flooded the whole body.

"Brother, don't go!"

"This person is extremely dangerous..."

"Yangxu, don't go to the past, the big difference will end in all!"

Hao Jian their faces were determined.

"Oh, Tong Yi has all come out. Are you like this? A clown jumping beam."

Yang Xu smiled faintly.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, brush!

He blinked in front of Song Qingshu.

"Old guy, here I am, what do you want?"

Yang Xu looked at Song Qingshu playfully.

At the moment, Song Qingshu, his hair disheveled, and his clothes were covered with a mouth and dark burn marks.

To be embarrassed.

"Uhhhhhhhhh! It's also the elder of the law enforcement hall, but it's like a dog."

Yang Xu smiled.

"Dirty beast! I am here because of you! If it were not for you, I..."

"Okay, there is no end!"

Yang Xu interrupted him coldly:

"Brother is not here to listen to you whispering and complaining. Brother's time is very valuable, there is no time to waste on you, any tricks to use it quickly."

Nima, so arrogant?

Everyone was stunned by Yang Xu's arrogance.

"Doesn't he know that he is facing a powerful soul emperor?"

The stunned face of everyone, even a kind of dreamy feeling.

If they were known, Yang Xu not only dared to face the powerful soul emperor realm.

Even he personally beheaded a soul emperor.

I wonder what expression they will have?

"Yangxu! At this time, you are still bluffing? I am the Soul Emperor Realm, and my strength is arrogant. The entire Lingyunzong nobody is my opponent, you..."

"You are Nima! Can't you fight? Lao Tzu is showing up. You are still chattering, are you talking stand-up comedy?"

The contempt on Yang Xu's face was unabashed.



A pagoda suddenly floated in mid-air.

Yang Xu was too lazy to talk nonsense, he snapped his fingers and groaned!

The Linhuang sword suddenly came out of the sheath, and the sharp sword light severely slashed to Song Qingshu.


Directly cut Song Qing into two halves.

"Quick sword!"

Everyone was surprised:

"Song Qingshu solved with a sword?"

Everyone froze for a moment.


Next second!


Song Qingshu's body was cut in half and turned into two black lights, flashing.

It was once again united!

"Hahaha! My Sword of Magic Curse is immune to all swordsmanship! Your sword will not kill me! How are you, are you stupid?"

Song Qingshu laughed wildly.

A arrogant look like the only one in the world.

Everyone took a deep breath:

"Swords cannot be cut? What should I do?"

Yang Xu rolled his eyes fiercely:


I thought you had something to do with the sky.

Swordsmanship is not dead, are you very bullish?

Brother too!

"Heart Demon Sword Art, kill me!"

Song Qing laughed coldly and brushed!

The black magic sword communicates with Song Qing's carelessness.

An idea, the magic sword turned into a black light, and severely cut Xiang Yangxu.


The magic sword directly cut Yang Xu's head into two halves.

All Lingyun disciples have changed their complexion:

"Brother Yang Xu was hit!"

"how can that be!"

And just in the next second.


Golden flames shone at Yang Xu's wound!

The injury recovered instantly!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Song Qing is stupid:

"This...how is this possible...you..."

"Aren't you stupid? Ha ha, it's nothing more than not being afraid of sword cutting, bad street skills. By the way, you're just not afraid of sword cutting. I'm not afraid of any physical attacks."

Yang Xu shrugged:

"Old guy, your biggest card is the heart demon curse sword technique? Now it doesn't work for me, do you have any other means?"


Everyone looked a little speechless.

Especially Yang Xu's calm and even arrogant appearance makes everyone suddenly have an illusion:

Who is Soul Emperor Realm?

Why does it seem that Yang Xu is the stronger one?

Song Qing's face was dull.

He didn't expect that his proud pride was so worthless to Yang Xu.

"Damn! You deceive people too much! You..."

He has been with you for a long time, and he hasn't said any tricks.

"It seems that you haven't moved, then I should shoot myself!"

Swordsmanship doesn't work, then I will use magic!

"Dark Buddhism Heart Tribulation!"

Yang Xu's body suddenly burst into light.

His hands were swiftly printed, and golden Sanskrit flew like butterflies.

at the same time.

Wan Jian Wan Cao Bu Tu suddenly burst into a black awn.

Heimang wrapped the whole pagoda like a ghost tower.

The dark ghost tower, lingering around the spirit of the ghost, click and click!

The void is crushed.

A breath of terror locked Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu felt only a fear from the bottom of his heart, from the soul.

In an instant, he even forgot to fight back.

I saw the dark ghost tower, straddling the shackles of space and hit him in an instant.

When Song Qingshu reacted, it was too late.


He was knocked out.

I just feel that my internal organs are all in shock.

A great force made him almost fall apart.


Song Qing spit out blood.

Everyone was shocked:

"Yang Xu vomited blood at level nine Soul Emperor?"

"It's so easy? Did Yang Xu meet a fake Soul Emperor?"

"Mind Curse Sword Art!"

Song Qingshu's expression was anxious.


The Magic Sword was summoned by Song Qing and shot back.

"Want to find it to help you? Set me!"


Amidst the thousands of swords and robbers, a burst of black gas suddenly burst out.

They turned into black claws and grabbed the magic sword.

"Magic sword! Come back soon!"

Song Qing was spitting blood.

"I happen to be collecting spirit swords recently, your magic sword belongs to me!"

Yang Xu smiled, brushed!

The magic sword was dragged into the floating tower.

Everyone was dumbfounded and speechless:


"Yang Xu snatched his weapon?"

"I'm going, this floating tower is too good!"

Regardless of how Song Qingshu summons and how to urge the heart magic curse sword technique.

The black magic sword never responded at all.

"What did you do to my magic sword? I..."

"Less nonsense! Little tower, hang him!"

Yang Xu thought in a moment, hum!

Ten Thousand Swords Tribune Buddhism broke through the void, and instantly flashed over Song Qing's head.


The black runes curled up and turned into a rune chain that bound Song Qing to layers.

Then, in everyone's amazed eyes.

Hang him in the air!

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