Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 232: Sovereign request

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Chapter 232 Sect Master's Request

"Aren't you afraid of swordsmanship?"

Yang Xu took out an iron sword and smiled toward Song Qing.

"You... what are you going to do..."

"Don't worry, you will know right away."

Yang Xu smiled a little gloomy.

Under the eyes of everyone.

Poor Song Qingshu was suspended in the air.

That black weird rune sealed off all his energy.


A sword flashed through.


Song Qingshu screamed.


A piece of his flesh was cut off and fell to the ground mixed with blood.

"This sword is your price to instigate Song Haishan against the Yang family."


Cut off another piece of meat.

"This is the price you make Ling Yunzong Xuezang suppress me!"

"Ah... it hurts! You have the ability to give me a happy heart!"

Song Qing shouted.

"I'm going to be happy now? It wasn't like what you did when you showed off your strength just now."

Yang Xu looked at him with a smirk, another sword easily.


Song Qingshu's wailing noise spread throughout Lingyunzong.

【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the second-level soul king, reward experience value +800000, true energy value +80,000, points value +8000! 】

[Congratulations to the player, have you learned the skill "Heart Demon Sword Art" x1, do you learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the equipment: Heart Demon Sword x1! Is it equipped? 】


"Song Qing was so late!"

All the teachers and brothers looked at Xiang Yangxu in horror:

"It's terrifying! It's just a bang!"

"Even the ninth-level Soul Emperor is not Yang Xu's opponent!

"Dangling the soul emperor realm, how powerful Yang Xu is now!"

For a time, everyone looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze and became more and more amazed and admired!

Even the elders were horrified.


However, there were a few former disciples of the inner door who were not convinced by Yang Xu:

"Huh, what's so great! So Song Qingshu is only temporarily possessing Soul Emperor Realm cultivation behavior, he is not familiar with Soul Emperor Realm, his strength is greatly reduced, and he can't exert real power at all!"

The words immediately attracted people to shell:

"You're **** loud enough after your **** horse! Why didn't you get in when the elder was beaten just now?"

"Huh, I was scared like a rabbit just now, so I don't dare to put one. The enemy is now taken by Brother Yang Xu. You are here to pretend to be a big tail wolf! What!"

"That's it! You can't even match Brother Yang with one finger!"

Now Yang Xu has become the object of worship for all Lingyun disciples.

Whoever dares to say that Yang Xu is facing the saliva of the entire disciple of Ling Yunzong!

Go back to the room.

Yang Xu looked at what Song Qing sparse:

[Practice: Heart Demon Curse Sword Art

Grade: S grade

Description: Use the method of blood refining to temper the magic sword, and use the mind to control the magic sword!

Description 2: Infiltrate the whole body with endless magic power to stimulate the potential of the flesh, which can increase the cultivation base by 500% in a short time!

Description 3: Those who are unwilling to practice for a long time are in danger of becoming enchanted! 】

"Actually, the cultivation can be increased by 500%, which is really amazing. Unfortunately, the side effects are too great, and there is a danger of getting enchanted."

Yang Xu shook his head slightly regretfully.

Look at the magic sword that burst out:

[Equipment: Heart Demon Sword (Incomplete)

Grade: Treasure

Weight: one hundred catties

Description: The magic sword contaminated with the blood of the devil contains deep magic thoughts.

Description 2: Can draw the blood of souls to strengthen themselves and upgrade their grade!

Description 3: Can be parasitic in the soul, scattered and impermanent, the sword moves with the heart, and the enemy is the first level within a hundred thoughts! 】

"Can I draw the blood of the enemy and upgrade the rank?"

Yang Xu's eyes suddenly flashed:

If you let this magic sword draw enough blood, can it become an artifact, or even a weapon?

"Brother Yang Xu, the patriarch will let you go to the hall."

Several brothers came to Yangxu Gate.

"Okay, I'll go by now."

"Heart Demon Sword Art" Yang Xu does not intend to practice.

However, the Heart Demon Curse Sword has great potential, and Yang Xu integrated it into the Wanjian Wancao Futu.

Ling Yunzong hall.

All the elders were seated one after another, their faces dignified.

At the top, the suzerain, Jian Yunqian, looked a little calm.

The hall is very quiet.

"Yo, so many people."

Yang Xu walked into the hall with a smile.

Jian Yunqian looked suddenly relaxed:

"Yangxu, you can count."

The eyes of the whole hall focused on Yang Xu.

Especially for several elders, the look of Xiang Yangxu was a little complicated.

On the one hand, Yang Xu vigorously beat Song Qingshu so that all the elders saw a powerful rising star, which is rising.

They are pleased.

On the other hand, they are also so sad that Yang Xu is so young that they have far exceeded their strength.

Except the elders.

Xiong Feng and Hao Jian also frowned at Yang Xu.

They are all representatives of core disciples.

When the head of Ling Yunzong made a decision, the representatives of the core disciples could listen.

This is also proposed by Yang Xu.

"I don't know what the suzerain called me to do?"

Yang Xu asked.

"Oh, you sit down and say."

Jian Yunqian's words slightly changed the faces of the elders:

Is this to let Yang Xu sit on par with them?

Think for a moment.

The elders suddenly looked calm:

The great contribution made by Yang Xu as a sect, and his current status.

It is indeed eligible to sit on par with them.

Besides, there are big things to come next to this kid.

Yang Xu sat calmly.

Some core disciples suddenly frowned, slightly dissatisfied.

But no one ignored them.

"Yangxu, there will be a zoning final match soon. This final match is in the Sky Eagle City next to the Imperial City."

"Oh, Sky Eagle City, one of the four famous cities in the Tianfeng Kingdom."

The crowd talked.

"What does the patriarch mean?"

"I mean this qualifier, I hope you can participate."

Jian Yunqian looked dignified.

"Wow, isn't it just to participate in a grading competition, I thought it was such a solemn event."

The grading competition is a competition that ranks Zongmen.

Just like the previous job title.

Generally, the ranking is based on Zong Men's usual performance and the results in the competition.

He looked slightly hesitant, Jian Yunqian looked at Yang Xu expectantly.

Several other elders also knew that the key was coming.

Can not help but also looked at Yang Xu solemnly.

"Yang Xu, our Ling Yunzong has always been classified as a third-rate school. It is really difficult to tell. Now our sect has improved in strength. If you can, can you lead everyone into the second-rate school?"

Jian Yunqian cautiously said.

"Second class?"

Yang Xu frowned.

The elders took a breath immediately:


"Alas, if Lian Yangxu is not confident, I am afraid that Ling Yunzong has no hope of becoming second-rate.

The elders shook their heads slightly disappointed.

"Why grab second-rate?"

When Yang Xu made this remark, everyone was stunned.

"Since we want to compete, we must strive for first-class!"

"What! Yang Xu, how dare you say that!"

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