Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 233: If you want to compete, strive for first-class!

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Chapter 233: Striving for First Class!

The elders had not spoken yet.

Those core disciples who had long been dissatisfied with Yang Xu called out:

"Are you a first-class sect? Is it Chinese cabbage? You can get it if you want it? Blowing cowhide without drafting, you are not afraid to flash your tongue!"

An inch-sized young man sneered sarcastically.

Yang Xu glanced at him:

"What's this duo?"


I probably didn't expect Yang Xu to speak so politely, and someone couldn't help laughing.

Hao Jian rolled his eyes and despised:

"A stupid man who doesn't even need to remember his name, just ignore him."

"Hao Jian, you shut up! I'm thinking about Zongmen! Yang Xu is self-righteous and has no one in his eyes. Let him take the redemption to participate in the grading competition, and it will definitely cause a big disaster!"

The inch-headed youth stared at Yang Xu quietly:

"Don't think that you can kill Song Qingshu, it's amazing, you just have good luck, kill a paper tiger! If it is..."

"It's Ni Ma's an egg! Whose crotch is not fastened, revealing your stuff? Is there something for you to talk about?"

Cuntou's eyes were tightened by Yang Xu's cold eyes.

He insisted:

"Yangxu, you are nothing, you are just lucky!"

"Yes! Yang Xu, you have the ability to fight us!"

"We were all true inner disciples, and you are just an outer disciple. Why should we climb on our heads?"

Those core disciples who have been so jealous for a long time couldn't help it.

Originally, they were all disciples of Ling Yunzong, with high status and various privileges.

However, because of Yang Xu's suggestions, they suddenly fell to the ground from the clouds.

Not only is the status worse than before.

Even the privileges are gone!

In order to maintain the position of the core disciples, they even had to practice hard every day.

Yang Xu hated him.

"Yang Xu! We are not convinced, you have the ability to fight me! I want to pierce your fake face!"

Six or seven core disciples stood out.

Yang Xu could not help but raise his eyebrow:

"Well, I didn't think that Ling Yunzong still hid several scum like you. Okay, do you want to fight?"

Yang Xuchao looked at several elders.

The elders nodded.

Yang Xu looked at Jian Yunqian again.

Jian Yunqian nodded and added a sentence:

"Try not to kill people."

Several core disciples smiled coldly:

"The Sovereign is assured that we have a heavy hand and will not kill Yang Xu."

Jian Yunqian glanced at them lightly:

"I said to Yang Xu."


The other core disciples in the hall were all laughing out loud.

Facing the mocking eyes of everyone, these core disciples looked red.

All stared at Yang Xu angrily:

"Say! Who are you going to challenge first!"

They made up their minds, no matter who Yang Xu picked, they must repair him hard!

Where do you know.

Yang Xu took his ears lazily:

"I don't have time to waste some of your waste. Going together, I'll solve both of them."


The noisy hall suddenly became quiet.

"Let them go together?"

"And both of them are solved?"

All the shocking eyes fell on Yang Xu.

Although they believe that Yang Xu is strong enough.

But the joint attack of several core disciples, even the elders, were not sure that they could easily suppress it.

Not to mention solved within two strokes!

"Is Brother Yang Xu too arrogant?"

Some core disciples are worried that Yang Xu will miss.

Hao Jian said with a smile:

"It's okay, since he dares to say that, it means he can do it."

People quietly went to Yang Xu's master, Jian Nantian, to watch.

Jian Jiantian looked faint.

No worries at all.

Even Sect Master Jian Nantian didn't care.

"Go! Go to Yanwuchang!"

Several core disciples looked at Xiang Yangxu provocatively.

They worry that if they fight, it will damage the main hall.


Yang Xu shook his head lazily again:

"No need to go to Yanwuchang."

He glanced at several people:

"How many waves do you want to make?"


"To bully too much!"

"We will let you know how powerful the inner disciples are!"


There are five people in total, and the lowest level is Soul Master Level 2.

The highest, reached the ninth level of Soul Master.

"We have a lot of people, let you go first, don't say we bully you... bang!"

The person's voice was not dropped, so he was beaten out.

Brush brush brush brush!

Yang Xu's figure flickered into four.

The remaining four are dumbfounded:

"Which one is the ontology?"


One person was beaten out again.

Yang Xu's faint voice came:

"It is the body that hits you!"

The other disciples who watched were dumbfounded:

"It's fast! Yang Xu's strength is stronger than before!"

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

There were three muffled sounds.

Five core disciples of Soul Master Realm, easily solved.

Yang Xu flicked the dust that didn't exist in the jacket angle, and looked at the five people on the ground with a faint smile:

"I'm not convinced that you are miscellaneous fish. Are you cool now? Dare to challenge me again, and abolish you!"

His cold sneer caused all five people to shock.

They finally realized how huge the gap was with Yang Xu.

Others who were not convinced by Yang Xu originally.

Can't help but secretly rejoice at this moment, did not rush.

Yang Xu's current strength is far from what they can fight!

"Then it is so decided, I will take the lead in this qualifier. Let's strive to send Ling Yunzong to the throne of first-class sect! Are you confident?"


【Ding! ! 】

[Congratulations to the player. Trigger the main task. Do you accept it? 】


[Main task: rank among the best!

Task content: Help Ling Yunzong successfully enter the ranks of first-class sect.

Mission rewards: experience value + 1 million, true energy value + 100,000, points + 10,000!

Phantom Spirit Realm enters chance x1!

Mysterious treasure box x1!

S-level draw chance x1! 】

"Phantom Spirit Realm enters the opportunity? It seems that the mission must be completed!"

Yang Xu's eyes flickered with gleam.

Three days later.

Lian Yi took Yang Xu's hand with a sad face.

The brothers and sisters not far away looked enviously and amusingly:

"Brother Yang Xu's relationship with women is really good."

"Okay baby, I will be back soon, I promise you, and I will take you to the lotus family to ask for a marriage!"

Lian Yi's eyes lit up suddenly:

"That's it!"

Her eyes grunted:

"Also! To Feiying City, you must pass through the site of Misty Palace. You must keep a distance from Yao Xueyi! Otherwise, I will not spare you!"

"Good, I promise you."

Separated from Lianyi, the crowd went to Flying Eagle City.

"Brother Xiong, we have to rely on us for this final match."

Yang Xu Chao Xiong Feng Road.

Xiong Feng, Hao Wu and they have made rapid progress since they were personally trained by the elders.

Now he has become the core figure of Ling Yun's disciples.

Xiong Feng, in particular, is informal and has a natural affinity.

Among the many disciples in Lingyun, the popularity is second only to Yang Xu.

"Er, Yang Xu, are you really confident you can enter the first-class sect?"

Xiong Feng is more conservative in this regard.

"Relax, I am confident!"

Most of the qualifiers are played in teams.

Yang Xu believes that with his current strength and means, coupled with Xiong Feng and others.

It is not a problem to advance to the top rank!

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