Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 234: Woman's heart

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234 Woman Heart

Misty palace.

Riyue Wenying watched Yang Xu send her Tianzhu wrapped in silk, and she was dazed.

On the beautiful face, just write two words:


"Master, sister, she went out to fight someone again! Why didn't you stop her?"

Yao Xueyi came in.

Seeing Riyue Wenying 801 looking at the shadows of that day, she was fascinated.

She couldn't help but stunned.

"Alas, even if Master has been confused like this, I don't know how charming Master Yang Xu is."


She couldn't help wrinkling:

"Master, sister and sister have been fighting with someone for such a whole day. It's not a way. In case she is in danger..."

She rolled her eyes:

"Master, look at this. You can untie the memory of the sister's seal. The sister is so pitiful..."

Riyue Wenying rolled her eyes fiercely:

"No, she unlocked her seal, and this dead girl robbed me again!"

Yao Xueyi is about to cry:

"But you don't untie the seal of the sister and sister, she wants to grab a man from Tu'er! Now she thinks Yang Xu is her dream person..."

"Isn't that just right, Xueyi, you might as well be generous, let your sister, and give Yang Xu half of her."

"Then Master, why don't you distribute the mysterious man halfway to the sister?"

"Of course not!"

Riyue Wenying took for granted:

"Master has true love with him, how can it be shared with other women?"

Make Yao Xueyi angry:

"Then my relationship with Yang Xu is not fake!"

She stared angrily at Master.

The current master has completely changed his style from before.

The whole is a nympho.

Sure enough, will women become stupid when they are in love?

Ten miles away from the ethereal palace.

"Wanwan, Lu Qingyun has some fame in the younger generation. Why do you always swear at me?"

A handsome man, passionate eyes staring at Wan Wan.

"I'm a genius, am I going to be with you? What do you think of me?"

Wan Wan's eyes were indifferent.

At this time, she was masked by red yarn, wearing a red dress, holding a black whip, and sitting across the snow-white horse.

A trace of obsession flashed in Lu Qingyun's eyes.

See Wanwan Wan looking straight ahead of the road.

Lu Qingyun couldn't help but look cold and said:

"Girl Wanwan, aren't you waiting for that Yang Xu? I heard that you told Yang Xu..."


The black horse whip, pulling his head and covering his face, drawn to Lu Qingyun:

"How dare you surnamed Lu investigate me! Believe it or not I killed you!"


Lu Qingyun's sword fluttered around his body, as if splitting the space.

Blink flashed ten meters away.

He sneered coldly:

"Girl Wanwan, if a man loves a woman, he will be jealous. If you can make him jealous, maybe he..."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Qingyun smiled and said:

"It's not interesting, of course I want to help Wanwan girl. In this way, I will accompany you in a play and pretend to be your favorite person. If Yang Xu sees jealousy, it means that he is affectionate for you, if he doesn't Jealous... what are you doing!"


Wan Wan urged the horse to rush, and the horse whip pulled towards Lu Qingyun fiercely:

"What do you count, it is also suitable to sit up with Yang Xuping and want him to be jealous! Even if one finger is ten times more precious than you! What are you qualified to make him angry!"

Lu Qingyun was annoyed:

"I'll fight back if I come again! Don't think that you are the sage of the ethereal palace! It's amazing! I'm one of the four princes of Flying Eagle City! I'll fight back if I hit it again! You still fight... watch!"


A sword of light tore the void, flashing coldly and violently towards the Wan Wan.

Wan Wan's expression was cold, waving the black whip in his hand, and pulled hard towards the sword.


The whip burst directly into powder.

Lu Qingyun sneered:

"There are many more women that Ye has played with! You are a saint who gives you face, what do you count if you don't give you face!"


A small tower suddenly protected in front of Wanwan.

The void collapsed into a web-like crack instantly.


Lu Qingyun's sword was directly cut on the tower.

The little pagoda is still.


Lu Qingyun was suddenly flew out by the small tower!

"Then what do you count, and dare to spread wild on the site of the Misty Palace!"


A figure flashed.


Wan Wan's eyes suddenly lighted up, and the whole cold face was instantly full of surprises.

She was about to exclaim.

But shut up in time.

Before Yang Xu opened her mouth, she tried to slap her face with a slap:

"What are you doing! Don't disturb me and my friends practicing sword!"

Wan Wan instantly flashed to Lu Qingyun's side.

A pair of fierce eyes cast an intimidating look towards Lu Qingyun.

Lu Qingyun looked shocked.

Then he moved closer to Wanwan for a minute and looked at Xiang Yangxu with a sneer:

"Who are you, dare to care about me and Wanwan?"

Yang Xu couldn't help laughing.

He saw through Wanwan's trick at a glance.

Eyes swept over Lu Qingyun:

"Wan Wan, if you ask others to cooperate with you in acting, I may be too lazy to control. But Lu Qingyun is a scumbag, I have to shoot."

Along the way, Yang Xu met several desperate women one after another.

They were all cheated by this **** Lu Qingyun.

Yang Xu received the task of the system feeder and punished Lu Qingyun.

Follow the system prompt to come here.

I did not expect to encounter Wan Wan.

"Huh, you guys want to fight, then you guys play! I'm leaving!"

Wan Wan's eyes rolled round and walked away.

Lu Qingyun will follow when he is on the horse.

"You stay with me!"

The figure of Yang Xu flashed, Boom!

Kick Lu Qingyun off the horse.

Zema galloped for a while.

When Wanwan Rama heard it, he hesitated:

"Yang Xu won't really share his life and death with him?"

A trace of worry flashed in her eyes:

"Although Lu Qingyun's character is not good, his swordsmanship is extremely powerful. In case Yang Xu is not his opponent..."

After a second thought, she bit her teeth again:

"Well, I don't care! Yang Xu, a bearish person, is looking for another woman behind me! It should be cleaned up!"

She patted the horse:

"Bai Xue, do you want me to help the bearish person?"

Rule of Law!

The horse snorted and nodded.

Wan Wan couldn't help staring at Xingyan:

"Even you are attracted to Yang Xu? Where are you from? I won't save him!"

After riding for a while, Wanwan frowned again:

"If Yang Xu wins, it's okay. If he loses, is he not injured to ask me to take care of it? In case he dies, sister must not blame me for life!"

"Hey, Shirayuki, why don't you decide to save or not?"

Rule of Law!

The horse snorted again.

This time it learned to be smart and shook his head firmly.

"Bai Xue, you shake your head for a while and nod. Will you help me? Lastly, I will ask you once, do you want me to go back?"

The horse still shook his head.

Wan Wan Xing's eyes suddenly glared:

"You stupid horse without conscience! Yang Xu hit you or scold you? Don't let me save him? Why should this girl listen to you! You don't let me go back, I want to go back!"

Da da da!

She turned her horse's head quickly and galloped away in the direction of Yang Xu.

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